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Disability Recipients Could Work

The Cysko Kid

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But its easier to suck off the government. It's all right here and it turns my stomach. I should be able to treat these people like the scum they are. Drink it up, democrats, this is what you wanted. Yes you can



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Here is a subject that annoys me. Our friend heck could possibly quite correctly point out that this is by no means race based problem. I know a fair amount of people on disability who would be perfectly capable of working and none of them are black. Think about it. It isn't just the monthly check but when you are on disability you usually get Medicaid housing assistance food stamps and other benefits, like free rides bus passes etc. There are law firms that specialize in getting disability benefits for people. They advertise on television, daytime television of course. I'm sure that's a profitable business hence the skyrocketing number of claims in the last few years.


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It isn't a race thing, but maybe the black community has the largest representation of the

leech subculture that so many don't need to be part of. We can't continue this any more than

Detroit can continue increasing pensions. And for the left to encourage illegals to also get benefits...

who walked here across the border?


Abuse of these programs is going to destroy those programs to a point. The abuse is widespread.


The bigger question is: When will Heck step in, and change the subject again?

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Here's an old article talking about children being coached to pretend they are disabled to get cash.


1995. This problem has been growing for decades. A lot of school systems have school psychologists


who do the evaluating of alleged disabled students who aren't disabled at all.



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I know - every race in America is represented.


so many of these frauds make these programs end up not being able to help

those who really need the help.

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