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Mr. Know-It-All Dumped Crap Again About The Irs Scandal


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Heckbunker insisted that the IRS targeting also included "progressives" and liberal groups, so

conservative groups were not really targeted.


Really? How about a board wide "HAHAHAHAHA !!!" ???


He just cherry picked one allegation, and tried to make the entire IRS scandal go away.

And, I'll just post a search, or whatever source I do choose, will just get demeaned again.


Heck loves the big lie when it suits his purposes. So, once again, here is "crow pie"

for heck's lunch:



  1. Washington Times
    1. Watchdog Found IRS Softer on 'Progressives' Than Tea Partiers
      ABC News ‎- by John Parkinson ‎- 20 hours ago
      “Our audit did not find evidence that the IRS used the 'progressives' identifier as selection criteria for potential political cases between May ...
  2. Liberals Eating Crow: The IRS Did Not Target Progressives - Infowars
    18 hours ago – “Our audit did not find evidence that the IRS used the 'progressives' identifier as selection criteria for potential political cases between May ...
  3. IRS Inspector General: Conservative Groups Were Definitely ...
    22 hours ago – From our audit work, we did not find evidence that the criteria you identified, labeled 'progressives,' were used by the IRS to select potential ...
  4. IG: 'Progressive' Groups Not Targeted By IRS | National Review Online
    22 hours ago – Liberal and progressive groups were not the subject of undue scrutiny... the criteria you identified, labeled 'Progressives,' were used by the IRS ...
  5. Treasury IG Insists: No Indication IRS Used Term 'Progressives' the ...
    cnsnews.com › News
    23 hours ago – "Our audit did not find evidence that the IRS used the "Progressives" identifier as selection criteria for potential political cases between May ...
  6. Progressive” Sideshow Trivializes IRS Victims for Political Theater ...
    19 hours ago – From our audit work, [TIGTA] did not find evidence that the criteria … labeled “Progressives,” were used by the IRS to select potential political ...
  7. IRS auditor reaffirms that conservatives, not liberals, were targeted ...
    1 day ago – From our audit work, we did not find evidence that the criteria you identified, labeled “Progressives,” were used by the IRS to select potential ...
  8. So much for the "IRS hassled progressives too" excuse | Human ...
    1 day ago – “Our audit did not find evidence that the IRS used the 'progressives' identifier as selection criteria for potential political cases between May ...
  9. IRS Investigator: Tea Party Groups Were Scrutinized More Than ...
    22 hours ago – "From our audit work, we did not find evidence that the criteria you identified, labeled 'Progressives,' were used by the IRS to select potential ...


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