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I'm not the one arguing over it. I said that our legal system is based partly upon the 10 commandments, which it most certainly is. You guys came back with no it isn't, which is mere knee jerk contrarianism.

you might have a better point about Confucius if any of the founding fathers were Chinese. Of course they weren't they were British subjects coming from a time in which the Bible was the most influential and most widely read work in their culture.I realize that you want to believe that their views were similar to Christopher Hitchens but they just weren't.



How about Hittite Law, then? Draconian Law? The point you're making is just so incredibly obvious, and I'm not sure why you seem to think you have a "gotcha" moment.

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How about Hittite Law, then? Draconian Law? The point you're making is just so incredibly obvious, and I'm not sure why you seem to think you have a "gotcha" moment.

I'm not sure why anyone would make and idiotic comment like the Ten Commandments having no influence on US law given the situation and the beliefs and the lives of the founders. That seems pretty obvious.


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