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Told Ya. New Org To Counter Boy Scouts Over Perversion Acceptance


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We mentioned this would happen.


Let the Boy Scouts fall apart now if they do.




Everywhere you look anymore, American values are under attack, American heroes are ridiculed,


our Constitution is belittled, our institutions are under assault, our national debt is intentionally skyrocketing,


and Obamao's gov, ie, Holder, refuses to admit that Maj. Hassan was a terrorist. Hassan is still getting paid,

and including med benefits, he's gotten about 300,000 bucks and four years later, just now starting to come

to trial.


Obamao is now officially telling gov employees to spy on each other. Say, doesn't that sound familiar ?


Undermining the values of the Boy Scouts was just another undermining of our country. So, those who choose to leave

that org, and start their own - GREAT for THEM.



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No, it's more like American citizens adhering to principle in their lives. It's great for the kids - they don't take to perversion


by natural choice, not only from learning from their parents. Trying to force them to give up their beliefs, principles and


spiritual understanding that God exists, et all, and it's a step below the nazi party. Tear it all down, declare an enemy,


force the enemy to either convert or hide, destroy the enemy.


Sounds like Muslim extremists, eh? And guess where hitler and the nazis got their hatred to focus persecution on Jews?

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You used Westboro as a slur,Woody. I showed you a mirror again.


I'm trying not to not make personal insults toward you, hoping you will get it.


Exactly like I commented before, so far, you are psychologically unable to stop.


I have. I was correct so far. Several of us have you pegged accurately.

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As are the Nazi's etc.


I simply mirrored your insult I made a point in the original thread.


You don't like it, and exactly like most libs, you lashed out in insult,


because you don't have any ground to stand on as far as disagreeing with the subject of the thread.


I said people would leave the scouts, and now they are. Just the messenger. Didn't make it happen.

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You never do. It's okay. You seem to misinterpret whatever is posted if it doesn't fit your narrative, that's all.


Maybe not even on purpose. Perhaps you can't do better. And that's okay.

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Dream on. "Imagine there's no country...it's easy if you try"


"We will bury you!" hammer your shoe away, Nikita.


Yeah, the left always claims future assimilation of all humans.


Really sounds like the Borg.

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Obvious posts are obvious



If you are typing such crazy, Retarded shit that I can't even figure out where you are trying to go with it, there's nothing I can do about it.


Deflecting and always being in denial is no way to run your life kid...and if your problem is really not that, then perhaps someday you'll grow up and figure it out.



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Dream on. "Imagine there's no country...it's easy if you try"


"We will bury you!" hammer your shoe away, Nikita.


Yeah, the left always claims future assimilation of all humans.


Really sounds like the Borg.


Do racists still exist? Yes. But are there as many or are they as open? No.


Same with thus group that is so offended by gays.


Keep completely rewording what I say though. Never said anything about the assimilation of mankind ur whatever.

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Deflecting and always being in denial is no way to run your life kid...and if your problem is really not that, then perhaps someday you'll grow up and figure it out.


God help me I don't end up as pathetic as you though Bunker. What a horrible outcome that would be.

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Do racists still exist? Yes. But are there as many or are they as open? No.


Same with thus group that is so offended by gays.


Keep completely rewording what I say though. Never said anything about the assimilation of mankind ur whatever.


Thats right son, racists still do exist...and will always exist , here and everywhere in the world because it is human nature.


Any racial/ethnic group sitting with each other in a cafeteria, as innocent and harmless as it, is racist behavior. People by nature are more comfortable with their own kind and naturally feel a sense of superiority over the other group.


This type of racism that exists today will always be with us. Today there is no one stopping anyone from succeeding in life because of their color.

The only reason racism is continuously propagated in this country is that it is a convenient excuse to use for the shortcomings and failures of the black community. God knows it's not the black mans fault, so we gotta keep the racism thing alive bro



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Thats right son, racists still do exist...and will always exist , here and everywhere in the world because it is human nature.


Any racial/ethnic group sitting with each other in a cafeteria, as innocent and harmless as it, is racist behavior. People by nature are more comfortable with their own kind and naturally feel a sense of superiority over the other group.


This type of racism that exists today will always be with us. Today there is no one stopping anyone from succeeding in life because of their color.

The only reason racism is continuously propagated in this country is that it is a convenient excuse to use for the shortcomings and failures of the black community. God knows it's not the black mans fault, so we gotta keep the racism thing alive bro



You missed the point of my post...


The point was this "gay is evil" group will fads. Its not some righteous protecting their beliefs from oppression. Its a small, intolerant group that is holding on to outdated ideals.


Really? No one trying to prevent anyone from succeeding because of color?

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