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I'm A Frederick Douglas Repub And Didn't Know It...


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As K. Carl Smith explains in his book, Frederick Douglass has provided all Americans with four Life-Empowering Values that, if taught in all communities, could help save America:
Respect for the Constitution
Respect for Life
Limited Government
Personal Responsibility
Throughout his book, Mr. Smith provides example after example of Frederick Douglass’ writings.
This weekend, RedState Gathering attendees in New Orleans were treated to a short 30-minute summary of Frederick Douglass’ story, his lessons, his values, and his message by his messenger, Frederick Douglass Republican K. Carl Smith.



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So, I Googled Frederick Douglass Republicans and basically got what I was expecting in quite a few results. Just a whole lot of things taken out of context and claims that the Republican and Democratic party now = The Republican and Democratic party from 150 years. Really it seems like this is a thing so the Tea Party can go "See, I have a black friend. I can't be racist."


Not that those values you posted are that bad though.

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So, you didn't watch the video. Frederick Douglas was not the man


speaking at the event. Please stick with the content of the original post.

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I'm saying you didn't watch the entire video and you are talking about racism,


which is the exact opposite of the content at hand.

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I was on my phone (and am now). I googled Frederick Douglass Republicans and followed some links.


I my talking about racism in this sense. The Tea Party has the rap of being the old, racist white people party. By finding a prominent black man from history and claiming he'd agree with them they can try to change that image. Its like saying "I'm not racist. I have a black friend."


If I remember to, I'll watch the video when I get home

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Actually we have to find racism over and over as the believe that one race is superior or inferior genetically. Agreeingwith black conservatives would actually mean that someone is not racist but only agrees or disagrees with their particular philosophies whatever they may be. I'm sure you've seen black conservatives called Uncle Tom's. Do you think that's racism? For instance often times people who voted against Barack Obama are called racist. Still if that same person wood and Susie astic Lee vote for Condoleezza Rice or Alan Keyes wouldn't that mean something to you?

I maintain that squealing about racism is a crock of shit in almost all cases. And disingenuous. And cynical.


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Based on what I've read the this group is trying to claim, and how things are taken out of context to "prove" it, that's the impression I got. Again, I'll watch the video, but through a few articles that's what I'm getting out of it.


I mean, this guy had a session called Trump The Race Card: Are You Sick And Tired Of Being Called A Racist When You Know Youre Not One?


Lol, that's a good portion of this board in their own eyes.

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On their main website they have a "Did You Know?" section at the top.


I saw one that said the Three Fifths Clause dealt only with representation and not the worth of an individual. Really? Being counted as three fifths of a person had nothing to do with an individual's worth? I see the point they were trying to make, that the north didn't want them counted and the south did, so they settled on 3/5. So they never explicitly said a black guy was 3/5 a white guy. But the again they weren't people, they were property. The southern Democrats wanted to count their property to benefit themselves politically.


That kind of rolls into the next point. They have a bunch of "Did You Know?"s about the racist things Democrats have done.... 150 years ago. Why that is relevant now idk. Especially with the big flip since then.

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Just read the "Did You Know" page and its obvious to see what they're trying to do.


"I know you think we're racist, but look at all the bad things Democrats have done! Don't mind it was all 100+ years ago... nothing has changed."


Even the last one comes back to tying treating slaves as disposable property and blacks have the most abortions and Dem's "supporting" it means they support disposing of blacks still.


No one is "pro-abortion".... ugh

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Yes. No one (maybe fringe people) walk around WANTING women to have abortions. Its pro-choice, as in, it is the women's choice. Clearly prevention of the pregnancy in the first place through education, etc is best if the woman knew she'd get an abortion anyway.


The point is it's pro choice, not pro abortion. Get it?


Just like people that are pro gun don't call themselves pro killing

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Actually I don't. Even though I'm being somewhat argumentative here you have a choice from the beginning.so maybe a better phrase would be better phrased Pro taking a human life for convenience?


I think a lot of people even in the Pro Choice movement have problems with abortion but if they are honest it makes it seem even creepier than it is.


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I my talking about racism in this sense. The Tea Party has the rap of being the old, racist white people party. By finding a prominent black man from history and claiming he'd agree with them they can try to change that image. Its like saying "I'm not racist. I have a black friend."

If I remember to, I'll watch the video when I get home


All this jibber jabber, and you haven't watched the video?


Talk about "out of context"... Woody, seriously, you remind me of that character

on SNL who goes stark ravin angry, makes an angry speech....until someone finally gets her to listen, that she doesn't

even understand what the subject is...and she says...


"oh.....'never mind'"



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You are missing the entire point of the man's speech. The speaker happens to be black.


He's talking about important stuff here.That's why I posted it. I didn't post a bunch of


other stuff, that would be another completely different point.


It's the CONTENT of what the MAN IS SAYING.


So, until you watch the video, you don't have a clue what he's about.


Woody Litella:



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28 minutes!? Ugh....


I don't care if the guy is black. The group is the same old "liberals are bad" stuff you post here with a new "see, Douglass is black, we aren't racist" flavor.



Why exactly does it matter that the Democrats were the regional, Southern, racist party over 150 years ago? The Democrats now aren't anything like then. They basically swapped with the Republicans with that Southern Strategy thing (or whatever it was called).

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You're missing the entire point of his excellent speech. Missing it entirely.


You didn't watch it yet, I guess. The point is, his MESSAGE. The CONTENT


of his MESSAGE. About the black community. And using the values of Frederick Douglas


as a guide. That is point.


Please wait til you've watched the video.

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Then you are insisting on missing the subject entirely, and you've just once again cluttered


up a legit thread with nonsense posts. Please refrain.


For further explanation, go here:



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Its not nonsense... you just disagree


Cal, I'm not watching a 30 minute long video on what I hear from you everyday here. This giant any different than any other tea party group, they just have a black gut so they totally can't be racist.


Again, tell me why anything the Democrats did 150 years ago actually matters? That's the type of content that is on this groups actual webpage

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No, I'm telling you to either watch the video or go away and stop twisting subjects

of threads into something you can opine on with ignorance like Heck usually does.


and mz the pussy always did.

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Yes. No one (maybe fringe people) walk around WANTING women to have abortions. Its pro-choice, as in, it is the women's choice. Clearly prevention of the pregnancy in the first place through education, etc is best if the woman knew she'd get an abortion anyway.


The point is it's pro choice, not pro abortion. Get it?


Just like people that are pro gun don't call themselves pro killing




Spare us another one of your lame analogies. Pro choice is nothing but pro abortion. It can't be anything else. The purpose of sex is for procreation, so getting knocked up is supposed to happen by design.

Choice comes in the bedroom son. She made her choice when she chose to jump in the sack with a dude. She made her choice when she decided to spread her legs. She made her choice when she took dick without makin him wear a rubber...seems like lots of choices there. Why do you say we're not pro choice?


Pro gun is not analogous to pro killing you moron.. Many a soldier, as well as most all gun owners hope to never have to kill anyone.

People that own a gun don't call themselves pro killing because they're not.


A gun owner is no more pro killing than you are. You just choose not to own a gun. See how the word "choose" comes into play here woodley?

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You're being the butt of the board again, woodpecker.


Pro choice condones the murder of an unborn child. Even a born child.


Pro gun is self defense, hoping you never, ever have to defend yourself, and

is also hunting, and is also target practice....


Nobody is pro gun to murder anybody, especially unborn children.


You don't know how to think well enough to take legit part on this board, buttwoodypeckerhead.

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