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Wait...i Thought They Said They Didn't Spy On Content Of Internet Stuff And....


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Really? I was going to look up pressure cookers today. I have to get ours certified/calibrated whatever you call it....


I think I'll just call around.....@@



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A friend already saw that, and told me today that she honestly has been


Googling backpacks for Christmas presents for her daughter, and pressure cookers,


because she wants a new one that uses weights instead of the gauge.


Whatever that is....

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ah, good job. But the feds are telling internet providers to give over info....


The prospects of abuse are becoming acted out incidences of abuse of information.


IRS. Next, who knows?


It keeps reminding me of the WWII movies, where the nazis asked questions of


everybody and anybody. The ability of our gov to have citizens inform on other citizens....


also reminds of those movies. It just sets a bad precedent for a free country.

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Yeah, I am not really going to connect the dots to WW2/nazis like that. Specially since this was a company that a former employee was googling somethings that could be used to make a bomb, and could have been disgruntled that he was a former employee. A company will always try to side with caution and bring it up to the authorities, just incase this guy was planing to return to work with a backpack bomb.

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Where does it end, though?


Look up "carbon tax"...


carbon black is used to make gunpowder. It actually is no huge deal,


if the op for abuse and unwarranted knee jerking doesn't exist.


But it does.

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