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Dem Admits Hispanic Demographic Expanding, Is A Political Plan


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in Texas. Of course that's what is going on.


They want dem voters, completely dependent on social welfare programs, to


get the vote. They have wanted it for years. Decades.


We have to hammer this problem and fix it now.




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Demographics are changing and if Republicans don't adjust to give this new demo a reason to vote for them then the Republicans will lose power... makes sense.


What's the outrage here? Where do Nazis and Hitler fit in?


Not quite kiddo. Had Romney won the majority of the Hispanic vote he would have still lost the election. Like blacks, Hispanics will always vote the party that gives them the most free stuff.





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Spin it to your support your position until it makes zero sense. What a surprise.

So by saying something you disagree with I am the one using "spin" and making zero sense...


You sure?


You really think its never where you start that's the problem, not where I'm going?

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Actually the stupidest thing about this is that maybe a few Republicans actually believe that people like Heck and Nancy Pelosi are offering advice for the good of their parties reelection chances.
It really is beyond ridiculous.

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The demographic is changing ILLEGALLY.


Trying HELP AND ENCOURAGE ILLEGALS to come into our country,

enticing them with SS, welfare, obamaocare, free stuff, free stuff...


and then trying to give them the vote. Just recently, California is allowing

non citizens to work the POLLING BOOTHS.


Seriously? Anybody thinks it's okay to commit crimes on the way to more power for their political party? Seriously?

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