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Irs Scandal Gets Closer To The Wh...


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Cal, in June: "With Holder having lied to Congress about it...and all the many, many times the head of the IRS met
with Obamao at the WH? heckbunker


Yep. I said that, because Holder lied about not knowing anything about it, and Obamao appointed Holder,

and won't do anything about Holder and Fast and Furious, AP scandal, failure to even seriously look at prosecuting

the Black Panthers...the list goes on.


That has nothing to do with your claim, sissyboy: "saying this came directly from Holder and Obama to punish their political enemies is seen as truth telling. "


Never said it came directly from them. Even after the fact, they are sandbagging information on the subject at every turn,

just like all the other crap that is going on. Why all the sandbagging, if there isn't anything to hide?


Ah, I remember heckbunker whining and venting about Bush and Cheney outing Plame. Days, even months, I guess.

Then, when it turns out it was never them...silence from Heckbunker. Nothin. He was WRONG and would never admit it.

He just kept changing the subject. And finally, went on "vacation" for the summer.

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