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Is Mexico Still Considered Third World In 2013

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According to this third world countries can also be developing. I'm sure soon they will be on the low end of industrialized. Well at least quite possibly.

this page was updated July 2013.


Of course that really isn't the point. The point is that the most impoverished and least educated immigrants are likely to be the most dangerous. Does anyone disagree?




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First even according to your link, the term third world country really doesn't apply today, was original a cold war term used to describe who was our "enemy" "friend" or "neutral" second if you divide the world into 3rds Mexico would likely be somewhere around the middle economy wise:





For your last part, I would assume it would be something like this:


1. People coming to the States intentionally to do harm, this would include drug related gangs, terrorists, and others of that sort

2. People coming from War torn areas

3. People coming from High crime areas

4. People from low education areas

5. People from impoverished areas


The better the area they are leaving the less likely to commit a crime since they are less desperate but they are also very unlikely to immigrate(outside of specific job offer)

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Woody - I'm not trying to prove anything. You always refuse to admit a proof, anyways.


The point is, other people still consider Mexico a third world country. I do. Others on the board do.


You keep launching little personal attacks over other posters' content because you don't like

what they say. I guess it's either because you are afraid of other people calling you "bunker" or something.


Or, it's the only way you can participate in discussions.


I'm simply pointing out to you that screwing around and messing up other people's discussions gets you messed

with and screwed around with in return.


I know that you immature, low info libs refuse to understand the concept of "self defense", but

that is the responses you are getting.


Here's an idea: STOP IT, and go about your business, and others of us whose politics you

have such a twisted emotional disdain for, will go about our business.


THEN, we can all go about our own business of having our own opinions, and can have

a more enjoyable time on this board.


If that is all you have, then work on it. It isn't anybody else's fault here. SO, here ya go-


I will stop barbing you in "self-defense" again, for a longer period of time. Today is Thursday, Aug. 1,

8:42 A.M. I have to go to an auction soon. Have a nice day.

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So Sad, do you agree or disagree with the last paragraph of your post?

If you agree I frankly can't see what the problem is with this particular statement.


I do agree, more impoverished the area they are leaving the more likely the are to commit a crime(the person tends to be more desperate to make it). However to often people lump everyone together, my only real disagreement is lumping the people who are trying to immigrate to make a better life, and those that are part of the drug cartels/gangs that cause most of the crimes both would fall under the illegal immigrants from Mexico category/stats.

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I do agree, more impoverished the area they are leaving the more likely the are to commit a crime(the person tends to be more desperate to make it). However to often people lump everyone together, my only real disagreement is lumping the people who are trying to immigrate to make a better life, and those that are part of the drug cartels/gangs that cause most of the crimes both would fall under the illegal immigrants from Mexico category/stats.

I think that's a fair statement.


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