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Can I Hear An Amen ?


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The first video I don't totally agree with Manning.

Trayvon purchased Skittles and Watermelon juice which combined with cough syrup make a popular narcotic drug. called "lean". http://www.thebrennerbrief.com/2013/07/09/trayvon-martin-about-those-skittles-judge-allows-toxicology-report/




The second video Manning is spot on.

For once in Obamas pathetic term in office he said something right...telling black men to be responsible fathers and husbands and stop blaming and making excuses.

But the liberals and colored folks don't wanna hear that shit. It's "finger wagging".


This is what the NAACP and the likes of "black leaders" like Al Sharpton should focus their energy on rather than seeking revenge on Zimmerman. It's unbelievable how many stupid black people there are.


They act like this case is a moral issue, is a fukin justice issue.

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Meanwhile, this dirtbag failure president in our WH is further fanning the flames of


misplaced anger over the legit verdict of "NOT GUILTY".


Now, Obamao says that Trayvon Martin could have been HIM 35 years ago.


Seriously? Obamao went around doped, and assaulted and tried to beat the life


out of a guy named Zimmerman? Really, Obamao? Sounds to me every bit, like Obamao


would be happy to inspire race riots, over a case that was not about race.


Even Martins divorced parents say is wasn't about race. But that was before the verdict.


Now, they say it was about race.




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Black man kills a white kid in self defense, with a gun.

Didn't get beaten.

Was properly judged 'NOT GUILTY"


Self defense.


Except, no black raised hell. Not one. 2009. Go figure. Ever read about this?


Probly not. Doesn't fit the leftist media narrative.


I see both men as stopping someone from beaten the life of them.

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Even Martins divorced parents say is wasn't about race. But that was before the verdict.


Now, they say it was about race.





Yep, rember that, but thats what liberals do..flop fop their positions to suit the current agenda.


I recall before the trial how it was the concensus by ALL that we shouldn't make conclusions on what happened, but to let a court of law decide....but noooo, as soon as it was evident that the prosecution had no case, out came the racism mongers.

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