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Date rape is "someone fucking his drunk ass girlfriend"?? God, you're a horrible person. Sinking lower with every post.


Come on, fat man. Name me one time. In eight years on this board. That one of you jackasses started a thread about a common white criminal. Because you hate crime so, so much!!


Name. Me. One.

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I understand that it's hard, because you know what? I don't think it's ever happened. Not once.


And what's your response? Well, they're hard to find because "your guys commit the vast majority of crimes."


You know, there's so much in your statements in this thread that I don't even know where to start.

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Once again, a stark reminder of how America’s failure to carry out interior enforcement against illegal aliens is at least as critical as our wide open border.

U.S. Border Patrol agents say they have detained an illegal alien who’s racked up 37 criminal convictions in the United States.

“Due to the suspect’s numerous criminal convictions, he was processed for an Administrative Removal and will be removed to Mexico,” said the announcement from Customs and Border Patrol.

Police in Rochester, N.Y. arrested the man on Saturday, July 20. They called the Border Patrol for assistance after the suspect gave three different names to a Rochester police officer.

Agents determined that the suspect was in the United States illegally, and a check of the database showed that he has 37 convictions, ranging from misdemeanors to felonies, on charges such as narcotics violations, assault on a federal officer, burglary and robbery, an arrest record stretching all the way back to 1982.

Yet Border Patrol says it first learned of the man on Saturday. Why? Because the Northeast, where this illegal plied his trade, is filled with “sanctuary” states and cities, who refuse to contact Federal authorities when immigration violators are arrested.

And in the past 5 years, our interior enforcement has been completely gutted. In 2010, the Obama administration’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE) announced that it would focus its enforcement efforts on finding and removing illegal aliens who have broken criminal laws in this country.

Under the new policy, federal agents may issue detainers (requests to assume custody of an illegal alien) only for those convicted or charged with a felony; those with three or more misdemeanor convictions, excluding traffic offenses and other minor crimes; and those whose misdemeanors are more serious, such as offenses involving violence or driving under the influence.

ICE union president Chris Crane and his 7,200 immigration agents are suing Obama to end his policy of detainers and reduced enforcement for criminal illegal aliens, and they are having unexpected success towards that aim.

Crane’s lawsuit, Crane v. Napolitano, received a big boost in May when Federal Judge Judge Reed O’Connor told DHS that they had no power to refuse to deport illegal aliens, and that he was likely to strike down Obama’s virtual “DACA” amnesty for millions of illegal aliens.

We stand with Crane, his agents and their lawsuit, which seeks to restore the rule of law to interior immigration enforcement, and put an end to the thousands of virtual amnesties illegals like this deportee have enjoyed under our broken system.

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Good grief.


Let me explain the point to you, Heck.


ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are committing HORRIFIC CRIMES. Not all of them.


But some are.


Now, if Obamao and co wouldn't be allowing them to come here, they wouldn't be here.




Therefore, why all the happiness with you about all illegals coming here?


Furtherfreakinmore, why continue to support any immigration bill that gives them a blanket amnesty?


What the hell is WRONG with your mind, that you can't see past your allegience to the liberal wacko crap?

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It doesn't matter. All the crimes are horrendous. But it's a political forum,


not a race forum. And a lot of the crimes are illegals and blacks. It is what it is.


But as to your stupidass question, the murdering kids at Columbine? White.


Theater "joker" ? White


Newtown ? White.


So shut the hell up if you would like to.


Go on vacation again if you want.


But your sideways, antagonistic garbage' is boring since you started after the last vacation,


and before that, you didn't really take part in actual discussions on the SUBJECT of threads, either.

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I am at a lost at where you guys are trying to take this, whenever a group immigrates to a new land there will always be a certain percentage of "criminals" you can look through history and see that, but to point at a few people that are the criminals and say this is why we shouldn't allow people from their country.


One already brought up are the boston bombers they where also immigrants to this country and not from Mexico.

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Tell you what, Heck, since we're talking about illegal aliens here how about you post a few of these date rape or burglaries or home invasions or beatings or what ever committed by white illegal aliens. Russians Serbians Slovakians polish Irish English Scots and I guarantee I will be equally upset about any of those. So fire away crank up the presses.


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That's your answer? It's tough to find white criminals in America??


I think you gave me my answer, Steve.

well you knew the answer. Certain segments of society commit proportionally many more crimes than other segments of society. I don't think you are actually a fool and I do believe you know this.

actually one of the few politically correct groups to feature in films as bad guys are white supremacists. I know you hate them so give me the stats on how many of these types of crimes they commit a year. Id believe it's a pretty good deal? Are there a great deal of murders etcetera around the methamphetamine labs? Worse than Chicago?

and while you bitch that I don't take date rape as seriously as gang raping a child remember that you called a serial child rapist garden variety or something of the sort.


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Tell you what, Heck, since we're talking about illegal aliens here how about you post a few of these date rape or burglaries or home invasions or beatings or what ever committed by white illegal aliens. Russians Serbians Slovakians polish Irish English Scots and I guarantee I will be equally upset about any of those. So fire away crank up the presses.



But you're not just talking about illegal aliens. We have all of these same discussions when one of you posts about blacks committing crimes, and those aren't about illegal aliens.


So once again, I asked you to find some examples of where one of you has started a thread about common crimes committed by one of the 223 million white people in America, and you couldn't do it. Because you guys have never done that. And why haven't you done that? Because the point isn't crime. The point is to express your animus towards minorities. It's so fucking obvious, and yet you're somehow completely blind to it. That is what you do in here, and you do it quite literally every day, and then act stunned when someone thinks you might have a problem with minorities. Post after post, thread after thread, about black crime, black thugs, black criminals, inferior black culture, Mexican crime, Mexican gangs, illegal aliens from Mexico, how they're dangerous rapists and murderers and they refuse to assimilate ...and yet you've yet to spot a trend.


You guys simply don't believe in the American ideal of treating people as individuals regardless of their race. You not only stereotype and over-generalize and, yes, say wildly offensive and racist things, you do it proudly! And think that because whites don't commit crimes at the same rate as blacks and Hispanics that makes it defensible.


Yes, you actually think FBI crime statistics are a license for your prejudice and racism!


What a board. What a learning experience. What a shame.

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We could also try this, Steve: since this is absolutely, completely, and totally not about racial animus for you, find me one post where you say something that's positive about black people in general, or even sympathetic?


Hell, find me something we could consider neutral, something without animus or snark. Or find me something that sounds analytical rather than disparaging.


And really, you could go all the way back to 2005. You may need to.

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Also, since you keep harping on crime statistics as an out just like Cysko did before he up and vanished, do you think that means blacks are in some way inferior to whites? (Like you just did when you wondered if the reason black schools underperform white schools is because the students are black.) What are your explanations for the disparities? And for the last time, you can stop pretending that I won't acknowledge what the crime statistics say. We have to go through your stupid charade every time we discuss this - "You know it's true! You can't admit it!"


Look, moron, everyone is aware of these stats and disparities. I just don't use them the same way you do. Because you think those disparities are fixed and you can explain them in three sentences of butchered grammar and 7th grade logic. And I don't.


So go ahead and thrill me with all your knowledge about crime and education and social science. Because all you've given us so far is the same crap Cysko did - it's "black culture."

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Tell you what, Heck, since we're talking about illegal aliens here how about you post a few of these date rape or burglaries or home invasions or beatings or what ever committed by white illegal aliens. Russians Serbians Slovakians polish Irish English Scots and I guarantee I will be equally upset about any of those. So fire away crank up the presses.



You are a ridiculous person. And nice walk back. Kind of missing the point, aren't you? What are you going to do, impress me with your rage?


Illegal aliens in this country are overwhelmingly Latino.


Present-day countries of origin[edit]

According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the countries of origin for the largest numbers of illegal immigrants are as follows (latest of 2009):[7]


Country of origin Raw number Percent of total Percent change 2000 to 2009

Mexico 6,650,000 62% +42%

El Salvador 530,000 5% +25%

Guatemala 480,000 4% +65%

Honduras 320,000 3% +95%

Philippines 270,000 2% +33%

India 200,000 2% +64%

Korea 200,000 2% +14%

Ecuador 170,000 2% +55%

Brazil 150,000 1% +49%

China 120,000 1% -37%

Other 1,650,000 15% -17%


But I get the point you want to make. Oh, I get it. Don't worry.

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Let's go back to the actual subject at hand, okay?


The start of the thread started by Diehard,

and as usual, hijacked by Heck in a fit of rationalizations and changes of subject?


Now Heck wants to debate about china, india, etc etc etc....


What weirdo.


Posted Today, 06:24 AM

Illegal Aliens Gang-Rape 13-Year Old – Some ‘Cheer’ and Film the Crime on Cell Phones
by John Hill on JULY 23, 2013 in ACTION CENTER, BLOG, NEWS


Illegal alien child rapists continue their unchecked rampage across America, while politicians in both parties refuse to secure the border, and plot to legalize these criminals instead.

Police in the Sanctuary City of Austin, TX arrested two Mexican nationals who reportedly participated in the gang-rape of a 13-year-old girl on June 29.

The girl, a runaway, who lives at the Settlement Home for Children, was picked up by “three Latino men” and driven to the Avalon Arms apartments, where she was raped by a large group of men for several hours, according to police.

As many as 10 men took turns sexually assaulting the girl. Many cheered and filmed the crime on their cell phones.

Juan Lozano Ortega, 25, and Edgar Gerardo Guzman Perez, 26, have been charged with aggravated sexual assault of a child. Both men – Mexican nationals (what else?) are currently being held in the Travis County Jail on immigration detainers.

KTBC reported:


The affidavit states the assault lasted until early into the morning of June 30, then the victim was driven to a nearby neighborhood and told to “find somewhere to go.”

Police say they were able to track Ortega and Perez from the phone call the girl made to her foster brother with their cell phone. She was able to make it back on her own to the settlement home.

As we have repeatedly exposed on this page, America is awash with Mexican pedophiles who target our children.

The girl was taken to a nearby hospital, where doctors determined her injuries were consistent with her allegations.

Austin police are currently searching for the other assailants. Anyone with information on this crime is urged to contact the Austin Police Department at (512) 974-5750.

This was just the latest crime involving underage children by illegal aliens. America has been savaged by illegal alien pedophile crimes. Why? Because the sick culture of Mexico, which disgustingly has a minimal age of consent for sex of TWELVE, and rarely prosecutes child rapes of even younger than that. Punishments for rape and sexual assaults are just minor slaps on the wrist. Many times the rapist just has to pay a small fine or sit in jail for a day. And if they marry the victim, they are completely let off the hook.

When we permit hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who reflect this sick culture to invade America we shouldn’t be surprised when there is a trail of victims from coast to coast. But instead of securing the border to stop it, politicians in both parties are working right now to legalize them instead.

None dare call it treason.

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And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.
Revelation, 21. 4
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Heck always sways the subject to fit his liberal agenda. The fact is illegal aliens are reeking havoc in the states they are in. Raping, murdering, stealing, etc. He always brings up the white crime, etc. We are talking about illegals here, who shouldn't be here to begin with. If they weren't here, the crime wouldn't exist.

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You are a ridiculous person. And nice walk back. Kind of missing the point, aren't you? What are you going to do, impress me with your rage?


Illegal aliens in this country are overwhelmingly Latino.


Present-day countries of origin[edit]

According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the countries of origin for the largest numbers of illegal immigrants are as follows (latest of 2009):[7]


Country of origin Raw number Percent of total Percent change 2000 to 2009

Mexico 6,650,000 62% +42%

El Salvador 530,000 5% +25%

Guatemala 480,000 4% +65%

Honduras 320,000 3% +95%

Philippines 270,000 2% +33%

India 200,000 2% +64%

Korea 200,000 2% +14%

Ecuador 170,000 2% +55%

Brazil 150,000 1% +49%

China 120,000 1% -37%

Other 1,650,000 15% -17%


But I get the point you want to make. Oh, I get it. Don't worry.

unfortunately I don't get the point you're trying to make I don't think you do either.

And yes please look at the subject of this thread, die hard was indeed talking about illegals.


you get me those white illegal alien stats yet?


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Wow! Way to not answer any of those questions, ignore all the points, and then try to change the subject. Sign this boy up, Rupert!


And try starting with the obvious reason why you might be able to find more examples of crime from illegals from Mexican than illegals from, say, Russia or Scotland. It's right above you. Then you can start to understand the point.


And if you're so convinced that Mexican illegals commit more crimes than Russians or Irish, what are you basing that on? What study? What facts?


And if it turns out they do commit crimes at a higher rate, what does that prove for you?


Oh, do tell, Steve.

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And I'll take it that the reason you haven't been able to find any instances where you guys post about white criminals, and the reason you can't find any instance where you haven't disparaged American blacks, is because you can't.


I certainly can't remember anything but your animus. But again, just because just about all of your thoughts about blacks are negative ones, and just because you've then typed out those thoughts over the course of eight years isn't proof that you harbor some sort of anti-black prejudice. No! Whatever would give someone that idea? They'd have to be crazy.


Plus, have you seen the FBI crime statistics? Clearly, blacks deserve your prejudice.


And about those Mexicans...

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Again, dammit, we are talking about ILLEGALS. Not racial white and black and hispanic and whatever American Citizens.


You can't just kick them out of the country. But they do commit some of the crime.


But, allowing the ILLEGALS to come here, mostly Mexican because the border is right there, and

Mexico is a hell hole...


and the ILLEGALS are committing these hideous, violent crimes as is happening in Mexico...


why support them coming here?


There, that's the question, that pertains to the SUBJECT OF THE THREAD.


So, Heck, stop always wanting to ask the questions. Come up with some answers of your own for a change. Answer it.

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Here's another question, Heck:


Read this: and tell us if you think that all these many thousands returned to Mexico, are

mostly Mexicans.


Take your time, but not forever. Let us know if you escape to vacationland again.


"In FY 2012, ICE says it removed 409,849 illegal aliens. Fifty-five percent of them (or 225,390) were convicted criminal aliens, the largest number of criminal aliens removed in agency history, ICE said. - See more at: http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/us-border-patrol-deporting-illegal-alien-37-criminal-convictions"



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MONSTER: Would-be “Dreamer” 19-year old Sergio Perez raped
and brutally beat his 93-year old victim, who later died.


It is a crime that should – immediately - STOP any talk of “immigration reform” or “KIDS Act” or “DREAM Act” in the Congress.

It is a despicable crime that should – once and for all – show all Americans the devastating human cost of our broken immigration enforcement system – and that this cost extends far from our border states into the very heartland of America.

A 19-year old illegal alien beat and raped a 93-year old woman in her South Omaha, Nebraska home this past Sunday. The details of the attack are simply horrific

That was Sunday. This evening, that hellish ordeal ended as Louise A. Sollowin died at the Nebraska Medical Center, said Officer James Shade, a police spokesman.

According to a police report, an officer dispatched to check the well-being of the woman that day found her covered in blood in a bedroom around 9 a.m.

Officers said they discovered Perez nude and on top of the woman in a bedroom that had blood on the “walls, floor, ceiling and bed.”

The prosecution said that Perez admitted to police that he beat and raped the victim “because he was angry at women after a night of drinking.”

Perez was found naked and passed out on top of the victim, according to police.

The victim’s cheekbones, nose and several teeth were broken in the ordeal. She remains hospitalized at this time in serious condition.

Perez – who speaks only Spanish, and is employed as a roofer - had been charged with first-degree sexual assault, first-degree assault and burglary, prior to Ms. Sollowin’s death. His nation of origin is not known. He is currently being held at the Douglas County Correctional Center on an immigration detainer.

Just yesterday, we reported on two other illegal alien “roofers” in Austin, arrested for their part in a gang-rape of a 13-year old girl. Amnesty traitors such as Lindsey Graham, John McCain and Chuck Schumer routinely tell us how these illegal are “here to work”. But they are also here to rape, here to assault, here to kill. Yet the devastating impact of illegal alien crime – as depicted by the Remembrance Project and Memorial Wall – is never discussed in Congress.

And do the greedy businessmen who hire these would-be monsters ever bear the responsibility of these crimes? Never. Just as the amnesty-pushing U.S. Chamber of Commerce whose members save billions in labor costs from illegals never bear the tens of billions in crushing social services costs of crime, welfare, schools and hospitals in communities from coast-to-coast.

Yesterday, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) was lambasted when he spoke the truth about “Dreamers” in response to the GOP-sponsored “KIDS Act” that would hand amnesty to illegal alien “youths”. King said there are far more “drug mules” than valedictorians among these illegal alien youths. As this and endless other cases also show us, there are far more violent criminals than valedictorians too.

Another one.

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Wow! Way to not answer any of those questions, ignore all the points, and then try to change the subject. Sign this boy up, Rupert!


And try starting with the obvious reason why you might be able to find more examples of crime from illegals from Mexican than illegals from, say, Russia or Scotland. It's right above you. Then you can start to understand the point.


And if you're so convinced that Mexican illegals commit more crimes than Russians or Irish, what are you basing that on? What study? What facts?


And if it turns out they do commit crimes at a higher rate, what does that prove for you?


Oh, do tell, Steve.

All I have to say is that we should be a lot tougher on illegal aliens from extremely empoverished and violent third world areas.


Most rational people would just look at that statement and say yes that makes sense. Not you though.

But to you it's a matter of racism.I asked you to go ahead and give examples of some of that rampant white crime if you believe it exists.

Then you admonish me to go find any positive post about black people. Really?I'm not positive what you are looking for here, maybe that they are over represented in the entertainment or athletic world?

Kind of a stupid question isn't it?

I played a party where one of the guests had a pitbull and it did not maul anyone!

That's not really a story is it?


But do keep us informed on your one man crusade against the scourge of date rape.


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"In FY 2012, ICE says it removed 409,849 illegal aliens. Fifty-five percent of them (or 225,390) were convicted criminal aliens, the largest number of criminal aliens removed in agency history, ICE said. - See more at: http://www.cnsnews.c...nal-convictions"


Again, Heck, you always want to ask the questions, oddly enough, questions that are different than the actual

subject of the thread...


So, answer this one. Don't you think that most of these illegal aliens from Mexico, returned back there...

are Mexican?


And, don't you think 55 freakin percent of them being convicted criminal illegals extremely high?

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Wow! Way to not answer any of those questions, ignore all the points, and then try to change the subject. Sign this boy up, Rupert!


And try starting with the obvious reason why you might be able to find more examples of crime from illegals from Mexican than illegals from, say, Russia or Scotland. It's right above you. Then you can start to understand the point.


And if you're so convinced that Mexican illegals commit more crimes than Russians or Irish, what are you basing that on? What study? What facts?


And if it turns out they do commit crimes at a higher rate, what does that prove for you?


Oh, do tell, Steve.


Two questions. Let's hear it.

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Wow! Way to not answer any of those questions, ignore all the points, and then try to change the subject. Sign this boy up, Rupert!



And try starting with the obvious reason why you might be able to find more examples of crime from illegals from Mexican than illegals from, say, Russia or Scotland. It's right above you. Then you can start to understand the point.



And if you're so convinced that Mexican illegals commit more crimes than Russians or Irish, what are you basing that on? What study? What facts?



And if it turns out they do commit crimes at a higher rate, what does that prove for you?



Oh, do tell, Steve.



Two questions. Let's hear it.





Ill try and make it simple for you.


A couple things you have to learn...Russia and Ireland do not border the U.S. at any point.


Mexico does...so logically there would be more Hispanic illegals entering the U.S..


With me so far?

Good boy.


Since an overwhelming 76% percent of illegals are from Mexico, Central, and South America, then it would be safe to say that Hispanic illegals commit more crimes than other illegals. Not only do Hispanics illegals commit the most crime, their numbers reflect other socio-economic factors that burden the taxpayer.http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/viewSubCategory.asp?id=196



We have an immigration problem.


To come back with the "well, white people commit crimes too" defense was very childish on your part. It is irrelevent. Your letting your bleeding heart fog up your brain again.


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