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This Is Getting Crazy - In England. Wait Til It Starts Here


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It's a tricky one, basically akin to scarfing down a big mac in front of a panel of hindus, a bacon roll in a synagogue. While it's your right to eat/drink whatever you want, when you want, you should also take into consideration the religious sensitivities of those around you. Ultimately, the teacher should be advising the kid to show the respect to the other kids, maybe wait until after class to take another drink, and make sure that he's suitably hydrated for the lesson before starting, but it should be the kid's decision, he shouldn't be forced not to drink (which is probably illegal and tantamount to child abuse).

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"Blagden said she complained to the assistant principal who told her the incident never should have happened. Her son received a formal apology afterward."


Where is the story/news? Teacher did something stupid, kid brought it to the attention of his parent, parent to prinical, and likely the Teacher was discplined. I guess its news b/c its involving Muslims religion?

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Sure Chris I can understand not being an asshole around people with different beliefs. And we do tend to exaggerate all these little situations. But I've gone to dinner with Catholic friends and ordered a steak on Friday while they ordered red snapper. folks probably shouldn't get so offended by stuff like this. (if in fact anybody really did except for one overzealous teacher)



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Sure Chris I can understand not being an asshole around people with different beliefs. And we do tend to exaggerate all these little situations. But I've gone to dinner with Catholic friends and ordered a steak on Friday while they ordered red snapper. folks probably shouldn't get so offended by stuff like this. (if in fact anybody really did except for one overzealous teacher)



I'd forgotten about the fish-only thing on fridays for catholics! Religion is amusing sometimes. Declaring that you can only eat something certain days of the week - when days of the week are arbitrarily created and assigned by mankind, in a different way for each civilisation.


Anyway, I agree that in principle people should be respectful of other people's beliefs, but on the other hand, the religious should be tolerant of the fact that other people are not religious and are free to do what they want.

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well a couple of thoughts that I recall from my youth when I believed more than I do now. as far as the fish on Friday or any other rituals like that its more A tip of the hat to tradition then an actual thunder and lightning sin. just a little action of respect. now as far as Christians I remember being taught that you will expect to get a raft of shite from non believers. that's where the humility comes into play which I think has been largely forgotten in many areas.just remember that lots of people will be hostile and that there's nothing you can do about it. if you believe in the path you have chosen you know you are right so why should their ignorance make you angry?

Not you personally, just others in general.



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