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$16,699,396,000,000.00. Big, Serious Trouble For All Of Us.


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Does anybody think a $16,699,396,000,000.00 national debt is


no problem? Anybody care to weigh in on how it doesn't mean we


are financially screwed as a country?


I don't... Big, critical serious trouble ahead.






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Does anybody think a $16,699,396,000,000.00 national debt is


no problem?








Yes, liberals/socialist/proressives/one world government types.


Obama doesn't give a shit about the deficit.. whatever it takes to knock us down a peg or two so as to put us on the same playing level as Europe and the rest of the worl.

When gas prices rose under Bush, every liberal asswipe blamed him and Cheney.

When gas prices rose under Obama, his explanation was that it was the way of Europe, and the way of the world....and everyone shut up and accepted it.




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The actual number is largely irrelevant. If the debt is serviceable then there's no problem. If it's not, then there becomes a problem. I don't know enough about American national economics to comment on whether it is or not, so there endeth my contribution :P

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