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Employer Mandate Shelved Until After Midterm Elections. Figures


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Now, Obamao's regime wonks are delaying the requirement that applicants be truthful ..


That should enable millions of those illegals to get registered and start getting it.


Out country is in for big, serious trouble. Hyperinflation is coming. I don't see how it won't come.




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Maybe it is so he can giveaway more handouts.


IMO: This whole new TAX law MANDATE is not ready to kickoff. Most states are not even setup to handle the exchanges and nobody knows what the rules of the game are yet. We have over 25,000 pages of rules and regulations and they are writting almost 100 new pages a day.

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That law just gives the dems the power to control anything they wish now.


It's so huge, they can manipulate and cherry pick it and gain control and votes and....


what a disaster.


We can't afford this debacle.

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When "we" voted to give Dems complete control over both houses of Congress, with a Dem pres.


Never works - is a freakin disaster. Most dems are sheep who will do anything they are told to do,


exactly like the mega-lib sheep wienie Sherrod Brown.

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The subject is, how we got here. Obamaocare. And those dems who voted for it, without even


knowing what all was in it. For instance, Sherrod Brown. He's a sen here in Ohio. He is the example


I used, because it is an excellent example.


I am not a politician, didn't vote for anything....please try to stay on the subject.

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liberals are wrong. And that's bad. Your insults and sarcasm? Pretty worthless in sending a message of any kind, except


that you think it makes you look superior when you really don't have a clue. And several of us think so. Get a clue, at least


about some other subject than gay perversion.

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I don't see any hypocrisy here. the president and his pals on the left desperately wanted socialized medicine and they figured this was a good step. they wrote the bill hastily didn't read it and forced it on the public with the nuclear option. now they realize it's going to suck worse than the Republicans said therefore they want to postpone the suckiness until after midterms. fairly simple.


Now to be fair to the Democrats I believe that no matter what the bill had in it there would be opposition from the Republicans. I think that's what they do, both parties. whatever party a wants party b hates so it really is hard to know what really sucks and what is an apparent cry of wolf.


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