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well that's certainly a little while. All I'm trying to do is point out your hypocrisy. Most of these guys who oppose homosexuality and gay marriage do so because it's unnatural but mostly just because it freaks them out. You couldn't list any reasons to oppose polygamy other than you don't like it. Same thing with beastieality it's unnatural yes but you think it should be illegal. I don't recall you saying that eating hamburgers should be illegal. Victim? Or how about horse racing or using animals to work for you? Slavery. Victim? Pedophilia is unnnatural and it pisses you off. Understood. We do have some rather archaic morals built around sex of any kind.

Sexuality is the means of reproduction in mammals and it begins at puberty. But we've made up some laws to stigmatize nature. Doesn't it ever seem ridiculous that you can be thrown in jail for offering a woman $5 to blow you? Or saying bad words?


Just saying that if you want to blast people for condemning acts that creep them out then just look in the mirror you might understand. Well maybe someday.




Oh my god, I see what Heck tries to deal with.


1) Polygamy was linked to a lot of bad stuff. Underage girls being pretty much slaves. All that shit. You can't put a polygamist marriage in the same legal standing as a marriage now, its not just two people. If some special distinction and legislation wants to be made then we'll see. But I'm not here to argue anything about polygamy. Its a pretty big step from gay marriage to allowing group marriages... its a lot more different


2) Beastiality has a victim. Animals can't consent. Pedophilia has a victim. Children can't consent. End of story. You can stop bringing up pedophilia and beastiliaty in gay marriage debates, as cultured as it makes you sound. Why I need to think pedophilia and beastiality need to be ok to think gay marriage is ok is beyond me.


What reasoning were you trying to get at? We use horses for farm work and transportation, technically without there consent, so if I am going to use the arguments I am using now I need to think that is wrong as well? What?


How does that equate to fucking a horse?


What does any of this have to do with allowing gays to get married? Really, tell me? Is it all on the slippery slope that we'll eventually be allowing group marriages, polygamy and beastiality because we let gays marry? I need to some how rationalize every crazy next step you come up with in your mind to make a case for gay marriage? That's ridiculous.



3) I'm sick of this "maybe some day when your older" shit. I really am. If it makes you guys feel like it gives you an out in any argument congrats, but its really just a piss poor effort on your end.



I think pedophilia is gross AND it has actual negative consequences. It has a victim.


You (or others) think gay's doing their stuff if gross BUT there is no victim. There are no negative consequences. What you guys can come up with in your mind, where Jesus cries next to a bald eagle holding the american flag and a rifle, that's not an actual reason. That's in your head.

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Woody, Wss Stew and cal, have made great points and examples yet you always fail to recognise their points. Wasn't "fairness" the whole point of your debate?


Great points? Really?


Well I guess if you agree with what they are saying then anything you hear is a great point...



Gays shouldn't get married because God will smite us if it happens! And the Chinese will over power us! And all the white people will be put in camps!


Wow, fantastic point!






Thank god the majority opinion on this board isn't the majority opinion in our country...

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Which has never been proven...



What are you looking for me to prove here? No, I won't be able to find an article that 100% proves how gay people come to be. We have people that still don't believe in evolution too. We aren't 100% sure how the universe began either, but it probably wasn't God in 7 days. What do you think? Do you think it is just completely a choice? The majority of reputable scientific articles are going to point to something genetic, or something out of the person control.


oh, and just for fun, you think evolution is correct, right? You don't think God made everything in a few days, right? I just wanna see where you're coming from here.

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Oh my god, I see what Heck tries to deal with.


1) Polygamy was linked to a lot of bad stuff. Underage girls being pretty much slaves. All that shit. You can't put a polygamist marriage in the same legal standing as a marriage now, its not just two people. If some special distinction and legislation wants to be made then we'll see. But I'm not here to argue anything about polygamy. Its a pretty big step from gay marriage to allowing group marriages... its a lot more different


2) Beastiality has a victim. Animals can't consent. Pedophilia has a victim. Children can't consent. End of story. You can stop bringing up pedophilia and beastiliaty in gay marriage debates, as cultured as it makes you sound. Why I need to think pedophilia and beastiality need to be ok to think gay marriage is ok is beyond me.


What reasoning were you trying to get at? We use horses for farm work and transportation, technically without there consent, so if I am going to use the arguments I am using now I need to think that is wrong as well? What?


How does that equate to fucking a horse?


What does any of this have to do with allowing gays to get married? Really, tell me? Is it all on the slippery slope that we'll eventually be allowing group marriages, polygamy and beastiality because we let gays marry? I need to some how rationalize every crazy next step you come up with in your mind to make a case for gay marriage? That's ridiculous.



3) I'm sick of this "maybe some day when your older" shit. I really am. If it makes you guys feel like it gives you an out in any argument congrats, but its really just a piss poor effort on your end.



I think pedophilia is gross AND it has actual negative consequences. It has a victim.


You (or others) think gay's doing their stuff if gross BUT there is no victim. There are no negative consequences. What you guys can come up with in your mind, where Jesus cries next to a bald eagle holding the american flag and a rifle, that's not an actual reason. That's in your head.

I think every thing you think is just in your head. And I think you may need mental health help.

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Great points? Really?


Well I guess if you agree with what they are saying then anything you hear is a great point...

there is substance there that you should be able to start adding things up...

No? Again, wasn't fairness the whole point of your debate? Who are you to deny Steve loving Amy, Sara, and Linda and the right to get married?

Should I put it more into your perspective with Bruce,Jim,Bill and Dan. They all love each other why can't they enjoy the benefits of a married couple?








Thank god the majority opinion on this board isn't the majority opinion in our country...

Oh the same majority that collects welfare and don't pay taxes! How could we go wrong with what "they" in the real world have experienced. If I ever want to know how to cheat the system I'll give you a call..
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What are you looking for me to prove here? No, I won't be able to find an article that 100% proves how gay people come to be.

OK good, so you now know that has never been proven to be and from hear on out quit saying that it has. Again it very well w/o a doubt could be nothing more than a personal choice.
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I think pedophilia is gross AND it has actual negative consequences. It has a victim.



Some think that two men making love is gross and has victims.

The victims are themselves, since they have an 80% chance of contracting aids, plus if you want to know most are wearing a colostomy bag by age 45 if they didn't already pass away from aids.

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OK good, so you now know that has never been proven to be and from hear on out quit saying that it has. Again it very well w/o a doubt could be nothing more than a personal choice.


and there could be a flying spaghetti monster...


Do you honestly think it is a choice? Well that helps figure you out some.


Reputable scientific sources are pretty much all in agreement its not a choice. Its not just one gene, no. I'm not saying it is.


Survival of genetic homosexual traits explained





Do you disagree with evolution? You never answered that. That would help me figure you out more as well.

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Some think that two men making love is gross and has victims.

The victims are themselves, since they have an 80% chance of contracting aids, plus if you want to know most are wearing a colostomy bag by age 45 if they didn't already pass away from aids.


So... gay marriage is dangerous because the couple will get aids... alright.


Where did your 80% figure come from? What's you source?

How does being gay make you more susceptible to aids?

Do you understand the difference between causation and correlation?


Being gay isn't "dangerous". It doesn't make you more prone to getting aids.


If you are gonna have a bunch of unprotected sex with strangers then you are hurting yourself no matter what, gay or straight.



I love how the gay marriage debate on here always goes down these roads. Polygamy, pedophilia, beastiality, AIDs, etc...

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Oh the same majority that collects welfare and don't pay taxes! How could we go wrong with what "they" in the real world have experienced. If I ever want to know how to cheat the system I'll give you a call..

Ah, sorry to burst your insane bubble, but in no way shape or form does the majority of people in this country receive welfare.

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He didn't say "have"...he said chance of getting...


and he is accurate.




Look it up Woody.


  1. Biology Leaves Gay Men Highly Vulnerable to HIV: Study - US News ...
    health.usnews.com › HealthHealth News
    Jul 20, 2012 - In North America, an estimated 15 percent of gay and bisexual men ...HIV cases would fall by 80 percent to 98 percent among gay and ... Two studies examined the higher risk of HIV infection among black men. ... with HIV than other gayand bisexual men, but less likely to have a history of substance abuse ...
  2. Why Do Gay Men Have an Increased Risk of HIV? - Sexually ...
    Oct 30, 2012 - Around the world, the incidence of HIV in men who have sex with men is... calculated that 80-90 percent of the HIV epidemic in gay men would ...
  3. PEP Talk: Get the Facts About the Gay Man's Morning-After Pill ...
    You may have heard about PEP, or Post-Exposure Prophylaxis. ... take a course of medication that may reduce your risk of getting HIV by more than 80 percent.
  4. Detailed Study on Spread of H.I.V. in U.S. - NYTimes.com
    Sep 11, 2008 - A study of people newly infected with H.I.V. has confirmed that the majority of new cases occur among gay and bisexual men and that blacks are most atrisk. ... Black men have six times the H.I.V. incidence rate of white men and nearly ...provided by the centers, researchers said that 80 percent of gay and ...
  5. Myths about HIV/AIDS | womenshealth.gov
    www.womenshealth.gov › ... › HIV/AIDSWhat is HIV/AIDS?
    Jul 1, 2011 - Having an undetectable viral load helps prevent AIDS and other infections.... every time you have sex may reduce the risk of passing HIV by 80 percent. ... havesex with both men and women, but do not call themselves gay or ...
  6. HIV 'Cure': Is It Real? Is It Safe? - ABC News
    abcnews.go.com › Health
    Mar 6, 2013 - Dr. Hannah Gay and her colleagues became the rock stars of the... drugs have, on average, a 75 percent to 80 percent chance of being born ...
  7. 7 Myths About Contracting HIV - Dr. LaShonda Spencer - Oprah.com
    I'm not high risk, so I won't get HIV. ... Nearly 80 percent of new HIV infections in women occur from heterosexual sex. .... I think its reprehensible that she and her producers should make such assertions and slander gay people that way.
  8. Awareness of HIV Risk Has Dropped Among Gay Men Even As ...
    Nov 30, 2012 - The study found that HIV testing was low—only 12.9 percent among high ... "We saw the power of the gay community in the '80 and '90s to confront this ...why people with HIV or who are at higher risk for the infection don't get ...
  9. Women and HIV/AIDS - Avert
    In the USA, African American and Hispanic women account for 80 percent of AIDS ... to be at low risk of HIV infection because it is not common to have more than ..... In 1994, she announced in an American lesbian and gay magazine that she ...
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Doesn't prove it. The question was where did he get that information.


It's out there. I'm not going to try to figure out exactly where it came from.


Let the question asker go research it.

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I wonder if anyone here disagrees with the simple fact that the number one method of spreading AIDS is un protected anal sex. That's the inconvenient truth. it could be all but eliminated with simple behavior changes.

I don't know what that has to do with the subject of gay marriage. I'd say nothing.


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I wonder if anyone here disagrees with the simple fact that the number one method of spreading AIDS is un protected anal sex. That's the inconvenient truth. it could be all but eliminated with simple behavior changes.,

I don't know what that has to do with the subject of gay marriage. I'd say nothing.


Show me the hard numbers that say anal sex is more likely to transmit aids than vaginal sex, please.

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How is HIV spread during anal sex?

Unprotected anal sex with a person who has HIV or whose HIV status you do not know is the highest-risk sexual activity for both men and women. The walls of the anus and rectum are thin and have many blood vessels that can be injured during anal sex. HIV-infected semen can be easily absorbed through these thin walls and into the bloodstream. Injured tissue in the anus and rectum can expose the penis to blood containing HIV.

Using latex condoms for anal sex lowers HIV risk, but condoms fail more often during anal sex than during vaginal or oral sex. So, protected anal sex is still riskier than protected vaginal or oral sex.

Source: http://www.health.ny.gov/diseases/aids/facts/questions/transmission.htm

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I don't see what any of this has to do with gay marriage, or why this is a reason to keep it illegal...

that's what I said a few posts ago. I think the rates of transmission and so forth are pretty obvious and don't understand why someone would dispute it. But I don't think it has anything to do with the main subject.


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