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Two questions. Let's hear it.

and two very simple answers sir. First since there are many many more Mexican illegal aliens and since illegal means well, against the fucking law, I guess there are more Mexican criminals than any other illegal aliens.


As for your second question I don't know that it means anything. I like Mexicans. You may recall an argument I had with Cisco. I have a generally favorable opinion of Mexicans even though I think illegal immigratiin should be discouraged.

The only reason the Mexican people come into play is that any attempt how to crack down on illegals will naturally include them and both political parties are scared shitless to offend them.

and even though it's more fun for you to screech about racism my point is and always has been, if you care to read, that we should be more careful with illegals from extremely poverty stricken and violent cultures.


I'll give you a little example. I live in a reasonably nice suburb and my next door neighbor is from Romania. When he slipped out of his home country he overstayed his visa and couldn't go back. I asked him if they put him in prison and he laughed. You said prison?? Hell they shoot you! He's a nice enough fellow and a couple years ago shot a deer in the yard. that's against the law but he's from a culture that probably wouldn't take that very seriously. Just differences and culture.


So id be wary of someone that grew up in a culture were the cartels were torturing murdering kidnapping and be headinghis neighbors on a fairly regular basis.

Those particular countries criminals are probably a little bit tougher then the lacrosse team.



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You didn't answer the questions.



"And if you're so convinced that Mexican illegals commit more crimes than Russians or Irish, what are you basing that on? What study? What facts?"

I think you're a little lost here. You're making my point, and not defending yours. Obviously the total number of crimes are going to be skewed by the numbers of Latino immigrants here versus those from Ireland or Russia. Your point is that the ones from Mexico are more dangerous or criminal than ones from Russia/Ireland/etc. As in, they commit crimes at a greater rate. (Total number of crimes don't matter.)

So, what are you basing that on? Where are you getting that information?

Secondly, "And if it turns out they do commit crimes at a higher rate, what does that prove for you?"

Steve, what does that mean to you about those people if they commit crimes at a higher rate? It's the same question when we discuss higher black crime rates. What do those statistics prove?

You break them out every time we discuss these issues. What are you trying to say when you do that? What does that prove to you?

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Fair is fair, eh? Heck - you never answered my questions. You always want to


be the asker, never the answerer. No wonder your little pussycat Woody thinks you have them.


Paybacks are a Higgardly Clinton.


Let's try again, Heck:


"In FY 2012, ICE says it removed 409,849 illegal aliens. Fifty-five percent of them (or 225,390) were convicted criminal aliens, the largest number of criminal aliens removed in agency history, ICE said. - See more at: http://www.cnsnews.c...nal-convictions"


So, answer this one. Don't you think that most of these illegal aliens from Mexico, returned back there...

are Mexican?

And, don't you think 55 freakin percent of them being convicted criminal illegals extremely high?

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I will repeat the answer to your question since you are a little bit dense today. 62 percent of illegal aliens in the u_s are from mexico.

Illegals are criminals.


So since I've used your own stupid graph to answer your own stupid question tell me:

So what?





Are you serious, man? That was Cal-level stupid.


Go back and read what you alleged - that there are different levels of criminality beyond the act of entering the country illegally when you look at immigrants from Mexico, Guatemala, what you like to call "Third World Shitholes", versus immigrants that come to this country from England, Ireland, Russia, Serbia, etc. I'm asking you where are you getting that from. So, where are you getting that from? What study? What figures? It's a simple question.


PS - Mexico and Guatemala are not third world countries.

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I did, and you are a fucking idiot. Really. A fucking idiot.

A waste of time a known fool and, let's see, oh yes, a fucking idiot.


oops forgot:

Ha ha ask a stupid question and get your answer shoved up your butt then call it sophistry.

So since your question has been completely answered maybe you can tell me what the statement I made was that you think is in error.


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Nice, ErieDawg. Now heckbunker just got his ass kicked in, by

Erie Dawg, Steve and Diehard, Medicineman, Stewy, and myself.


"Mexico isn't a third world country,,," LOLOLOL....

Heckbunker is a stupidass. Full of cowpie.

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And just for the fun of it I do not have a graph or a chart or a study that says that criminals from third world shit holes are probably more dangerous than most civilized parts of the world.

(I don't have a graph that shows that pit bulls are more dangerous than Border Collies either, but most sane people except for you apparently would take more care with the former)


you aren't going to try a PS pitbulls aren't even dogs are you? :D


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Alright, I'm doing this from my phone so I hope I don't mess up


1) Here is that same site not listing Mexico as 3rd world





2) Here is the page that map is found on




Notice the title above the map


"The Outdated Three Worlds Model"


That map is showing an old division of the world, not what you guys think it says.




Pretty much everywhere I looked said Mexico was a "Developing Country" or "Newly Industrialized Country" or "Emerging Market" not 3rd world






So... just another example of Cal jumping all over something because he agrees with it, not because its correct or a good source. Read into stuff a little, geez

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that was actually well done woody. I just did a similar search however and apparently the term third world still applies in most of the responses though some have used the developing nation status.developing means that quite possibly Mexico will abandon the third world status but are still in the process. Hence still considered third world.

there's a lot of reading to be done.


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Ignoring the "minor crime" such as ID theft and property crimes being committed by illegal aliens, here is a summary on some of the collateral damage reaped in crimes as a result of tolerating illegal aliens in the USA:

  • In Los Angeles, 95% of some 1,500 outstanding warrants for homicides are for illegal aliens. About 67% of the 17,000 outstanding fugitive felony warrants are for illegal aliens.
  • There are currently over 400,000 unaccounted for illegal alien criminals with outstanding deportation orders. At least one fourth of these are hard core criminals.
  • 80,000 to 100,000 illegal aliens who have been convicted of serious crimes are walking the streets. Based on studies they will commit an average of 13 serious crimes per perpetrator.
  • Illegal aliens are involved in criminal activities at a rate that is 2-5 times their representative proportion of the population.
  • In 1980, our Federal and state facilities held fewer than 9,000 criminal aliens but at the end of 2003, approximately 267,000 illegal aliens were incarcerated in U.S. correctional facilities at a cost of about $6.8 billion per year.
  • At least 4.5 million pounds of cocaine with a street value of at least $72 billion is smuggled across the southern border every year. ..
  • 56% of illegal aliens charged with a reentry offense had previously been convicted on at least 5 prior occasions.
  • Illegal aliens charged with unlawful reentry had the most extensive criminal histories. 90% had been previously arrested. Of those with a prior arrest, 50% had been arrested for violent or drug-related felonies.
  • Illegal aliens commit between 700,000 to 1,289,000 or more crimes per year.
  • Illegal aliens commit at least 2,158 murders each year – a number that represents three times greater participation than their proportion of the population.
  • Illegal alien sexual predators commit an estimated 130,909 sexual crimes each year.
  • There may be as many as 240,000 illegal alien sex offenders circulating throughout America. Based on studies, they will commit an average of 8 sex crimes per perpetrator before being caught.
  • Nearly 63% of illegal alien sex offenders had been deported on another offense prior to committing the sex crime. So we kept 37% of the Mexican Rapists
  • Only 2% of the illegal alien sex offenders in one study had no history of criminal behavior, beyond crossing the border illegally.
  • In Operation Predator, ICE arrested and deported 6,085 illegal alien pedophiles. Some studies suggest each pedophile molests average of 148 children. If so, that could be as many as 900,580 victims.
  • Nobody knows how big the Sex Slave problem is but it is enormous.
  • The very brutal MS-13 gang has over 15,000 members and associates in at least 115 different cliques in 33 states.
  • The overall financial impact of illegal alien crimes is estimated at between $14.4 and $81 billion or more per year. Factor in the crime as a result of the cocaine and other drugs being smuggled in and the number may reach $150 billion per year.



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The problem with many of those stats is it doesn't separate what is occurring due to illegal immigration and what is occurring due to drug smuggling and the gangs that are involved in that.

Nonetheless they have absolutely no bearing on my statement. That is that immigrants, illegal immigrants I mean, and criminals from destitute third world areas are probably a lot more dangerous then those from more civilized areas.


The entire episode over statistics is meant to obscure that point.


Do you agree with my basic premise?


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I did, and you are a fucking idiot. Really. A fucking idiot.

A waste of time a known fool and, let's see, oh yes, a fucking idiot.


oops forgot:

Ha ha ask a stupid question and get your answer shoved up your butt then call it sophistry.

So since your question has been completely answered maybe you can tell me what the statement I made was that you think is in error.



It's not that hard, man. What study or statistics are you basing your statement on? Where is this comparison between immigrants and their nationalities and the rates of crime?


This is similar to someone saying "Where's your proof?"


So, where's your proof? You have, say, 6.6 million illegal immigrants and their rate of violent crime is ...what? And then there are, say, 48,000 illegal immigrants here from Russia and their rate of violent crime is ...what?


Where are you finding this information? You haven't shown it. And you can pretend that you have all you like. Except that you haven't.

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Well the simple answer is yes, duh. Someone immigrating from a country that is not struggling such as england or gemany is doing so usually with a job in mind or after a careful thought out decision and is also usually immigrating with a decent education. However people who are immigrating from a more depressed country (ie mexico) tend to be more desperate and impoverished lacking basic education(or at least what we consider basic).

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