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Christain Chaplain Under Fire For Being...a Christian


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incredible.... soothing the souls of military atheists ....


MRFF’s letter says that by Reyes’s “use of the bigoted, religious supremacist phrase, ‘no atheists in foxholes,’ he defiles the dignity of service members.” They accuse him of violating military regulations.


got a gripe about any religious artwork too?


just call "Mikey" and he'll make sure the pentagon listens and acts too ....




Mikey Weinstein, head of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF).


what in the world is going on with "todays" military?


except for what we know as the obvious PC mandates brought down by this current corrupt administration.

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There isn't a war on Christians you crazy old man.



If he broke a rule he broke a rule. If he didn't then he shouldn't be punished. We went over this before though with the officer that got in trouble for the anti Obama bumper sticker. They're held to more stringent rules, including free speech. I'm sure if it was a Muslim saying "No Christians in fox holes" you would have all shit your Depends.

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Speaking as a card-carrying agnostic, I find this pretty ridiculous. If you are so offended over what the man writes' in his

blog, then don't read the freakin' blog. Don't get me wrong--I have a real problem with over-zealous Christians (or non-believers

for that matter) who insist on shoving their beliefs/non-beliefs down other peoples throats.


If they guy was going door to door in the barracks imposing his beliefs, then yeah, he needs a talking-to. But if you're offended

by an innocuous phrase in a blog like "no atheists in foxholes", then you, my friend, are a member of the Professionally Offended, someone

who wakes up in the morning just looking for something to be offended by, Get a freakin' hobby.

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From: USAF Non-Commissioned Officer's E-mail Address Withheld Subject: Crusader/USAF Painting: Thank You Mr. Weinstein and MRFF Date: May 31, 2013 10:51:26 AM MDT To: Mikey Weinstein <------@militaryreligiousfreedom.org>

Dear Mikey Weinstein and the Military Religious Freedom Foundation,

I want to send my deepest appreciation to you and your entire MRFF organization. I'm an NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer) stationed at Mountain Home AFB, Idaho, and I have been extremely disturbed and shocked by a clearly Christian picture of religious supremacy very prominently hanging in the dining facility of our Air Force Base. I was raised in a Christian home; however, this picture made me feel terribly uncomfortable, disheartened and disappointed. I and countless other Airmen were forced to look at this "Crusader/USAF" painting while we ate. We had no other choice. I believe the Department of Defense and the USAF shouldn't be shamefully promoting a specific religion, and immediately removing this unconstitutional "Crusader/USAF" framed painting is one small step in overcoming the epidemic of out-of-control Christian religious extremism in our U.S. military. For the record, there are 21 other MRFF clients at Mountain Home AFB that came forward to you and the MRFF on this particular matter of outrage and 17 of them are either Protestant or Roman Catholic. None of us felt as though we could go to our command chains or to any other USAF agency to fix this matter without suffering either direct or indirect negative repercussions. Mikey and MRFF, thank you for so passionately representing everyone's religious views and rights under the constitution, whether they are mostly Christian, as is the case here, or any and every other faith or even no faith! Again, thank you for getting this Christian superiority painting so swiftly removed.

Seems like the right move to me. I'm friends with a lot of these guys who have been through the USAFA or USMA, and the amount of proselytization that they face is ridiculous. The term "There are no atheists in foxholes" is demeaning, and a person's atheism or agnosticism can be just as important to an individual as religion is to some people.


One of these things is not like the other. One of these things doesn't belong. I'd be furious if I had to deal with this kind of bullshit when I'm laying my life on the line for my country.


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Very sick.


That is, atheists complaining about the "offending" Christian influence of the majority,

then THEY impose their will on Christians and everybody else.

Now, who does that sound like? Let's see...


Most all liberal activists? Especially the gay, dependent on big gov ones who are offended by others

who aren't like them?


Like, that diminishes who they are as people because other people are different? I thought different wasn't supposed to be a crime.


So, the rest of us are not allowed to openly be who we are, while you liberal activist God hating whiney-ass sumbeeches demand

to openly who YOU are. Sounds so much lke... like....


Who does that sound like. ....I can't quite pick up on it yet.....


WAIT...I got it now. Muslim terrorists: "If you are different, you will die or submit to us."


The tyranny of the hateful and sick.

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I can only speak from my personal experience. Granted, I was in the military back in the Dark Ages (1981-85).

I can honestly say I never experienced pressure from superiors to adhere to any particular religious belief. I

did, however, have to deal with other annoying enlisted peers who just had to share their religious beliefs and,

when told that I wasn't interested, insisted on doubling down with their personal testimony. Anyone who has

ever had a Jehovah's Witness come to their door knows how fucking annoying that is.


As an agnostic, I am honestly not offended by pithy statements such as 'no atheists in foxholes'. Even "you're

gonna burn in hell you godless piece of shit" doesn't phase me one way or the other. My agnosticism isn't a

badge of honor, or something I'm ashamed of. It's just something that is. Nor do I feel a need to share my beliefs

or attempt to bring others over to the Dark Side.


Again, this is all based on past personal experience. Speaking for myself, I think getting upset over something

someone wrote in a blog is silly. I would definitely be upset, though, if my 'spiritual fitness' was being questioned

by command authority.

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Exactly. What is pre-Dark Ages, since I was in the AF 73-77 ?


Prehistoric? LOL ?


As a Christian, I despise anybody trying to convince me of THEIR religious

way of thinking.


I tell them "Just shut up, and if I want to listen to your human viewpoint crap, I'll go listen to you in some church."


And I will never want to. When our TI would scream "God help you if you don't get it right" at

some idiot, the TI is going from his beliefs of the existence of God. It's fine.


But now, we have these gay weasels who want to whine and complain that anybody being straight

is "offensive", and any picture, or Bible, etc...is "offensive"...


I used to sit in our Bible study social dinners, and at just the right time,

somebody who was more religious, asked why I wasn't going to church very often.


I would always explain that I have always felt closer to God out fishing, than in a church. Then, somebody new

would ask me what bothered me about church. I just said church was fine, except

when there are people there.


Ah, the sound of coffee cups being set quickly onto the dinner table, while they reach for a napkin....


It's all victimization bs. Sissy libs want to be pitied, because others being different is so tough on their little, twisted psyches.

And to vindicate their miserable existence, they want to control what isn't like them, or not all about them.

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My point being that this generation is a bunch of whiners. They hand out bibles or used to when you go to basic/boot camp. If you're an atheist don't accept it.


The military isn't a church. Go see the chaplain if you want a bible because you shouldn't receive one by default.

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I'm a Mr. Pibb's man, thank you very much.


Compared to some (most?) of the guys on this board, I feel like a dinosaur. I'm a young (in my mind) 52,

but damn, some of the crazy shit you kids get up to leaves me shaking my head.


Now, get the hell off my lawn!!

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There is no problem at West Point. I know this for a fact. Blake Page is a freak. There is an ulterior motive as to why Blake Page would throw away a 3.5 year Ivy League type education. Upon graduation a West Point cadet is commisioned an officer in the United States Army. While at West Point, Page was diagnosed with clinical depression, which disqualifies him as an officer. West Point would allow him to graduate with a degree, but would not be awarded a commision of 2nd Leuitenant.

After serving as an enlinsted soldier, Page wanted to be an officer, and his dream was shattered.


The real reason the idiot quit.


"Page went to West Point because, he said, he'd always wanted to become an officer in the U.S. Army.

After high school in Stockbridge, Georgia, he enlisted and spent three years in an air defense unit. While there, his commanders encouraged him to enroll at West Point.

Page knew how prestigious an institution it was. It would be an awesome career move, he thought.

He began at West Point, Page said, as a high performer. He was encouraged to seek out challenging positions. He said his tactical officer and mentor even tried to promote him to squad leader prematurely in his sophomore year.

But later, he struggled after his father committed suicide. He was diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety and disqualified from being commissioned as a second lieutenant, the usual next step for West Point graduates."


I discussed this with my kid who attends West Point. There is no imposing of religion on cadets ever. The only times there is prayer is before Christmas and Thanksgiving dinner to which the Chaplains state "bow your heads if you wish."

Everybody at West Point thinks Page was a psycho.


Guess which one is my kid...a little help, it's not the black cadet.



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So you would have thrown a fit if there was islamic or hindu related pictures through out the mess hall, but if someone complains about christian pictures that is war on christians. Sad


One picture on the wall isn't the same of islamic or hindu pictures though out the mess hall.


One pic of each, I don't care.

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The military isn't a church. Go see the chaplain if you want a bible because you shouldn't receive one by default. Vapor


I don't remember seeing a chaplain being available in basic training, though...


the military isn't an atheist org either. Simply saying "no thank you" when offered a Bible is a lot easier than

going to the nearest chapel and asking for a Bible. How about a simple biz of making them available for pickup

any anyone who wants one?


I know I've told the story before, of serious harassment and threats by a God hating stupidass msgt, towards those of us who

went to church retreats. He got nailed, transferred, disciplined............. All it took was a 9.5 hr. Schwin bike ride. Three speed. from

1 am to 10:30 am.


Is the availability of church retreat functions offensive to those who are atheists, too?


I don't ever remember knowing a muslim or hindu in the service.


But "offense" by these activists is a fraud, it's just a personal hell raising vindictive power trip.

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But now, we have these gay weasels who want to whine and complain that anybody being straight

is "offensive", and any picture, or Bible, etc...is "offensive"...




Or are you not getting the difference between legitimate complaints and what you come up with in your head or read on you conservative blogs?

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Stewy, he's never denied any of that, and I don't doubt that it was part of his decision to resign. Page isn't the only one who has issues with how the school treats its non-religious cadets, just google mrff and usma.




I'm aware that there's a lot of hatred for the guy at WP (one of my best friends graduated there and can't stand the guy), but I still respect him for the decisions he made. He brought light to an unconstitutional situation at the expense of his name.

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I guess I missed the reference. With a 7 and 9 year old in the house, I rarely get to see South Park anymore.

The last one I saw was the episode where the large number of Prius owners was creating a large cloud

of smug over the town.

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I'm a Mr. Pibb's man, thank you very much.


Compared to some (most?) of the guys on this board, I feel like a dinosaur. I'm a young (in my mind) 52,

but damn, some of the crazy shit you kids get up to leaves me shaking my head.


Now, get the hell off my lawn!!

laughed my head off !! thanks :D

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They expect us to check our religion in at the door—don’t bring that here,” Lee said. “Leaders like myself are feeling the constraints of rules and regulations and guidance issued by lawyers that put us in a tighter and tighter box regarding our constitutional right to express our religious faith. 




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