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I'm A Frederick Douglas Repub And Didn't Know It...


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No shit pro gun isn't pro murder. That's the point. Pro choice isn't pro abortion either...


Hahaha you two are Retarded. It's like I'm pointing a laser pointer at the ground and watching two cats chase it


Um no...you're Retarded, or just in denial again. Pro choice IS pro abortion... nothing else. You libs constantly redefine words and twist phrases to suit your agenda. The words "pro choice" humanizes an unhumane act.

Getting pregnant was her choice moron.


You tyring to use the gun owner analogy was lame. It doesn't apply.

Now you get it?

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pro choice condones the murder of unborn and unborn children, as a choice.

So yes, it most certainly is pro abortion as a choice.

Woodpecker, do you need a definition of "condone" ? You that ignorant?

You have a sassy but stupidass mouth on ya, but you don't know jack.


con·done transitive verb \kən-ˈdōn\


Definition of CONDONE

: to regard or treat (something bad or blameworthy) as acceptable, forgivable, or harmless <a government accused of condoning racism> <condone corruption in politics>

— con·don·able adjective

— con·don·er noun

Examples of CONDONE

a government that has been accused of condoning racism

<he is too quick to condone his friend's faults>

“I don't condone violence, and I think ‘gangsta rap’ should be outlawed,” says [designer Tommy] Hilfiger … —Joshua Levine, Forbes, 21 Apr. 1997
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woodpecker translation:


"I just got my ass kicked in every possible direction, so I'm


taking my phone and hiding in my closet with my beanie cap,


my gummie hippo butts, and my hankie and that's all I need...."

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woodypeckerhead translation:

" I'm taking my phone and hiding in my closet with my beanie cap,

my gummie hippo butts, and my hankie and that's all I need....be wewy vewy quiet

and is there a bathroom in here? I can't see anything because nobody turned the light on for me"

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woodypeckerhead translation:

" One time, in band camp, I couldn't find the reed for my flute, but then

my teacher showed me it was in my flute, and then I cried, but everybody

laughed, and ran my underwear up the flag pole, while I was in them, and then

all the rest of the camp laughed and said I was "high", so I got mad and ....and......

uh.....ummm...."pout..sniffle...I hate everybody..."

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I feel like these stories are you projecting your shitty childhood


That story about the kid down the street that everyone made fun of, that was totally you.

These sad band camp stories, that was you.


You are doing all of this incredibly immature bullshit as a coping mechanism for what you went through when you were young.


Man, that sucks dude. I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe that explains all of your views. Why you need to own a gun, why you want to keep gays from marrying (you totally are tough, not a gay!), etc etc.


It really all makes a lot of sense. Even your very immature responses. You revert back to that younger state when responding, while you project, and that causes you to use all of the childish nicknames and tactics.


Man, that's crazy.

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woodypeckerhead translation:

"................I can't think of anything funny to say...so I'll just

use stupid Cal's funny stuff, and make it really stupid and boring,

because that's what I do, I'm a gutless little woodpecker,

who doesn't have a clue, do all I have is verbal online confrontations

with everybody who doesn't agree with me because I'm a sissy woodpecker."


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