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Admin Finally Going To Try Ft. Hood Terror Suspect

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Fort Hood Victim: I'm Disappointed, Embarrassed By Admin's Handling of Hasan Case

BY FOX NEWS INSIDER // JUL 10 2013 // 11:40AM

As the trial for Major Nidal Hasan gets underway nearly four years after he gunned down 15 people and wounded dozens more in the massacre at Fort Hood, survivors are speaking out about the long-awaited justice that they hope will be delivered.

One of those survivors is Sgt. Alonzo Lunsford, who will be the prosecution's lead witness. Lunsford was shot seven times in the deadly nightmare, and while he told Fox News' Gregg Jarrett on Wednesday that he's "feeling good today," that wasn't the case on Tuesday night when he said he found out that Hasan felt it was "a chore" that he be required to wear his uniform to trial. Lunsford calls this just one more piece of evidence proving Hasan to be a terrorist - a classification the government refuses to attach to the shooting or defendant.

Fast and Furious Guns STILL Being Linked to Murders

Attorney General Eric Holder has refrained from filing terrorism charges in the case, despite the myriad connections to extremist leanings, including fact that Hasan was in contact with Al Qaeda before the "workplace shooting."

"Not only am I disappointed [in Holder], I'm embarrassed. Mr. Holder needs to understand the repercussions of his actions," Lunsford said, adding that perhaps the attorney general should visit troops overseas in Afghanistan or Iraq to better understand how and why service men and women do what they do.

Lunsford also expressed outrage at the fact that some victims are financially struggling, but because of the categorization of the shooting as a "workplace shooting," he and those other victims are not entitled to combat-related benefits they would have received had they been injured overseas. To make matters worse, Hasan has continued to receive paychecks over the past four years.

Eric Cantor Calls for Delay of Individual Mandate to Stop ObamaCare

Every time Holder lays down at home in peace, Lunsford said, "he needs to understand he's able to do that because of the blood that's been shed by service members..."

At the end of the day, Lunsford says he does feel he and the other victims have been denied justice, but he's still optimistic. "I guess it's better late than never..."


Read more: http://foxnewsinsider.com/2013/07/10/fort-hood-victim-sgt-alonzo-lunsford-im-embarrassed-holders-handling-nidal-hasan-trial#ixzz2Ygo7lS9k

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I'll bet Obamao pardons him. Seriously.


Obamao invited Abdul Alharbi to the WH 4th of July get-together.


Something is really wrong in this gov.



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Fort Hood Victim: I'm Disappointed, Embarrassed By Admin's Handling of Hasan Case

BY FOX NEWS INSIDER // JUL 10 2013 // 11:40AM

As the trial for Major Nidal Hasan gets underway nearly four years after he gunned down 15 people and wounded dozens more in the massacre at Fort Hood, survivors are speaking out about the long-awaited justice that they hope will be delivered.

One of those survivors is Sgt. Alonzo Lunsford, who will be the prosecution's lead witness. Lunsford was shot seven times in the deadly nightmare, and while he told Fox News' Gregg Jarrett on Wednesday that he's "feeling good today," that wasn't the case on Tuesday night when he said he found out that Hasan felt it was "a chore" that he be required to wear his uniform to trial. Lunsford calls this just one more piece of evidence proving Hasan to be a terrorist - a classification the government refuses to attach to the shooting or defendant.

Fast and Furious Guns STILL Being Linked to Murders

Attorney General Eric Holder has refrained from filing terrorism charges in the case, despite the myriad connections to extremist leanings, including fact that Hasan was in contact with Al Qaeda before the "workplace shooting."

"Not only am I disappointed [in Holder], I'm embarrassed. Mr. Holder needs to understand the repercussions of his actions," Lunsford said, adding that perhaps the attorney general should visit troops overseas in Afghanistan or Iraq to better understand how and why service men and women do what they do.

Lunsford also expressed outrage at the fact that some victims are financially struggling, but because of the categorization of the shooting as a "workplace shooting," he and those other victims are not entitled to combat-related benefits they would have received had they been injured overseas. To make matters worse, Hasan has continued to receive paychecks over the past four years.

Eric Cantor Calls for Delay of Individual Mandate to Stop ObamaCare

Every time Holder lays down at home in peace, Lunsford said, "he needs to understand he's able to do that because of the blood that's been shed by service members..."

At the end of the day, Lunsford says he does feel he and the other victims have been denied justice, but he's still optimistic. "I guess it's better late than never..."


Read more: http://foxnewsinsider.com/2013/07/10/fort-hood-victim-sgt-alonzo-lunsford-im-embarrassed-holders-handling-nidal-hasan-trial#ixzz2Ygo7lS9k



All this shit goin down under Obama and the only thing that dim wit low information libtard democrats take seriously was Obamas recent "global warming" speech..when a scandal arises, start talkin global warming to sway attention. Global warming speeches are real attention grabbers for the democrat sheeple, and Obama knows it.


Bob Hope has democrats pegged.


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