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Feds Demand Internet Companies Turn Over All User Passwords


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Yeah, boy. Now, some IRS nutjob, or any Obamao supporting fed employee, can simply

log in as the person they want to get, and make some terrible threat.


And, bingo. That person gets arrested. Loses a career, loses an election, loses everything.


And that person never did it. The Obamao feds are out of control, and they want

total control.


Sounds like the KGB more and more, all the time. You don't criticize Obamao, or they will

ruin you. "That's how Obamao and co. had political opponents drop out or not run in politics

back in Chicago. And, remember? The two Minn. prosecutors who warned that if anybody

said anything untrue about Obamao, that they could be subject to prosecution?


Leftists will sleaze, lie, manipulate, backtrack, you name it, they will do it if they have to,

for the power.


And they will do worse to keep that power. Doesn't look good in the future for our country.


After all, this dirty, corrupt Obamao just called the Benghazi murder victims deaths...PHONY.


This is where we are. NOW Obamao wants gun control. Pretty soon, every American will

be afraid to speak out against what is going on in the name of Obamao online. Lose our guns,

and the next mob inspired by Obamao taking sides over whatever issue, could involve

any of us directly, more likely indirectly. Then, you have to fear not being able to protect yourself

if your guns were taken away.


Obamao will publicly take the side of any black, no matter if the prof in Boston is angry

for no good reason, no matter if that black is punching your face in, and trying to kill you.


You stop that black somehow, and Obamao will get you. That black is his automatic favorite.


And that is not the worst thing about Obamao at this point.


Remember when Obamao was "offended" by our national debt back when Bush was pres?


He EVEN said that debt was UNPATRIOTIC !! Now, they all want to keep raising the debt,

raising the debt ceiling, and buying more votes again with the free stuff, and the big union



Leftist govs rule by fear. It's all about power.


The part of the black community wanted Zimmerman guilty. He wasn't. So, with Obamao and

Holder's help, they have frightened anyone associated with Zimmerman. His parents.

Even the family who Zimmerman helped rescue. They are in fear now.


And Obamao and Holder are making it clear they want to see if they can get him,

since the jury didn't.


And Martin's parents are considering a civil trial. Of course they are. That free stuff. Free money.


Now a juror who considers herself a black hispanic says after the trial, she was devasted

that so many rioting blacks were so upset. She feels like she let them down.


But she says she stand by the verdict, because there was no evidence to convict him.


But, in her heart he is guilty because she "feels" for the parents of Martin.


Really? Sure, no big deal now. Except when you add everything up...and then look ahead

a couple of years, and a half........eh...........will it be way too late to prevent our country

crashing in more ways than one?




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