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Christain Chaplain Under Fire For Being...a Christian


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Fairhooker said:

"incredible.... soothing the souls of military atheists ....

MRFF’s letter says that by Reyes’s “use of the bigoted, religious supremacist phrase, ‘no atheists in foxholes,’ he defiles the dignity of service members.” They accuse him of violating military regulations.

got a gripe about any religious artwork too?

just call "Mikey" and he'll make sure the pentagon listens and acts too ....


Mikey Weinstein, head of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF).

what in the world is going on with "todays" military?

except for what we know as the obvious PC mandates brought down by this current corrupt administration."


It's all about political power, personal power to vindicate themselves out of some neurotic


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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's the deal. We were offered a New Testament in the service. You could accept it or not.


I did. Some didn't. Some later borrowed mine. It's about choice. Your freedom of religion is intact

in the service. Even in basic.


But you couldn't have your civilian clothes til after you left basic. And that goes for books in general.


Shoot, you didn't have much time to read that NT in basic anyways. That came later. You were too busy

studying your basic USMJ after lights out.... there were tests, you see...


Later, I gave my NT away to a friend, and read Tolkein's Trilogy. Great stuff. You want to offer a Torah,

Koran, Buddhist book, whatever, I'm fine with that. Okay, not so much the Koran...@@


but the principle still applies. I will say, that most of the time, you'd be wasting your time. A lot of time is

wasted with a lot of young military recruits rejecting the NT, for goodness sakes. They've probably

read it, heard it, whatever, anyways, already.

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No, it is gov ALLOWING religion. The gov should never be allowed to

obstruct religion. Different subjects.


The "separation of church and state" refers to the state establishing

an official, particular religion. See, the Soviet Union for an example.


In our America, the gov must ALLOW religion, even by individual members

of our military and gov. The president should be allowed to go to his church,

have a Bible on his desk all the time if he is a Christian and chooses to.


Ordering a religious institution to defy it's beliefs and say, fund abortion included

insurance, and force ministers to perform gay "marriages", is itself a couple of examples

of gov instituting a religion of sorts.

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But if the government only hands out Christian Bibles, then that's an endorsement of religion. I believe that nowadays any single religious text is allowed for boot camp trainees, I'm not sure that's how it was when you guys were in service though, especially through the red scare. That being said, non-religious servicemembers should be allowed to bring some sort of book too.

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But if the government only hands out Christian Bibles, then that's an endorsement of religion. I believe that nowadays any single religious text is allowed for boot camp trainees, I'm not sure that's how it was when you guys were in service though, especially through the red scare. That being said, non-religious servicemembers should be allowed to bring some sort of book too. VApor


But it wasn't the gov, Vapor. It was the group that prints those out, and hands them out. They were just

handing them to us while we were in line. I think it was when we got to Lackland AFB. The military just allowed us

to accept them. There is a freedom of religion - not freedom of reading books. You know, I'm starting to wonder if it

was when we left basic and went to training school. It's been a long time now...@@


I think it was basic, and it was locked up with our civilian clothes. All personal stuff was.

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Not really. Unless I screw it up. Everything is right there for me if I keep working for it


Joining the military seemed like the option for the HS student that barely passed high school and knew college wasn't happening. At least this way they can mature and gain some experience.


Or maybe they just absolutely don't have the finances for a college degree and this is a way of obtaining that.

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Wrong. I was in the military with guys who wanted their college paid for. With guys who came from military families


who wanted to get that military service continued in their family.


with guys who wanted to see more of the world before they hit school. With guys who were going to


college to be doctors, and they knew they didn't want to get student loans for that 8 years...


with guys who wanted to get out of their poverty stricken neighborhoods. etc etc etc.


There are a lot of reasons why guys enlisted. That's a very shallow judgement for somebody, again, who

doesn't have clue of what he's talking about.

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What are you talking about? I listed the financial stuff as a reason... which were like half of your points.


I'm also guessing it has changed some over the last few decades. Maybe not, I'm just going off of anecdotal evidence and what I know about going into service for financial reasons

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The point is, you typified enlistees as being only financial


I was there, that is bogus. That was my point. I included several reasons,


one of which was financial. Therefore, you don't know what the hell you are talking about.


What anecdotal evidence? Do tell? You don't seem to be old enough or lived outside


your little cocoon to have anecdotes. Just one legit anecdote would prove my judgement on that wrong.

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I didn't say every recruit. I'm sure there are plenty of wealthy,highly educated, private school recruits. I'm staying the majority are have financial reasons in mind, or education, or, like you said, to get out of dead end situations.


My anecdotal evidence is what i saw at my high school. Who the recruits targeted and who actually signed up.




However this started, point is I have no intention to join the military and I never have. Doing so would set me back and jeopardize my future.


Now I'm my own case. In the situations you mentioned (which was pretty much what I mentioned) there are legitimate reasons to join, and it usually isn't a burning sense of patriotism. Financial reasons are huge, like we both said.

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Last time I had an anecdote (which happened to be anti-union) you praised it and were so happy I was "finally making sense" and using sources and whatever else. Really though, you just agreed with what I said, so you agreed with how I got there. You are really predictable like that. The most important thing to you us liberal vs conservative, not logic.

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I also like how you, and others on here, generalize about groups all of the time and you never think twice. If course, these are groups you aren't a part of. As soon as you think someone is generalizing about a group you ARE a part if though all hell breaks loose and we hear how unfair that is to do.

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Not really. Unless I screw it up. Everything is right there for me if I keep working for it


Joining the military seemed like the option for the HS student that barely passed high school and knew college wasn't happening. At least this way they can mature and gain some experience.


Or maybe they just absolutely don't have the finances for a college degree and this is a way of obtaining that.

the only guarantee in life is that there are no guarantees...

take it for what its worth.

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