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Westside Steve

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I say stop aid to Egypt.




Also, Syria has chemical weapons?? I wonder where they got them from?? If only there was a country nearby that had used chemical weapons in the past, and maybe moved/sold those weapons when the UN announced via a parade & ribbon cutting ceremony that they would be inspecting said country for chemical weapons.


If only..

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Stop the aid NOW. Actually, I read where ObaMao quietly did just that, for now.

I'm still amazed at the spokesperson woman saying

"We have determined that we don't need to make a determination" on the subject of whether or not it was a coup,

if I remember it correctly....

The people of Egypt elected a mistake just like we did...@@ I'm glad the military got rid of the Muslim Bro idiot.

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Although, the Catch-22 is, that Russia and China probably already have been anyways. Certain countries

just play both sides for $$$$$$.


You can't buy friends, especially on the international scene.

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No the catch 22 is if we send aid who do we send it to, the military that is actively cracking down and outed a democratically elected official or to the other side that is the Muslim Brotherhood who supports more Islamic style laws.


The US government doesn't give a shit what kind of laws the government wants to install. The only thing they care about is if it increases their control in the region ie. We are allies with Saudi Arabia who punishes foreigners according to sharia law.

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Big difference between Egypt and Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia has lots of oil.


And Egypt controls the Suez canal which is essential for getting said oil out of the region. If you can't go through Suez, you must go south past Eritrea, Yemen, and Ethiopia: pirate country. You don't want to ship out of the Persian Gulf either because of Iran.

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And Egypt controls the Suez canal which is essential for getting said oil out of the region. If you can't go through Suez, you must go south past Eritrea, Yemen, and Ethiopia: pirate country. You don't want to ship out of the Persian Gulf either because of Iran.


Its not that essential, until 2010 most tankers couldn't even go through the Suez canal and even now they can only have about 60% of the tankers. So only tankers heading to Europe from the middle east go that route, while if heading to North America/South America they around the horn of Africa to the south. You have to ship out of the Persian Gulf there is no other way for countries like Qatar, Kuwait, and Iraq.

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No, Morsi WAS the Muslim Brotherhood. He ran a stealth campaign,


and then betrayed all those who elected him.


From Wikipedia:


"Mohamed Morsi was educated in Egyptian public schools and universities; he was later granted a scholarship from the Egyptian government to prepare for a PhD degree in the United States. Morsi was a Member of Parliament in the People's Assembly of Egyptfrom 2000 to 2005, and a leading member in the Muslim Brotherhood. He became Chairman of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) when it was founded by the Muslim Brotherhood in the wake of the 2011 Egyptian revolution. He stood as the FJP's candidate for theMay–June 2012 presidential election."

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We send them tank kits which stay crated and unused. I seriously doubt if they have a purposeful tank battle plan. They don't need tanks short of the limited usage they see in their frequent civil uprisings. Their military learned the hard way that they don't have a clue when it comes to tactical tank battles. The Jews utterly destroyed them in the 7 Day War of 1967.

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Its not that essential, until 2010 most tankers couldn't even go through the Suez canal and even now they can only have about 60% of the tankers. So only tankers heading to Europe from the middle east go that route, while if heading to North America/South America they around the horn of Africa to the south. You have to ship out of the Persian Gulf there is no other way for countries like Qatar, Kuwait, and Iraq.


You can take out oil from Saudi Arabia so long as the Hormuz Strait is at peace. If Iran gets uppity and wants to take control of it, they could give a US supercarrier group a good fight. Anti-ship missiles worked against the Royal Navy in the Falklands, and they're even better today. Additionally, they're pretty well trained in asymmetric warfare, and our navy would be going up against hundreds if not a few thousand fast missile boats (I really doubt they have 20,000 as they claim to).


Egypt has strategic value. Not as much as the Saudis, but it's pretty high up there. If the new Egyptian government is not friendly to the US, then it will put us at a strategically disadvantaged position.

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Obama is going to send aid to the Muslim Brotherhood.




Obama has ties with these terrorists ( see 25 Egyptian policeman murdered at the hands of the MB)


introducing his half brother Malik Obama






conflict of interest much mr. president?


Malik has attended at least one conference in Sudan’s Khartoum, where he met with Sudan President Omar Al-Bashir. Because of the slaughter al-Basher oversaw in Sudan, he is wanted by the International Criminal Court on seven counts tied to crimes against humanity. According to Walid Shoebat, a former PLO operative who is now an ardent foe of radical Islam, Malik’s activities place him firmly ““in bed with terrorists, working in a terrorist state as an official of an organization created by terrorists.”


Tehani al-Gebali, the vice President of Egypt’s Supreme Constitutional Court gave a speech (which Shoebat translated) explicitly stating the Court’s desire “to inform the American people that their president’s brother Obama is one of the architects of the major investments of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

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If the State Department or the CIA knows shit from shinola about any of these groups it would make the choice a little, not a lot, easier. If in fact the military is standing between Egypt and a Muslim dictatorship then I say roll the dice and send them the money. If it turns out they get defeated then we are shit out of luck much like we were when we took a chance and bailed on the Shah of Iran.

I realize the consequences could be dire and the situation for curious on its best day but half assed support for one side or the other doesn't benefit us and the whole long run..


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You can take out oil from Saudi Arabia so long as the Hormuz Strait is at peace. If Iran gets uppity and wants to take control of it, they could give a US supercarrier group a good fight. Anti-ship missiles worked against the Royal Navy in the Falklands, and they're even better today. Additionally, they're pretty well trained in asymmetric warfare, and our navy would be going up against hundreds if not a few thousand fast missile boats (I really doubt they have 20,000 as they claim to).


Egypt has strategic value. Not as much as the Saudis, but it's pretty high up there. If the new Egyptian government is not friendly to the US, then it will put us at a strategically disadvantaged position.

If Iran was able to blockade(or atleast reduce shipping) the Hormuz Straight the Suez Canal would not have that much more traffic, if the Hormuz Straight is lost there isn't a great secondary route besides shipping west across Saudi Arabia to the Red Sea or South though Oman to the Gulf of Oman. The traffic through the canal would likely not increase by much(if at all) and if the canal is lost and shipments disrupted it would hurt EU alot and us a little.


Egypt has strategic value more for our allies in EU, and for our allies in Israel.

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