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How Stereotypes Get Started

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Generally speaking, Brother Steve, I believe stereotypes are accurate and true.


Does this mean every "Jew" is a jerk? Absolutely not. I am friends with a number of Jews. Is the New York Jewish Princess stereotype accurate? Generally speaking, I believe so.


I am a Greek Portuguese Irish Frog. Bring it on.

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Why is stereotyping a group a bad thing if it is true?


Stereotyping an individual based on the habits, actions, or status of his group is a different story.


The Irish are heavy beer drinkers, which is true, but just because I'm Irish doesn't automatically make me a lover of beer.



The Jews are wealthy.

Jews represent such a small minority of the population yet are so prominent as businessmen, and bankers. They run much of the media and Hollywood. Many of them are doctors, and lawyers...all that is true, but because I'm a Jew doesn't make me rich.

I actually met a Jew once that did menial labor.




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Who gives a shit, they are a bunch of commies in those countries anyway. May they drink till their livers burst wide open.


If you do not like my non political correct attitude I dont care.

Hey, T, seriously if this is Stewies alter ego like bunker may have been with Mr T you really are wasting our time. I mean it isn't thought provoking or clever or anything else.

I've never thought you were a moron but this character is. If you have made him up I'd suggest just giving it a rest. If by a slight chance white dog actually is an independent posters then sir, you are a fucking idiot. Not that fucking idiocy is illegal or anything but we get enough from some of the regulars so as to not need more from you.


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Hey, T, seriously if this is Stewies alter ego like bunker may have been with Mr T you really are wasting our time. I mean it isn't thought provoking or clever or anything else.

I've never thought you were a moron but this character is. If you have made him up I'd suggest just giving it a rest. If by a slight chance white dog actually is an independent posters then sir, you are a fucking idiot. Not that fucking idiocy is illegal or anything but we get enough from some of the regulars so as to not need more from you.


Who are you? Why are you slobbering over my thoughts, I suggest that you need to go get a life fat boy. If you do not like my opinion then why dont you just pull a gun out of your fatty rolls and shoot them if you hate them so much?


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Who are you? Why are you slobbering over my thoughts, I suggest that you need to go get a life fat boy. If you do not like my opinion then why dont you just pull a gun out of your fatty rolls and shoot them if you hate them so much?


Oh simmer down butthole.


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Hey, Woody, seriously if this is heck's alter ego like bunker may have been with Mr T you really are wasting our time. I mean it isn't thought provoking or clever or anything else.
I've never thought you were a moron but this character is. If you have made him up I'd suggest just giving it a rest. If by a slight chance white dog actually is an independent posters then sir, you are a fucking idiot. Not that fucking idiocy is illegal or anything but we get enough from some of the regulars so as to not need more from you.


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I will say this, woodybunker, ... you finally, after all these months of stupid spellings and misuse of words....


you FINALLY started using "You're" as the contraction for "you are".


Congrats. At this rate, you will be 81 years old before you graduate from you home base, Gay Community College.

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You're an idiot. I don't use that word incorrectly...


You just seem to not understand how typing on a smart phone works. If I can type y-o-u-r-e it'll autocorrect into "you're". If I type i-t-s it will stay "its" even if I meant "it's". I'm not going to take all the extra touches to get to " ' ".


If you want to pretend like I don't know the difference, you can, it is very cute. I'm pretty damn sure I'm more intelligent than you are, so feel free to think what you want.

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Wanna bet Steve can go back and find where you used "your" instead of "you're" ???


Go ahead, woodybunker, make my hay.

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You're an idiot. I don't use that word incorrectly...


You just seem to not understand how typing on a smart phone works. If I can type y-o-u-r-e it'll autocorrect into "you're". If I type i-t-s it will stay "its" even if I meant "it's". I'm not going to take all the extra touches to get to " ' ".


If you want to pretend like I don't know the difference, you can, it is very cute. I'm pretty damn sure I'm more intelligent than you are, so feel free to think what you want.


You're just not positive.



btw...how do you like that Obamaphone?

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Wanna bet Steve can go back and find where you used "your" instead of "you're" ???


Go ahead, woodybunker, make my hay.

I guess I don't care that much but only because often my posts get a little bit weird due to the speech to text on my phone.

about the only time I think it's appropriate to play the grammar police card is after somebody berates someone else for being illiterate or something of the sort and makes a glaring errors in that post.

but I don't mind if you guys want to do it.


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Woodypeckerhead translation:


"Speaking of ignorant dipwads, Woodybunker, me, no, I be, not that isn write,


what, Cal is a idiot and doont spel rite, but eye am hear, you dumb sun of belch."

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Woodypeckerhead translation:

"Speaking of ignorant dipwads, Woodybunker, me, no, I be, not that isn write,

what, Cal is a idiot and doont spel rite, but eye am hear, you dumb sun of belch."

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Woodypeckerhead translation:

"Speaking of ignorant dipwads, Woodybunker, me, no, I be, not that isn write,

what, Cal is a idiot and doont spel rite, but eye am hear, you dumb sun of belch."

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Dang. I'm disappointed. You didn't screw up the spelling of one word that time, and didn't use


any wrong words, and didn't make any stupidass disjointed phrases ! YAY! for WoodyBUNKERPeckerhead ! YAY !


Okay. Who typed it for you..?

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The funny thing is that's something you never hear from any "damned libtards" on here.


But you see the reverse in every other post...


Hypocritical double standards? On the Brown's Board? Never

I don't see any hypocrisy. I think the couch pulls out comments are right about in the middle of the pack for liberal commentary here.


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