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And You Thought Khalessi Was A Shitty Name?


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A judge has denied custody to a father who came to court in a Nazi uniform to get back his youngest child.

A hearing was held last month at Hunterdon County Family Court in Flemington, N.J., to determine whether Heath Campbell, 40, who gave all four of his children Nazi-inspired names, could visit with his 2-year-old son Heinrich Hons.

The New Jersey Division of Youth and Family Services (NJ DYFS) said they took the boy because of previous violence in the home. An anonymous abuse claim was also made to local police.

The couple said they never abused their children and argued they were being targeted for the names they chose for their kids. Officials have denied that to be the case.

NJ DYFS officials had already placed Heinrich Hons Campbell's older siblings – Adolf Hitler Campbell, 7, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, 6, and 5-year-old Honzlynn Jeannie Campbell – in foster care because of the alleged violence in the family's Holland Township, N.J. home.

The Campbells gained national attention in December 2008 after a Greenwich Township, N.J., ShopRite supermarket refused to write Adolf Hitler Campbell’s name on a cake for his third birthday. The couple complained the refusal constituted discrimination.

A second store eventually honored their request, but the flap led NJ DYFS to start an investigation into the family.

The agency's investigation prompted a judge to remove the kids from the couple’s care.

Campbell says he will appeal Thursday’s decision.

On one hand, this guy's got some beliefs that most everyone agrees is fucked up. On the other hand, does it really warrant getting your kids taken away from you? Unless there's concrete evidence of child abuse, I think the First Amendment protects this idiot.

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At first glance a lib would confuse that with a Republican headquarters office...after all, Hitler hated gays.

He even killed them.

There is a comparison of Obama, someone in his office, or just any liberal to Hitler in every other thread on this board...

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Oh the irony!

Yes Woody it does...I think that about you every time I read your posts.

I'm brainwashed now? How exactly? I would say my opinion differs from my parents on a decent amount of things.



I'm also pretty sure you don't understand what irony is. If so, you must miss where it is in the majority of your posts

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I'm brainwashed now? How exactly? I would say my opinion differs from my parents on a decent amount of things.



I'm also pretty sure you don't understand what irony is. If so, you must miss where it is in the majority of your posts

You are brainwashed...by the media, educational institutions, Hollywood, and lib politicians..those leftover from the Woodstock days who never grew up and are now running this country.

You also brainwashed by yourself because you are of the belief that youth is superior to wisdom. You possess no wisdom, you rely only on "compassion and feelings" to form your positions on the way you think America should be.


Remember this very old quote Woody, author unknown... "If you're not a liberal at age 20, then you have no heart, and if you're not a conservative by the age of 40 you have no brain.

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There is a comparison of Obama, someone in his office, or just any liberal to Hitler in every other thread on this board...

Yes, so?

The comparisons are justified.


Obama believes in socialized medicine, so did Hitler.

Obama got involved with the auto industry, so did Hitler.

Obama believes in abortion, so did Hitler.

Obama believes in a public police force, Hitler had one.

Obama believes in gun control, so did Hitler.

Obama is pro socialist, big govt.control, so was Hitler.


People in Germany were in awe of Hitler, worshiped "the one" as Germany's savior...exactly how so many of you loonies behave toward Obama.


Obama can do no wrong, nor could Hitler.


Obama is a great speaker(with a teleprompter), so was Hitler, but without a teleprompter.


In 2012 Obama was Time Magazines Person of the Year, in 1938 Hitler was Time Magazines Man of the Year.


Hitler never won the Nobel Peace Prize though...gee I wonder why. In fact, I wonder why Obama won it.


So why do you think making comparisons to Hitler are outrageous?

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You are brainwashed...by the media, educational institutions, Hollywood, and lib politicians..those leftover from the Woodstock days who never grew up and are now running this country.

You also brainwashed by yourself because you are of the belief that youth is superior to wisdom. You possess no wisdom, you rely only on "compassion and feelings" to form your positions on the way you think America should be.


Remember this very old quote Woody, author unknown... "If you're not a liberal at age 20, then you have no heart, and if you're not a conservative by the age of 40 you have no brain.

You are completely free thinking though, right? Lol

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You are completely free thinking though, right? Lol

Lol.. Like the liberal term "social justice", "free thinking" is another made up liberal term used to drive an agenda. Think about that free thinker dude.


There is no "social" justice, there is either justice or injustice, as well there is no free thinking, its either thinking or simply not thinking.


Prager puts it so nicely so maybe you'll understand. He is a very well mannered highly educated Jewish thinker.

Please give him a chance.


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And Vapor is wrong again.


It isn't "freethought".


It's "free thinking":


adj. 1.

inclined to forms one's own opinions rather than depend upon authority, especially about social and religious issues; exhibiting boldness of speculation; skeptical of authority.


So, a free thinker can have his own viewpoints, and still not base them on logic/reason and empiricism. Logic can be invalid - as in

cherry picked to fit an agenda. "Reason" can also be invalid.


Just form your own opinions, goofy or not, and you are a free thinker.

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Sounds like not you guys.


Cal posts articles from the same three websites every week. They just rehash what he wants to hear. Users on here go back to there religion to make points. That's just being brought up and not thinking enough for yourself about these things.


That's his one thinks god took over the body of a donkey to personally save your life...




Bunker, its laughable you rip on me for being brainwashed, to the level these kids were be. No of you fucking idiots on here realize your hypocrisy. Everything is black and white to you and your opinion is dictated by you political party. If some Tea Party idiot said pizza was socialist you'd start posting articles from the blaze ripping on Dominos and stop eating it yourself.

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Those sites are links to other sites. All over the net. Nest time you challenge one, I'll prove it.


The subject was "free thinking". Now, you're saying that the republican party told me in the fifth grade


that God was there for me because I fell into a spring and my life was saved?


Do you have any idea what you are talking about? Seriously.

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Sounds like not you guys.


Cal posts articles from the same three websites every week. They just rehash what he wants to hear. Users on here go back to there religion to make points. That's just being brought up and not thinking enough for yourself about these things.


That's his one thinks god took over the body of a donkey to personally save your life...




Bunker, its laughable you rip on me for being brainwashed, to the level these kids were be. No of you fucking idiots on here realize your hypocrisy. Everything is black and white to you and your opinion is dictated by you political party. If some Tea Party idiot said pizza was socialist you'd start posting articles from the blaze ripping on Dominos and stop eating it yourself.

I eat Freedom Fries, not French Fries.

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For Vapor:


Freethought is a philosophical viewpoint that holds opinions should be formed on the basis of logic, reason and empiricism and not authority, tradition, or other dogmas.
freethinking n : the doctrine that reason is the right basis for regulating conduct [syn: {rationalism}]


So, freethinking is a ...branch of freethought, but not all inclusive of the elements of freethought. We're both right. LOL

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