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How The New Ohio Budget Affects Your Vagina: Mike Polk

MLD Woody

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Gosh it seems that if this was really such a traumatic decision and such a life shattering situation that maybe, just maybe, this bimbo could have taken a little preventative measure before allowing the drunken scumbag she picked up in a bar to blow his load.


I'm assuming that Woodrow posted this helpful and informative video in an attempt to start the ball rolling to repeal the right to vote for women.


Tsk tsk





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Gosh it seems that if this was really such a traumatic decision and such a life shattering situation that maybe, just maybe, this bimbo could have taken a little preventative measure before allowing the drunken scumbag she picked up in a bar to blow his load.


I'm assuming that Woodrow posted this helpful and informative video in an attempt to start the ball rolling to repeal the right to vote for women.


Tsk tsk





Gotta love them whores.

All I can say is it is time to assume a virtue if you have it not.

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Gosh it seems that if this was really such a traumatic decision and such a life shattering situation that maybe, just maybe, this bimbo could have taken a little preventative measure before allowing the drunken scumbag she picked up in a bar to blow his load.


I'm assuming that Woodrow posted this helpful and informative video in an attempt to start the ball rolling to repeal the right to vote for women.


Tsk tsk






Because that's the only reason women get abortion; they're whores. Anyone who thinks that is an idiot. Shocking that I'm seeing it from Bunker, too.

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Because that's the only reason women get abortion; they're whores. Anyone who thinks that is an idiot. Shocking that I'm seeing it from Bunker, too.

Heh yeah you're right. I suppose maybe one in a thousand times it just happens regardless of the diligent precautions.

Like drunk driving, sure it's fun and what the hell probably very few drunks on the highway will actually get in an accident percentage wise.


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Heh yeah you're right. I suppose maybe one in a thousand times it just happens regardless of the diligent precautions.

Like drunk driving, sure it's fun and what the hell probably very few drunks on the highway will actually get in an accident percentage wise.



Oh wise one, please continue to enlighten us with your wisdom. It just blows my mind that people think raising an unwanted child is an appropriate punishment for irresponsible parents. What about the child? Now they're being raised by parents who don't want them and probably don't have the money for them. Is that really more merciful than an abortion?

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That was pretty funny... even though it was distorted and highly exaggerated to stereotype white men as evil woman haters. (Now that is a legit stereotype because it isn't true!...whereas to say blacks like fried chicken is not a stereotype because it's true!)


55 Million have been aborted since Roe vs Wade...just another example of liberal policies based on feelings and compassion that have either gone amok or ends in disaster


Other examples include the recent home loan crisis, where liberal idiots like Barney Frank "feel" that everyone has a right to own a home... going all the way back to Wellfare...which only breeds more welfare. There are plenty more examples in between but that is for another topic.

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How was it distorted or exaggerated? (apart from the obvious). I don't think its playing off white men as "women haters". Its showing how ridiculous the new law is.


Bunker, who doesn't like fried chicken? Honestly. Does anyone not like fried chicken?


How has the abortion policy "ended in disaster"? You really think it would be less of a disaster to have 55 million citizens growing up in homes where they weren't wanted?

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Does anyone not like fried chicken?

Vegetarians. Fucking hippies.


What's the stat on condoms? 97% effective or something? So, assuming there are 10 million kids in college at any given year, half of which will be having sex, that's an average of 150,000 'accidents' per year. If we go very conservatively and assume it takes an average of 100 attempts to get pregnant, you're looking at 1500 unexpected pregnancies per year.


It's not crazy to think that that number might be significantly higher, through nobody's fault (except the stupidity of relying on condoms as your only prevention).


Or should sex be only for procreation?

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Vegetarians. Fucking hippies.


What's the stat on condoms? 97% effective or something? So, assuming there are 10 million kids in college at any given year, half of which will be having sex, that's an average of 150,000 'accidents' per year. If we go very conservatively and assume it takes an average of 100 attempts to get pregnant, you're looking at 1500 unexpected pregnancies per year.



With perfect use, yes, but people are far from perfect. Here's some numbers for you in an easy to read infographic because my stats teacher would have your head for the math you just posted.






  • Each year, 2 out of 100 women whose partners use condoms will become pregnant if they always use condoms correctly.
  • Each year, 18 out of 100 women whose partners use condoms will become pregnant if they don't always use condoms correctly.

And here's another important tidbit-


You can make condoms more effective if you

  • use spermicide with them
  • pull out before ejaculation.

How many people do that? How many people do it every single time? Not many. If you blow your load in a girl, even with a condom, you're running an increased risk of an unwanted child (approaching 1 in 5).


Here's a study that shows how certain activities can lead to a lower efficacy of your condoms



Here's a table summarizing similar questions



Go through those lists, anyone who's not rawdogging it, tell me that you go through that checklist every time you have sex and make the right choice every single time. Anyone? Didn't think so. Suddenly those people that Steve seems to think are sluts are actually *gasp* showing a good deal of responsibility (at least considerably more than bareback riders). Your odds are increasing from that 2% that everyone against abortion seems to brag about as you continue to do more of the shit in these lists (outside of the few good things that they mention like water-based lube and pulling out before you pop).



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So clever responses (not really). Next. Lets hear something real. Like sluts are sluts. They are the ones in control of their bodies. They have control if they get pregnant or not. Vapor is a kid so I don't really give a shit what he says, Heck thinks he is clever. I think he misses his old fag bud mz the pussy.

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How was it distorted or exaggerated? (apart from the obvious).


How was it exaggerated? You answered your own question kiddo . This video was a comedy...no specifics were outlined...merely a collection of parody and exaggerations from start to finish, and you expect serious debate on it's content? Grow up kid.


btw...Apparently you missed it, but the "White Republican men" was discussed at around 2:16

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...my stats teacher would have your head for the math you just posted.

Yeah my bad, obviously only half the people (roughly, can't forget the gays we love so much) are women sleeping with men, so halve that figure if you want. The point still stands, it's not as if we're saying "if x women get pregnant by mistake then fine, but if y then it's a problem." The maths was all just estimations anyway and only talking about college kids, there are plenty of adults in loving committed relationships that have sex just for fun, and always run a risk of having an accident.


And yes, there are some things you can do to lower the chances, but that requires you to be thinking clearly and rationally right at the point you have an orgasm.

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Yeah my bad, obviously only half the people (roughly, can't forget the gays we love so much) are women sleeping with men, so halve that figure if you want. The point still stands, it's not as if we're saying "if x women get pregnant by mistake then fine, but if y then it's a problem." The maths was all just estimations anyway and only talking about college kids, there are plenty of adults in loving committed relationships that have sex just for fun, and always run a risk of having an accident.


And yes, there are some things you can do to lower the chances, but that requires you to be thinking clearly and rationally right at the point you have an orgasm.


Sorry to keep calling out your numbers, but that half estimate is way off




But my attack wasn't really directed at you, it was directed at Steve and Diehard. They're both pretty adamant that anyone who gets an abortion when their life isn't threatened is a slut. It simply isn't true, unless they think the majority of condom users are whores.

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Oh dear me. apparently you have confused me with someone who gives a shit about abortions. all I'm saying is that it's time for you guys to step up and say that its just a form of birth control and you don't give a rats ass about human life. at least if it means you have to remember to put in a diaphragm take a pill or slip on a rubber. I don't know what the exact numbers are for unwanted pregnancy due to birth control failure, probably a very very tiny about. another tiny amount would be unwanted pregnancy from people who even bothered to use birth control at all.I'd bet even some of you guys on the left are creeped out by late term abortion especially if there's no reason beyond convenience. but you can't really buck the party.

birth control and abortions are pretty widely available and subsidized.

if it was that dramatic it seems like more people would use birth control, it's just not much fun.


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How many late term abortions do you think are done out of convenience? You think a tiny amount of pregnancies are due to contraception failure? Here's a study that shows contraception use among women who have had abortions.


Source: https://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/journals/3429402.pdf



Forty-six percent of women had not used a contraceptive method in the month they conceived, mainly because of perceived low risk of pregnancy and concerns about contraception (cited by 33% and 32% of nonusers, respectively). The male condom was the most commonly reported method among all women (28%), followed by the pill
(14%). Inconsistent method use was the main cause of pregnancy for 49% of condom users and 76% of pill users; 42%
of condom users cited condom breakage or slippage as a reason for pregnancy. Substantial proportions of pill and
condom users indicated perfect method use (13–14%). As many as 51,000 abortions were averted by use of emergency contraceptive pills in 2000.




You can go ahead and keep pulling numbers out of your ass and telling yourself that I support abortions because I don't respect human life - or - you can educate yourself.

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Gosh it seems that if this was really such a traumatic decision and such a life shattering situation that maybe, just maybe, this bimbo could have taken a little preventative measure before allowing the drunken scumbag she picked up in a bar to blow his load.

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Even if "nearly" like you say, then what do you tell the young lady that is in no shape financially, mentally, etc. that did everything right but got pregnant anyway? "Tough shit"? Why, because of something from your religion? Because of something that's just emotion, not fact or science?

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Even if "nearly" like you say, then what do you tell the young lady that is in no shape financially, mentally, etc. that did everything right but got pregnant anyway? "Tough shit"? Why, because of something from your religion? Because of something that's just emotion, not fact or science?


I think it's a generational thing. You reap what you sow type of mentality, not that there's anything inherently wrong with it, I just think it's a philosophy too narrowly applied to this situation. Sure, the mother and father may have been irresponsible, so now their punishment is to raise a kid. Okay fine, except for the fact that it completely ignores the fact that you're likely punishing the kid too, and I think that point of view ignores the effects on a societal level. The only coherent argument against it is that it's an immoral choice, but that's completely subjective. I'd say there are significantly more unwanted children who come from unplanned pregnancies than planned pregnancies. Children with little parental guidance are more likely to be involved in crime. A major reason for not wanting to have a kid is for financial reasons, but there are many in that situation who choose to raise their children and use social welfare, and most of the people who don't think much of abortion don't think much of food stamps.

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