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Back By Popular Request From Pecker Head And Hack

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Really, name me one time. Help him out, fellas.


Lots and lots about blacks. Lots and lots about Mexicans. You don't even have to search. You can just flip through the pages.


Can you name me one about some white thug who broke into someone's house and shot someone? Raped someone?

Uh yeah. Adam Lanza. James Holmes. TJ Ward. Thanks for playing, here's your consolation prize: nothing

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Hahaha, alright Cal...


A lot of people think that a magic man in the sky made everything in 7 days, or that one man built an arc to hold two of every animals while the earth flooded. You can have those opinions all you like, but they're wrong. You can have an opinion that grass is red, but good luck backing it up.


I'm launching personal attacks??? Haha. Do you read your own posts? You must not.


I'm guessing by all of your defections and your requests for me to "stop it" that you can't back up your opinion. You've seen your attempts get shot down and now you're trying to back out and act like the "better man".


Jesus Christ, you are one predictable idiot. Just admit you're wrong. Why is that so hard?


At the very least admit your sources sucked, lol .


That's just funny. You say something incorrect, you try to support it with sources and fail, and you resort to "Well, that's just like, your opinion man, we can all have our own."


Haha. Watching you try to crawl put of this is priceless



Quite the contrary woodley. If any conservative told you the grass was green, you'd argue because you can't stand the truth....and when it comes to Cal you don't even argue, you whine. You're a perpetual whiner.

Rather than doing some research on your own to refute Cals claims, you prefer to whine as opposed to debate. You are an authority at nothing...do the reaserch kiddo.


I don't know how you lasted this long here. You wouldn't last 5min. on other political talk forums.


How does your husband put up with all your whining?

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You're an idiot bunker, even below Cal. Cal made points, I showed him why his sources were incorrect.


I'm not blinded by any political affiliation. If the grass is green I'll say it is, regardless of what some group thinks.


You guys run around here calling anyone that disagrees with even one of your views a liberal. Then you proceed to attack all liberals. You are the definition of blind allegiance. You are the problem with politics. Why nothing gets done.

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Attacking sources is the refuge of whiners. That's all.


And Steve is correct, guess who brought race into it.


And, again, attacking other's opinions makes for


cowardly refusal to initiate one's own opinions out of fear


of being wrong.

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Your source is incorrect though, lol.


Both of them were.


The first source you used, in the actual info pertaining to the debate, supports MY side haha.


You were left with posting shit about cartels. Great. That doesn't make Mexico 3rd world

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I objectively posted with points from both.

Which means, there is justification for thinking it isn't, and is.

I simply think it is. And the cartel map is very seriously an indictment

of Mexico as a better country than third world.


I admitted by GNP, that no it isn't.


You just can't keep afloat in any conversation. That is pitiful.


Please stay out of my threads, btw. You screw every thread up that you post in.

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You're an idiot bunker, even below Cal. Cal made points, I showed him why his sources were incorrect.


I'm not blinded by any political affiliation. If the grass is green I'll say it is, regardless of what some group thinks.


You guys run around here calling anyone that disagrees with even one of your views a liberal. Then you proceed to attack all liberals. You are the definition of blind allegiance. You are the problem with politics. Why nothing gets done.


Aww ..kissing up to Cal now? Didn't know you hated me that much.lol

You don't call yourself a liberal because you're a coward. I can see right through your facade. You have at no time sided with a conservative point of view. If you are unable to refute anything, you either comeback with a snide remark, or you whine. You never agree. You're an asshole.

Gee, who started the "conservative says dumb things" thread?

Truth is liberalism is why we can't get anything done. Compromise to you assholes means all or nothing.

Time you grow up and see yourself for what you are woody.

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I started that thread to balance out Cal's.... then I just didn't care anymore while he continued to post repost after repost.


Seriously though Bunker, you're a loser. You were banned from this site for saying horrible things, and now you are back, up to your old ways. I wouldn't say I hate you/ You don't get to me on a personal level that much. You and Cal are nothing. No one cares about your opinions and no one ever will. You'll be some paranoid minority that loses elections then blames others.


You can pretend you see right through me. Act like you know stuff about me. But you don't, and you never will. I'm basically the opposite of you though...

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  • 1 month later...

I started that thread to balance out Cal's.... then I just didn't care anymore while he continued to post repost after repost.


Seriously though Bunker, you're a loser. You were banned from this site for saying horrible things, and now you are back, up to your old ways. I wouldn't say I hate you/ You don't get to me on a personal level that much. You and Cal are nothing. No one cares about your opinions and no one ever will. You'll be some paranoid minority that loses elections then blames others.


You can pretend you see right through me. Act like you know stuff about me. But you don't, and you never will. I'm basically the opposite of you though...


Woooo ..woody sure told me! lol

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You reap what you sow, woodypeckerhead.

Yes, just like Little Johnny, you attack on a personal level, and you attack

sources you didn't even read or watch.


Then, you come back and complain that other people respond negatively.


If you didn't start it, you wouldn't get it. Get it? Oh wait, of course you don't,

because you are a woodypeckerhead.

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