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Rg Meets W/ League Officials To Discuss Ways Of Protecting Qb Running Read Option Offense


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Yes, blast the guy for pointing out hypocrisy. Joe JOnes pile driving Bradshaw was far worse. I agree with Sky, Harrison hit Coly cleanly and nicely. here was no chanceto get his head out of the way.


Colt was a sissy.


Oh yeah, tel me again how back in week 3 when I said this was Colt's last stand, that I didn't know football?

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Yes, blast the guy for pointing out hypocrisy. Joe JOnes pile driving Bradshaw was far worse. I agree with Sky, Harrison hit Coly cleanly and nicely. here was no chanceto get his head out of the way.


Colt was a sissy.


Oh yeah, tel me again how back in week 3 when I said this was Colt's last stand, that I didn't know football?

Week 3 of last year....when Weeden had already been the starter since week one and had an obvious stronger arm/faster release than Colt?

I guess, as master of the obvious, you know football. But then, you only stated what any 9 year old knew.

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People have to be realistic about this.


If you or I had RG3's injuries, we would heal just fine. Certainly this kind of would not stop TimCouchPullsOut from having the flexibility he needs on his job bending and saying "AHHHH" at the local glory holes. However for a pro athlete?


Look, the NFL brings in the biggest, fastest, hardest hitting, most physical athletes in the world. Worse? They don't need steroids any more. Anyone can go to the "shot-nurse" and get 100% testosterone shots, of which there is no regulation and there can be no regulation against T blood levels. The days of testing for unfair T boosts form residual steroid by-products in the liver are gone. The flood gates are open kiddies, the new NFL player is a short lived, over muscled, violent mutha fukka who is going to decimate anything he hits, and in short time, himself as well.


RG3 is a run-first QB. Unlike a RB, he isn't build thick, and he doesn't run in a compact manner through a hole. He runs out in the open where guys can build up big speed and whack him good.


Again, the speed he has lost would be meaningless to us, but to RG3? WIth the monsters he has coming at him? It could litrally, without joke, find him crippled, brain dead, or surely with legs hat will ache him all the days of his post 30 year old life.


And now that he has lost a step? His fate is even worse. HIs ass clown of an organization is going to try to make him a pocket passer and he will fail because he just isn't wired that way. As he fails, he will feel the need to make up for it and be the hero.

Running when he shouldn't, tackling guys that pick him off and getting collapsed?


It isn't just the re-injure of his knee that makes him a risk. He is the quintessential bleeding tuna in a shark school. If you think guys are not gunning extra hard to be the one who sends him home a cripple, if you think they are not salivating to be the guy who fucks him up for good, then you have a simpleton's view of te NFL.


This kid is going to have an early, painful and pathetic exit from the NFL.


Ballpeen says the spread is here to stay? Yep, with loser coaches and dickhead organizations.


A QB is the job of a general surgeon. He has to have a great brain to lead 22 men, and he has to have a surgical instrument to carve up his victims. RG3 has neither. Favre, Elway, Brady, Marino, Kelly, Kosar, Bradshaw, and others all had that, And none of them ever had injuries that they couldn't recover from. Over 8, 9 years? Sure, but as slow as Bernie was....... he got rid of the fucking ball, I don't ever remember him running like an asshole to be the hero. He ran with guts, and te smarts to get what he could and get the hell out of the way.


Great QBs live to play another game.


RG3 is a disaster that has already been written down into history. He is the Nascar crash that you know you will see this year.


Coaches need to stop teaching kids like RG3 to be quarterbacks. RG3 isn't pro quarterback material, and never was. Is he athletic? Yep. Can he pull of some amazing things at QB? Yep. Can he lad a team to multiple playoff years. No, his career is closer to the grave than it is the cradle.




NFL owners and the regular fan cannot comphrehend this...they all want slash at QB so they can line theyre pockets...its pretty simple..get the flashy black running QB and everything will be ok...instead...get a real QB like Manning or Brady...guys that have been proven to last despite theyre physical limitations...however..the only 2 anomolys who were succsessful were Steve Young and John Elway..But they werent running backs trying to play QB.

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NFL owners and the regular fan cannot comphrehend this...they all want slash at QB so they can line theyre pockets...its pretty simple..get the flashy black running QB and everything will be ok...instead...get a real QB like Manning or Brady...guys that have been proven to last despite theyre physical limitations...however..the only 2 anomolys who were succsessful were Steve Young and John Elway..But they werent running backs trying to play QB.


and young and elway were built a lot thicker than RG3 and still they got rocked in the era where you were basically allowed to take a guy's head off. they were just able to get up off the field, albeit shakin the little birdies out of their head and lived to play another day.


athletic ability and vision are what all these guys possess, it's just knowing if you're smart enough to lay down when it's time to when your internal clock is telling you "hey where that's DE at? BAM!!

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And to Endy- There's a difference in the injury to Colt, RGIII- or Tom Brady's for that matter. Harrison is a not too bright head-hunting thug. In case you think I'm being a homer- TJ Ward got fined for a royal hit he put on a defenseless player in the end zone- and learned from it. Harrison had to get suspended a bunch of times before he got the message (maybe).


I agree with you about Goodell. You can't hit a qb high anymore, or dive for his knees- so what's next? Put a flag in their pocket and say they're down?

TJ did nothing Heinz Ward hasn't done 100X. Ward made his name and living off those types of hits...now all of a sudden they're reprehensible.


Harrison's hit on Colt was criminal, entirely different in every way with extremely blatant intentions of inflicting injury and ideally knocking our QB out of the game. JH was easily 3.5 steps away when Colt released the ball, he never made any effort whatsoever to pull up and in fact did the opposite, blasting the crown of his helmet into Colt's facemask with everything he had.


i assume it's kinda tough to get the message when hits like that help win games. even tougher if rumours someone else paid some of his fines for him are true.


regarding his IQ...the cretin is actually fairly articulate for a knuckle dragging mongoloid.

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Yes, blast the guy for pointing out hypocrisy. Joe JOnes pile driving Bradshaw was far worse. I agree with Sky, Harrison hit Coly cleanly and nicely. here was no chanceto get his head out of the way.


Colt was a sissy.


Oh yeah, tel me again how back in week 3 when I said this was Colt's last stand, that I didn't know football?

Im not 'blasting the guy' for anything but being a douchebag on a forum that he is new to. Douchebag
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did you watch the RG I did last year? I would have to say he did just fine in the pocket, very accurate and hardly ever threw an Int. He will do fine if and when he learns to stay in the pocket and quit taking ridiculous hits

His coach has to call plays that allow him to stay in the pocket and pass. 519 - 442 rush attempts vs pass attempts in 2012. 442 pass attempts was ranked 30th only ahead of SF and SEA.RG had 120 rushing attempts himself, ranked 33rd amongst ALL rushers, 2nd amongst QBs.


Easy to not throw many picks, if you're not throwing the ball at all. So, it's Option A - Cut out many of the read option plays and watch RG get more pressure put on him in the pocket, or Option B - Keep running him and watch him get blasted 120 times a season...


I think option A is better for the Redskins and their opponents...

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