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Back By Popular Request From Pecker Head And Hack

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Seriously Heck.

You are a bitter fool and spend way too much time bitching and crying about something I've never said.

You can't claim anything I've ever actually stated that's incorrect or even offensive so you change the subject in order to get, well, who knows riled up.

And its nothing new. You constantly make up some sort of thing that you think is my position and then bray about it.

When you get called out on it you get angry. That's probably the reason it's hard to take someone as obviously intelligent as you are seriously.

It's, or it should be, even obvious to the others here who are somewhat on the left.


But just squabbling for the sake of squabbling isn't all that interesting, and sometimes you are capable of better. Sometimes that is.


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Oh, Steve, but you are wrong. You're so wrong. And I think you're wrong all the time. And incorrect. And even offensive. Yes, yes, I do. What you don't like is being called on things like, say, that you have no evidence to back up what you say, so you complain about the guy who called you out. Everything you accuse me of doing, like "changing the subject", or "summarizing me poorly", is what you're always so obviously guilty of. It's classic projection.


It's been entertaining. And also fun behind the scenes, with guys who have known the whole time that I'm half black and never mentioned it. You guys would never have been so forthcoming had you known. It's been quite a learning experience.


We've all got a lot of learning to do. Some more than others.


Have a nice life. I'll do my best to try to be literate, stay off welfare, upgrade my culture, and stop committing so much crime. Thanks to you.

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Okay, so "third world" is dependent on the definition.


Millions of people flee the sob place...tremendous poverty...


I still call it a third world country.

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You can call it whatever you like. You can call Shaq short if you want. That doesn't make it true.


Neither does posting outdated sources and then prancing around like you just slammed someone. It was the other way around, you got smacked.

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You can call it whatever you like. You can call Shaq short if you want. That doesn't make it true.


Neither does posting outdated sources and then prancing around like you just slammed someone. It was the other way around, you got smacked.


damn your a stupid boy.

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Because you are a worthless to the board woodypeckerhead, that's why. You are embarrassing

yourself with every little stupidass quip that doesn't mean much of anything.


In most every conservation, with few exceptions, you are about 345,924 times more lightweight

in IQ and education about life, and most any other subject except your "schoolwork" than anybody

else who has ever been on this board...


with a few exceptions - one being your virtual twin, mz the pussy. Mexico all of a sudden stopped being

a drug cartel infested, horrific crime ridden, corrupt govt, millions of people desperately risking

life and limb to escape third world country? HAHAHAHAHA. No.


Ilk like all these ILLGEGALS flooding into our country, and mentally lightweight, ignorant, young woodpeckers

like youself are ruining this country, with the likes of heck's support.



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they are thought of by the left as:


"illegally barred from voting and getting welfare oppressed minorities".


The left looks at everything upside down, inside out, and backwards.


Which, is why heck sees the opposite of common sense people on this board.

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So I see a bunch of personal insults, and no substance. Wow, amazing stuff. I just can't handle your intellect... lol


Then you posted what I'm guessing you think is a source that backs up your point? Where in reality its an editorial from something called the News Herald. Well shit, you totally got me.


I also enjoy what you "think" and "feel" about Mexico being used as evidence to prove it is third world. I mean, who cares about definitions, right? Who cares about facts or statistics.



Just admit it. You jumped all over that map and tried to rub it in my face. Turns out the map was inaccurate and outdated. Then you posted something that was again outdated.


You were wrong here. Its that neurosurgeon all over again. Just admit it

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No, I didn't jump all over it. I saw another post referring to Mexico as a third world country, and I posted another.

It has been known as a third world country for many years.


It isn't the same level as the worst of the third world, but it still sucks. And I didn't throw it in your face,

you dimwitted stupid ass pansy "VICTIM" .... I was talking about Heck getting his ass kicked at being wrong.

Then I posted an up to date article, and that writer also refers to current day Mexico as a third world country.


"Up to Date", being the current year. Unless in your infantile, ignorant ass imagination, that all of a sudden

Mexico has changed a whole hell of a lot since March.


Go puke up a hair ball on Heck's keyboard and make yourself useful.


Oh, and my replies to you lack content? Content would be lost on you. Nobody on this board asks

the really, really stupidass questions like you continually do. Have a nice time making your first real friend in real life.

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Cal, you are AN IDIOT


That "article" you posted is a Letter to Editor. It is in the OPINION section of that website.


Again, this all comes back to you not understanding what makes a source a good source. Just because some reference says what you want to hear, that doesn't mean it is a good source. I know that is difficult to understand, but maybe one day you will get it.


So let's recap:


1) You thinking and feeling that Mexico is third world doesn't actually make it a third world country

2) You are 0 for 2 on "sources" that support you claim.

3) You are throwing around more personal insults than usual, I assume as a means of deflection


Anything else you want to completely fuck up? Or are you done making yourself look Retarded?

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Doesn't matter, woodypeckerhead.


Mexico is still considered a third world country by many. You can paint lipstick on a woodypeckerhead, but

it's still a freakin woodypeckerhead.


You run from sources like you run from having opinions of your own, and backing them up with your own

personal reasons.


Mexico is a hell hole. In that their gov has little control over their entire country, horrific cartel murders,

and a hell of a lot of poverty and corruption, it sure the hell doesn't look like a developing country to me, WoodyPeckerHead Who Pukes Hairballs.




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In conclusion, woodypeckerhead aka "Butt of the Board" ......


can you understand the map above?


Wait, I'll type it slower.....


"c-a-n ......y-o-u......u-nnnnnnn-d-er-st-a-nnnn-d t-h-e ...m-a-a-a--a-p...... a-b-o-v-v-v-v-v-e ?"


Of course you can't. You ignorant, got nothin' woodypeckerhead.

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Haha haha, holy shit you are Retarded.


I'm "running" from sources? You haven't posted any legit sources.


Do you not understand why a map of third world countries during the Cold War doesn't count as a source here?


Do you not understand why a letter to the editor from someone who thinks Mexico is scary doesn't count as a source here?


Cal, what you think and feel about Mexico is your own business. You never have to go there if you don't want to. But it is your opinion. Your opinion doesn't count as a source. An article about drug cartels in Mexico isnt a source to prove its third world.


I went to the same website that cold War map was from and found updated info. It does not have Mexico listed as a third world country. You have given no source to say otherwise.


How much longer do you want to get snacked around on this? Anyone looking in from the outside would be able to see you're getting your ass handed to you. I've destroyed your sources, given legit sources of my own, and all you van do is sit back and throw around personal insults and articles that aren't what we're talking about.


Seriously, you should probably just quit here. It is getting even more and more pathetic. It is your style though. You're wrong. You've been proven wrong. But its not what you WANT to believe, it is not what you FEEL, so you'll run your mouth like an idiot trying to prove your side is correct. The problem is you can't do this, so it becomes insults and more poor sources...

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But I am simply defending my opinion that others, and I, still think of Mexico as a third world country.




I'm not trying to prove anything. You always refuse to admit a proof, anyways.


The point is, other people still consider Mexico a third world country. I do. Others on the board do.


You keep launching little personal attacks over other posters' content because you don't like

what they say. I guess it's either because you are afraid of other people calling you "bunker" or something.


Or, it's the only way you can participate in discussions.


I'm simply pointing out to you that screwing around and messing up other people's discussions gets you messed

with and screwed around with in return.


I know that you immature, low info libs refuse to understand the concept of "self defense", but

that is the responses you are getting.


Here's an idea: STOP IT, and go about your business, and others of us whose politics you

have such a twisted emotional disdain for, will go about our business.


THEN, we can all go about our own business of having our own opinions, and can have

a more enjoyable time on this board.


If that is all you have, then work on it. It isn't anybody else's fault here. SO, here ya go-


I will stop barbing you in "self-defense" again, for a longer period of time. Today is Thursday, Aug. 1,

8:42 A.M. I have to go to an auction soon. Have a nice day.

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and this article doesn't talk about the cartels "owning" so much of Mexico:


GDP by State in US Dollars (2008)

53.4 percent of the rural population and 36.2 percent of the urban population has education below the 7th grade. 18.9 percent of the rural population and 8.9 percent of the urban population lacks any form of formal education.[129]

Current figures estimate that at least 44.2 percent of the population lives under poverty.[130] Of those, 33.7 live under a moderate state of poverty and at least 10.5 percent live under extreme poverty.[130]

World comparison[edit]

Mexico is the second richest country in Latin America, after Brazil; and the second Latin American country with most number of poor, after Brazil as well; given Mexico's population is about 80 million less than Brazil.[132][133]

Mexico has the 11th to 13th richest economy in the world and ranks 4th with most number of poor among richest economies.[134][135]

Mexico is the 10th to 13th country with the most number of poor in the world.[136]

Of the ten countries with greater population, Mexico ranks 8th as nation with most number of poor behind the People's Republic of China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, and Bangladesh.[137]

Of 193 United Nations members, at least 113 nations show higher levels of poverty and decreased social development and at least 55 other nations have less poverty and higher social development.[138]

Mexico ranks 56th among most developed of the world's nations.[138] It ranks 4th as most developed of Latin American countries, behind Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay.[138]
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Hahaha, alright Cal...


A lot of people think that a magic man in the sky made everything in 7 days, or that one man built an arc to hold two of every animals while the earth flooded. You can have those opinions all you like, but they're wrong. You can have an opinion that grass is red, but good luck backing it up.


I'm launching personal attacks??? Haha. Do you read your own posts? You must not.


I'm guessing by all of your defections and your requests for me to "stop it" that you can't back up your opinion. You've seen your attempts get shot down and now you're trying to back out and act like the "better man".


Jesus Christ, you are one predictable idiot. Just admit you're wrong. Why is that so hard?


At the very least admit your sources sucked, lol .


That's just funny. You say something incorrect, you try to support it with sources and fail, and you resort to "Well, that's just like, your opinion man, we can all have our own."


Haha. Watching you try to crawl put of this is priceless

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Look up the sanitation problems in mexico, the millions that don't have access to water and the even greater amount that don't have palatable water.

Its a 3rd world country, let us know how its acceptable to not have proper sanitation and access to water and be classified as a first class nation.

Even when you go to a resort in mexico they tell you "DON'T DRINK THE WATER"

huh, I wonder why?

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We've only been to Cozumel. Shopped at the shops, and spent our time there at the National Park shore.


Our taxi driver, when we asked him about crime in Mexico...said that some areas were nice. And a lot of them,


the wrong people are trying to own the country. Said that people don't trust the gov to go after them.


Not a banana republic. But is a third world country, except by GNP.


and a lot of that is tourism, I guess. The drug cartel map is shocking. Only a corrupt, chicken livered gov would allow that

to ever happen.

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