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Obama Is Using Race To Divide This Country With The Zimmerman Verdict

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It's really strange. Why is your honor so tied up in not admitting that SYG law became part of this case at the end?


One thing was true, and then we learned new information, and then that first thing was no longer true. Some people would adjust in that situation.


Not you, apparently. You just keep banging the drum. While the juror goes on TV and says we used the SYG law to acquit George Zimmerman.


And it doesn't matter anyway. Whether or not this is a great SYG case, people are free to discuss SYG laws, which, of course, are new. Just like they discuss changes in the laws because of Citizens United. Also new. Or changes in the laws because of Obamacare. Also new.


Only in Steve's raging inferno of liberal hatred is every single national issue simply a plot by Democrats to scheme for votes.


Honestly, you guys are close to unredeemable. We're really watching you go off the deep end here.

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Heck translation:


"I know I suck at convincing other people that I'm right, and most the experts are wrong,


and that I make no sense when I parrot Slate and Solon.... but it's all I have on this board,


so, I should probably admit that I am going on vacation because all of us are tired of me


quibbling about sidetrack language on all issues."

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So... every word spoken during the trial is part of the case.


But, the case was about trying Zimmerman as a political enemy and


ignoring the lack of evidence of any wrongdoing, and trying to


undermine Zimmerman's case of SELF-DEFENSE.


And that's a fact, Jack.

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