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Irs Scandal Gets Closer To The Wh...


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Well, there goes Heck's claim that it was


only two goofs in Cincy. If the Obamao regime ever sent


Heck a little package of cow crap, Heck would wrap it up in


a hot dog bun and call it a hot dog.


This corrupt regime is imploding, with the scandals that are exploding.




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You're very welcome. BTW,. it has now officially come out that the IRS chief counsel office - the leader of which was appointed by Obamao himself...



"The chief counsel’s office for the Internal Revenue Service, headed by a political appointee of President Obama, helped develop the agency’s problematic guidelines for reviewing “tea party” cases, according to a top IRS attorney.
In interviews with congressional investigators, IRS lawyer Carter Hull said his superiors told him that the chief counsel’s office, led by William Wilkins, would need to review applications that the agency had screened for additional scrutiny because of potential political activity.
Previous accounts from IRS employees had shown that Washington IRS officials were involved in the controversy, but Hull’s comments represent the closest connection to the White House to date."
Stayed tuned... I wonder if Heck will come back with his personal all time low of insisting it was only a couple of rogue agents in Cincy.,
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Yeah, I never "insisted" that, World's Dumbest Man. I said they have to investigate to see who was involved. From day one.


What we're now watching here is pretty laughable, and also predictable. They have completely failed to come up with anything in this "scandal", or figured out a way to do it, so check out the language here as they try to make that connection they so desperately want to make: from "The White House was involved" we've now shifted the metric to: this thing that may have been routine and not illegal or even improper was "the IRS lawyers looked at this, and the White House lawyers are headed by a political appointee, who is appointed by THE WHITE HOUSE!"


There! We're back, baby!


That's all it takes to get the rubes back on board.

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Yes you did. You spoke of the cincy rogues, I'm sure you did.


But, despite all the stone walling, "Mr. Save your spin til the world ends"...


Questions about IRS snooping grow, extend to Biden home state...
Senate candidate O'Donnell told private tax records breached...
Officials in DC ordered 'special scrutiny'...
IRS Chief Counsel Big Donor, Loyal Democrat...
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Cal, I once put a list up of scandals you've believed, but were total horseshit. You were literally about 0 for 27. In fact, I think this board started because you were over in the other board claiming that Bill Clinton was a murderer and a drug dealer.


Might I suggest that your radar for scandal is a tad off. You're a credulous idiot who repeats anything Glenn Beck or Drudge tells you to believe. And you always will.


Watch what comes of this "scandal." It'll be just like Benghazi. And Solyndra. And all of the others you've hyped since the first of the 176,543 times you've typed "we're in serious, serious trouble."


And yet somehow the nation endures.


You want to bet right now that it involves no one in the White House, and no criminal charges will be filed?


Right now, they have nothing to show for this IRS scandal. If they dig up something, I'll be the first to say "Hey, that person should be fired." Just like I was when this scandal started. But just because Darrell Issa is trying to resurrect this thing from the ashes, and conveniently waited until the Zimmerman trial was over so the Fox News watchers wouldn't be distracted, it doesn't mean we all have to pretend he's got something because someone in an IRS office knew something while another person in that same office was appointed by President Obama and that means IT REALLY DID COME FROM THE WHITE HOUSE!


You're even stunned to learn that a Democratic President appointed a Democrat.


Give us all a rest from your stupid thread topics, will ya? Go outside.

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Here's the key section:


"What did Issa prove? His two new witnesses were Elizabeth Hofacre, a 14-year employee of the IRS based in the infamous Cincinnati office, and Carter Hull, a D.C. IRS staffer. The big revelation was that Hull took his concerns about the IRS's BOLO lists to—hold your breath—the chief counsel of the IRS, a White House appointee. And he did so in 2011!

One problem: Anyone reading the available IG research on the IRS investigation already knew about this. Two full months ago, the IG report mentioned that IRS "Rulings and Agreements office personnel held a meeting with Chief Counsel so that everyone would have the latest information," back in August 2011. So Issa didn't have anything new. He was repacking a revelation that didn't get a ton of attention in May because it seemed like a weak connection to the White House."

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Yes, he told Fox that he had a big bombshell revelation and we all needed to tune in ...and then he told us something we already knew, something that's not even scandalous. They asked the lawyers to look at it. (Dear God, no!!)


But hey, remember. This is theater. And theater doesn't have to be true. It's just got to convince people like Cal that it's true. And that's not very hard to do.


But maybe it's time you stopped trusting the guy who used to engage in theft and insurance fraud to be on the up and up.

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Sorry, Heckbunker, but you are a dishonest moron. You diss Drudge, and you quote articles from moveon.orgy, solon, and

now Slate?


Really? You lost cred years ago, when you insisted that Bill Clinton never had sex with that woman, that is was

just all a witch hunt by the Republicans.


Dredge up the past is all you have? That isn't much, meathead. The current news is bad for your honey bear president.


He's a failure, a lying blowhard, and a community Horganizer. Say, the Obamaocare you loved so much? Now, even Dems in Congress

and major unons all over the country are po'd at the failure.


And, Zimmerman was definately going to be found NOT GUILTY, you hopingformanslaughter politically dense wingnut.


I will say this about you that is positive, you spell correctly, and you add a lot to this forum when you are gone on vacation. That's


legitimately called "addition by subtraction"......you Dumbass sumbeech. There's a hell of a lot more legitimacy about


Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS and Zimmerman trial interference and subsidy of anti-Zimmerman rallies scandals than


there is with your nanny fraud man made goober warning bs. Have a nice really hot day.

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Here's me suggesting that we need to investigate this three times in one thread. Here, here, and here. And me correctly predicting the outcome here.


And that's not the only place. I can remember doing it in an earlier thread, suggesting that if these charges were true people shouldn't only be fired, they should go to jail. Should I dig up that for you too?


As a bonus, you can even see where Cal says he knows it was "Senior White House advisors."

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If I recall correctly, I suggested a special prosecutor since something stinks here (and I don't trust the DOJ in particular) but you seemed to be dead set against that.


and you did predict that it would be nothing beyond a couple rogue flunkeys and a paperwork snafu.


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Yes, he did. He most always runs from what he said in the past. He either quibbles and dribbles about what


the "real" meaning of words are, or he goes on vacation, and comes back triumphantly, hoping nobody


remembers him being stupidly wrong in the past.


Meanwhile, all Congress has to do, I found out, is to subpoena those survivors of Benghazi who were told to


sign NDA's on Benghazi in a huge coverup, and they MUST testify before Congress regardless.

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If I recall correctly, I suggested a special prosecutor since something stinks here (and I don't trust the DOJ in particular) but you seemed to be dead set against that.


and you did predict that it would be nothing beyond a couple rogue flunkeys and a paperwork snafu.



You really don't have to poorly surmise my arguments when you can look them up, or when I look them up for you.


I said at the time that this needed to be investigated and that if the allegations were true people should not only be fired, but go to jail. As we learned more, I said that this doesn't look like the initial allegations were going to turn out to be true, and they haven't. I also said the Republicans would overplay their hand on something that was likely far less scandalous than they imagine, and that's also been the case.


Only in this bizarro world do you guys imagine you've been proven right and I've been proven wrong.

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Wow. That's as classy a backtracking cya than heckbunker has ever managed before.


He's been....practicing with an expert....

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Nobody said it came from Holder and Obamao.


Ever. Those two are doing everything they can to stop us from knowing what really happened,


apparently, with the NDA's, bluster by Clinton and Clapper et all.


Yeah, I went to Fox News. There's nothing there to discredit the desire to get


answers about Benghazi. Every scandal is the same with you, heckbunker - "DON'T LOOK BEHIND THAT CURTAIN,



So, let's look behind the curtain. Fair enough, to get you to criticize the coverup now?

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Nobody said it came from Holder and Obamao.





Cal, in June: "With Holder having lied to Congress about it...and all the many, many times the head of the IRS met
with Obamao at the WH?
Face it. Holder AND Obamao should resign, and take Biden with them.
For a start. They and their cronies have stunk up our gov profoundly. And I do mean "PROFOUNDLY".
Don't give the rest of us who care about our country the usual "well, Bush wasn't perfect".
This isn't a matter of perfect or political disagreement. This is corruption at the worst in American history.
Obamao and co. act like they have a mandate to become authoritarians, and they will do anything to keep that
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Think how far you guys have moved the goalposts from the original claims of this scandal. At first it was that you believed that someone in the political arm of the White House had directed the targeting of conservative groups by the IRS to help win an election. Some, including you Steve, suggested Obama was involved, but would simply claim he didn't know. (Because hey, you accused the Obama political arm of obviously manipulating the Benghazi talking points, and you sure were right about that!) Or that Holder was involved. Or that they were both involved. But you knew someone was directing this thing out of the White House.


Fast forward a couple months...


Now the right is trying to claim that, okay, maybe conservative groups weren't the only ones targeted, and that progressive groups were targeted as well. But conservative groups were targeted more. And sure, maybe it wasn't necessarily political, and that this was carried out by IRS agent who are self-described Republicans. BUT! We know that the head of the legal affairs section of the IRS is a political appointee, and that the legal affairs office was brought in for clarification on how to deal with all of these new groups, so ....is that close enough to the White House for ya?


It's really getting pathetic.

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