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Liberals - it's all about the camel's nose in under the tent.


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They plan on the rest of the camel to be inside the tent.



Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said President Barack Obama’s landmark health care law is a step toward an eventual all-out single-payer system where the government pays for health care costs instead of private insurers, The Las Vegas Sun reported:


Reid said he thinks the country has to “work our way past” insurance-based health care during a Friday night appearance on Vegas PBS’ program “Nevada Week in Review.”

“What we’ve done with Obamacare is have a step in the right direction, but we’re far from having something that’s going to work forever,” Reid said.

When then asked by panelist Steve Sebelius whether he meant ultimately the country would have to have a health care system that abandoned insurance as the means of accessing it, Reid said: “Yes, yes. Absolutely, yes.”




now Reid is ADMITTING that Obamaocare is all about getting rid of our medical insurance



Of course it is. Those of us who knew it all along said so. And heck was all soaked in Egypt...


Well, now Reid is saying exactly what we said. It's about takeover, making everybody dependent

on gov in the long run.


Same thing for gun ownership. Why, they just want insurance for the "uninsured"...

and they just want a national database and registration of all guns by innocent American citizens.


The secret truth is, they just want to find out where they are, and get rid of them in the long run.

Feinstein has admitted it, several national dirty socialist style dems admitted it.

Now, Reid is saying what the truth is, about Obamaocare.


It's all about more control, more power. And any narrative that gets them that power, they

will use to the hilt.

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Cal I'm not for the Obama care what so ever, but this country needs to get these insurance companies in check. If I was to lose my job I could keep my insurance for nearly $1800. Per quarter. WTF is that. Every presidential candidate preaches Health care reform and well that's it. I will give obama credit that he did go through with it but its such a failure.

I do look at it this way if 1 in 5 people are already on some sort of assistance I would assume that 1/5 has health assistance also. So im already paying for something that don't benefit me how much more do I or my employer have to spend for it to benefit me?

But Insurance companies are some of the wealthiest companies in america and I don't see the government passing socialized H.C. and bankrupting companies with so much power in this country.

So that just brings us back to square one. Maybe I'm wrong but that's how I see it.

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No, you aren't wrong, there some things that need to be fixed. Obamaocare doesn't fix them.


All the damn dems had to do, is go in with the reps, and pass a gov low cost insurance for people to buy.


Not this whole sheetload of intimidation and huge moves toward a single payer system that

outlaws private insurance.


They could have simply been competition for the private med insurance industry, or simply been a

backup for those who lost their insurance, or can't afford a freakin 1800 dollar a month private insurance.

Man, that's high. Mine is about one third of that, and that's because my Wifie retired from teaching.


A solution is needed, and all we got was a gigantic, expensive mistake that is screwing up the works.


All that talk about the millions with no insurance, and Obamaocare would cause millions to LOSE their insurance.


I don't know the solution, but most of America is finding out that it certainly isn't Obamaocare at all.

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i think you misread my post cal its 1800 per quarter. it was $1900 and change but we switched providers to upmc and it saved about a hundred bucks a quarter, and its way better coverage and co-pays.

But also heard the rumor that if you have the ability to get insurance through work and either didnt pick it up or let it lapse for what ever reason you will get dinged on your tax return $700.00 bucks, again thanks to Obama care...

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i think you misread my post cal its 1800 per quarter.



Oops. You're right... @@


Ohio premiums are going up, they say...

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Here is a good read on the o'bendmeover care.


All of this Obama care $$ is to pay off the national deficit.. Its ok Mr. President, just use more Obama care lube when you pound my bottom for all its worth... again.

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I'm thinking that this will be repealed or redone eventually. Its a total cluster fuck right now.

Thats right, a clusterfuck. Never was a health care crisis. Is one now though.
Just another step toward socialism...Obamas dream of fundamentally changing America.
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