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Here's How The Lib Mind Works..as In, Doesn't Work Right


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Remember when Heck posted the head of the Colorado sheriff association supporting

gun control?


55 of 64 Colorado sheriffs are banding together to support our

2nd Amendment, and oppose the Colorado knee jerk gun laws. They

are only the lead group in a coalition to reverse the offending, Unconstitutional gun laws there.


Some 52 of 58 sheriffs in NEW YORK want changes in their laws.


Sheriffs in Maryland are doing the same.


Libs love to cherry pick single bits of info, then they emotionally plea for the liberal cause.


Trouble is, it usually ends up being completely bogus. But false narratives suit them,

and they don't care if the spin they spew is bogus, as long as it is politically expedient

for the lib cause.


Here, for real information:





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I love how you can describe yourself and not even realize it.. lol



So you totally never cherry picked in you global warming arguments, right? You totally had the majority of scientists backing you...


Apples and oranges sport...global warming is a theory, a highly debated subject.


55 of 64 Colorado sheriffs are banding together to support our

2nd Amendment is straightforward.


Whether gun control reduces violence or not is what you're looking for.

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That's a lie, woody. Nobody ever said "majority of scientists" nothin.


Do you have ANYTHING to add to the discussion ABOUT THE SUBJECT OF THE THREAD?


I'll repost the SUBJECT OF THE THREAD.


Remember when Heck posted the head of the Colorado sheriff association supporting

gun control?

55 of 64 Colorado sheriffs are banding together to support our

2nd Amendment, and oppose the Colorado knee jerk gun laws. They

are only the lead group in a coalition to reverse the offending, Unconstitutional gun laws there.

Some 52 of 58 sheriffs in NEW YORK want changes in their laws.

Sheriffs in Maryland are doing the same.

Libs love to cherry pick single bits of info, then they emotionally plea for the liberal cause.

Trouble is, it usually ends up being completely bogus. But false narratives suit them,

and they don't care if the spin they spew is bogus, as long as it is politically expedient

for the lib cause.

Here, for real information:


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Now, here is a great example of what I'm saying about libs.


I figure Woody would sign the petition - it's ...pro abortion....


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I am adding.


I'm calling out you being a hypocritical Retard.


That's addition by subtraction of your worth.



You constantly would find that 1 scientist funded by some skeptics group and go "SEE!". Then someone would tear it apart.



Point is you're completely blinded by your political party's views. Liberals are bad and that's it. You can't think for yourself. It is sad really.

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Actually, I learned to believe in what I believe from day one. It has not changed. I used to read books on

WWII when I was in the third grade. That, and Sherlock Holmes novels.


Those WWII books told the true story of tremendous sacrifice by so many tens of thousands, more than that, really.

To keep us free. So many peoples have fought and died to be free.


We have our most precious gift - FREEDOM. And little lost weasels like you would give it up

for our entire country, for a free ten dollar check from Obamao every week.


Now we have a "few" young little pantywaists who want nirvana, taken care of, no responsibility for themselves,

free lunches, free everything, and they don't care if the whole world blows up for them to keep getting their free ride.

Your "god" is "being taken care of and believing in nothing else"


It isn't only one skeptic, Woodpecker.


You continually are dishonest with putting words in other peoples posts, then arguing with the point they didn't make.

You learned that from heck, eh? That's all you have, is cowardly little personal attacks?


Anyways, here's a clue for you woodypeckerhead. If something is absolutely true, then it is never is wrong.

And I'm glad you picked up on my previous use of the phrase "addition by subtraction" I used earlier.


So, any particular incidence where an alleged absolute truth, like goober warning, is WRONG, then the "absolute" is false.


You don't seem adult enough to make your own breakfast in the mornings. And, I'm honestly sorry you are so antagonistic

towards this board because you're gay, you're boring, you are stupid, and you can't keep to any subject on the board.


If you left, even heck wouldn't notice, since everything would be the same. X - 0 = X. So there you go, neurotic woodypeckerhead.


Have a nice day, I suppose, for the first time in your life.

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Well, let's just re-initialize the SUBJECT of the THREAD with the beginning post:


Remember when Heck posted the head of the Colorado sheriff association supporting

gun control?

55 of 64 Colorado sheriffs are banding together to support our

2nd Amendment, and oppose the Colorado knee jerk gun laws. They

are only the lead group in a coalition to reverse the offending, Unconstitutional gun laws there.

Some 52 of 58 sheriffs in NEW YORK want changes in their laws.

Sheriffs in Maryland are doing the same.

Libs love to cherry pick single bits of info, then they emotionally plea for the liberal cause.

Trouble is, it usually ends up being completely bogus. But false narratives suit them,

and they don't care if the spin they spew is bogus, as long as it is politically expedient

for the lib cause.

Here, for real information:


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Cal, you're a moron. A simple, pathetic man. That entire post was horse shit spewing from your mouth. You know nothing about me. It shows in that you continued to type shit about me that wasn't true. You also continued to contradict yourself. My favorite, is you accusing me of doing things you do on a daily basis here.


Of course though, you are just so blinded by your political affiliation you can't even sew your own contradictions. If anything YOU need to learn how to think for yourself.



Your brain has a fucked up order of operations. Most people start with common sense or facts. You start with "what best suits me politically" and you go from there.


Again, your entire post was wrong on so many levels. You know nothing about me you worthless shit. Luckily what you think doesn't matter. To me or most anyone else. I'll have a very successful life regardless of what you think. The country will move on and improve regardless of what you think.

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Well, let's just re-initialize the SUBJECT of the THREAD with the beginning post:


Remember when Heck posted the head of the Colorado sheriff association supporting

gun control?

55 of 64 Colorado sheriffs are banding together to support our

2nd Amendment, and oppose the Colorado knee jerk gun laws. They

are only the lead group in a coalition to reverse the offending, Unconstitutional gun laws there.

Some 52 of 58 sheriffs in NEW YORK want changes in their laws.

Sheriffs in Maryland are doing the same.

Libs love to cherry pick single bits of info, then they emotionally plea for the liberal cause.

Trouble is, it usually ends up being completely bogus. But false narratives suit them,

and they don't care if the spin they spew is bogus, as long as it is politically expedient

for the lib cause.

Here, for real information:


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