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Llinois Passes Concealed Carry Law - Last State To Do It.


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Obamao isn't worried.


He thinks there's still 7 states left.... @@


Congrats, Illinois !



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This funny news. what is even funnier is that the queers want reciprocal rights to marriage from state to state. If that is allowed then conceal carry and gun ownership rights will become reciprocal from state to state.


Beware of good intentions. They mostly lead to coercion

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Ha, we're redneck pussies who lost the election.


Lets show our frustration...now. Backhanded insults and (what we believe to be) slights at the Dem. party are the way to do it, instead of reading books and becoming literate and legitimate members of society.




And no, Cal, running a goat farm to grow your own feta cheese doesn't qualify as being legitimate members of society.

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Not sore, just think it's funny that's he's that stupid. Given his background, not so much a "misspoke" as a "big mistake".


And Couch, I don't get it. Goats? My brother-in-law has goats, and they don't make feta cheese.


Seriously, I just posted that all 50 states have some sort of ccw laws passed. I thought the number of states


that pass laws was a huge, huge indicator of what's right, according to libs.... Or, it's only libs that can claim that as evidence of legitimacy,


and conservatives aren't allowed because of goats? and poking fun at Chairman ObaMao ? Methinks you libs protesteth too much.


Congrats to all fifty states. Trained, background checked, licensed ccw Americans in every state....


good thing for all of us.

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No, I never said he didn't know how many states there are. I said his background,


with "57 Islamic states".... it was a slip of his tongue. Like ...it indicates that


he really is in tune with Islam at heart. Besides, it was FUNNY !!!


(oops, there we go again, libs ain't got no sense of humor)


And he did say that (not the exact quote)...that if he had to choose, between other states and religious,


he'll side with the Islamic state.


Meanwhile, you think this is a "misspeak" by Obamao?


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He didn't misspeak - he was accurately referring to what is true in his hidden agenda.


He didn't mean to refer to American states, but he didn't mean a lot of things. Obamao is a profound screw

up in presidential history.


So, the 57 Islamic states is accurate. He just forgot to hide his true allegience.




THAT is really something. And it was funny ! You're a lib - you don't get funny. We know.

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