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Now That Zimmerman Is Not Guilty....


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But it isn't just a matter choosing to believe Zimmerman over Martin's friend.


The FBI and police concluded quite positively there was no racial motive on Zimmerman's part.

And, the detective? Was an excellent witness...for the defense. And the other eyewitness? Saw Martin on the bottom

of the fight. And, to top it all off, the lack of evidence to bring charges in the first place is so obvious, I don't see

any valid reasoning for bringing charges. But to have the prosecutor Corey act like the jury screwed up and the system

let a guilty guy off....WHAT? What is behind all this? Rallying up votes for the next election from the black community?


Or trying to make a giant argument against gun ownership? Firing the police chief because there was NO EVIDENCE to bring

charges? The Corey crook prosecutor bringing charges anyways, without sending it to a Grand Jury? She canceled the Grand

Jury the next day after bring charges against Zimmerman.


Right there, this tells you flat out, that this bogus case was all about ulterior political motives. I'd like to know who

may have been initiating this go ahead to bring charges.... I hope Corey gets fired, and disbarred. What she did

for politics should make every single American, black and white , angry and worried that it could happen to anybody,

anywhere somewhere else.

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So let's say a young woman is being gang raped by the crips.

She doesn't follow their orders to hold still and bites one of them doing a fair amount of injury.

Is responsible for his medical bills and pain and suffering or should she be incarcerated for violating his civil rights, or both?


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So let's say a young woman is being gang raped by the crips.

She doesn't follow their orders to hold still and bites one of them doing a fair amount of injury.

Is responsible for his medical bills and pain and suffering or should she be incarcerated for violating his civil rights, or both?



Under FL law that would basically fall under the same section of the law as Stand your Ground(as long as she is not in her own home/dwelling/vehicle). So best to shoot them dead,.

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Looks like ObaMao wants to emulate Putin's influence on political opponent kangaroo courts:




Obamao and Holder see the Zimmerman trial as a political op, and his being NOT GUILTY as a threat

to their credibility.


Personally, they can't get him. The FBI is on Zimmerman's side in this already, in a huge way.


Or....can they? Serious trouble in our country.

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