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Supreme Court Overturns Doma, Skips On Judgement Of Prop 8


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Maybe woodypeckerhead would like to marry woody woodpecker.


He makes little genuine contribution to any thread on this entire forum.


Waste of space, every post of his.


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Right Cal, but your post ^ was full of intellectual insight





Its officially, you are out of shit to say and you know you're wrong. Nothing left to do but try to insult me. Isn't that one of those damned "lib tactics" you always go on and on about?


Oh yeah that's right, you're a hypocritical fuck head

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You fail to understand the difference between once in a while , and "every single time over an entire year.


I have many, many facets to my stuff. Extremely versatile most of us are. You are not. The only thing


you have is little strange pouty one liners most of the time, apparently you think that not really saying anything


will help you look like something you really aren't. A whole lot like Brad Paisley's song "So Much Cooler Online". Really sad.

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You fail to understand the difference between once in a while , and "every single time over an entire year.

I have many, many facets to my stuff. Extremely versatile most of us are. You are not. The only thing

you have is little strange pouty one liners most of the time, apparently you think that not really saying anything

will help you look like something you really aren't. A whole lot like Brad Paisley's song "So Much Cooler Online". Really sad.


You "got nothin", and it seems to get less all the time.


BTW, "Its officially, you are out of shit to say and you know you're wrong" is laughable.


First graders know better than this bs. "Its" is possessive. "The monkey lost its banana"

You failed to use "It's", which is a contraction of the two words "it is".

Go have someone intelligent look it up for you. And "officially" ??? LOL.


if you said "It's official..." , You would be starting to write properly


"out of shit" ??? I reckon it takes one who is FULL of crap to come up with that twisted notion.


And "out of shit to say and ..." ...what? It's okay. I won't LOL. Really. I just feel pity for you if you don't know better.

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Yes. I have explained before, at GREAT LENGTH. I'm tired of doing that, others of us are tired of repeating ourselves.


As I have explained in the other thread, this stupid crap of asking questions, and getting long discussions


going on controversial subjects, and instead of taking legit part, you libs sit back and get mad at the answers,


then you wait til later, and start all over again, until you end up with nobody caring to keep answering.


Then you libs fraudulently claim vindication at no answers. Very lib childish and dishonest. Must really suck to live that way.

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That's your argument against it? "Life's not fair"? Wow you're a prick.


Any real reasons against it?

No sunshine, I asked a question. my question was why is it such a great idea?

I already know that you think its unfair so that why I put fairness with a (?).

Please go into detail on why its great for the grand "woody" scheme of things.

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Why is it the right idea to allow gays to get married? There are no negative consequences, no negative side effects. It allows a group of people denied their happiness the ability to marry. It's fair for them. It makes them not second class citizens, in a sense, and it gives them all of the benefits associated with a married couple.

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Why is it the right idea to allow gays to get married? There are no negative consequences, no negative side effects. It allows a group of people denied their happiness the ability to marry. It's fair for them. It makes them not second class citizens, in a sense, and it gives them all of the benefits associated with a married couple.


There you libs go again, basing decisions and policy on "feelings" and "compassion".


Practically every modern day liberal policy enacted because "it was the right thing to do for our fellow man" has turned into a disaster.

And there will be many side effects.


"The great, historic, cross-cultural understanding of marriage as the union of husband and wife will be called bigotry in the public square. The law will teach your children and grandchildren that there is nothing special about mothers and fathers raising children together, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a bigot"

So what about the "feelings" of those who have held these beliefs all their lives are now, and will be called bigots, homophobes and haters, which is entirely not true?


What about forcing Catholic Charities to let babies be adopted by those that lead a perverted lifestyle. I believe this has already been accomplished in Illinois and Mass., forcing Catholic charities to close in those states.


Should now the people that want to marry in a polygamous relationship be allowed to do so because you bleeding heart bozos feel their happiness is denied them?

When will assuring that a minority of insignificant people are happy at the expense of harming the majority stop?


You might as well be able to marry your dog, after all, you liberal animal rights idiots believe animals are equal to humans just because liberals act like animals....good one Stewy!



Just another step in your liberal progressive quest to "fundamentally transform" this nation... from dictating what size Coke you can buy to socialized medicine.


That brings to mind the double standards and hypocrisy so prevalent in liberalism.


When Obama first ran in 2008 he declared that marriage is between a man and woman. Was he a bigot Woody? Ever heard of him being referred to a homophobe? No, no one did.


The truth is that he lied. He only made that proclamation to get elected because he's a homosexual himself.

In 2011 he flip flopped.


Obama is gay.

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Why is it the right idea to allow gays to get married? There are no negative consequences, no negative side effects. It allows a group of people denied their happiness the ability to marry. It's fair for them. It makes them not second class citizens, in a sense, and it gives them all of the benefits associated with a married couple.

Woodie I don't know if you were responding to me but that doesn't answer the question. If you insist on fairness why should married people be given benefits beyond what single people are allowed? Why would you want to treat single people as second class citizens?


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Oh that's original Bunker.



"Polygamy!" "and people will marry animals!"


No, that won't happen. You're an idiot.


Everything you just said was a slippery slope conservative nightmare. So it sounds like you still have no actual reason.


You said this will turn into a disaster, what's the disaster? What can you say for sure will be the disaster? Not just your slippery slope "everyone will attack straight couples and kids will all be gay!" nonsense.


So gays are "a minority of insignificant people"? Alright. Too bad you weren't around to be saying that about black people...



Your whole post just trailed off into your made up liberal disaster land and shit I never said... good job Bunker

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For legal standing, for all the financial matters and stuff like that which comes from being a married couple, that would get complicated with 3 or more.


Polygamy also has a bad history to it with young girls basically being indentured servants.


People aren't born polygamists though. Its not really the same thing.


That being said though if 3 or more people want to live together and do all of that, and they're all consenting adults, go ahead. I don't see there being some great moral fall out in society because of it.


But its not a marriage, it isn't two adults. If someone wants to cone up with a whole bunch of legislation and new terminology for it, and new laws, they can try.


But its nothing that they are born thinking. You aren't born with a gene that says you need 4 wives lol .


If anything it would just get taken advantage of. So yeah, there ya go. Its not anything you amend marriage for, and it probably wouldn't be the best idea to try to legally make it its own thing.



The 2nd class citizen thing. That's giving blacks less rights for something they can't control. Telling gays they can't get married because of how they were born. Polygamy isn't a genetic trait though.

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For legal standing, for all the financial matters and stuff like that which comes from being a married couple, that would get complicated with 3 or more.


Polygamy also has a bad history to it with young girls basically being indentured servants.


People aren't born polygamists though. Its not really the same thing.


That being said though if 3 or more people want to live together and do all of that, and they're all consenting adults, go ahead. I don't see there being some great moral fall out in society because of it.


But its not a marriage, it isn't two adults. If someone wants to cone up with a whole bunch of legislation and new terminology for it, and new laws, they can try.


But its nothing that they are born thinking. You aren't born with a gene that says you need 4 wives lol .


If anything it would just get taken advantage of. So yeah, there ya go. Its not anything you amend marriage for, and it probably wouldn't be the best idea to try to legally make it its own thing.



The 2nd class citizen thing. That's giving blacks less rights for something they can't control. Telling gays they can't get married because of how they were born. Polygamy isn't a genetic trait though.

So you're saying that gays are born with a 'fag' gene? Please direct me to the scientific research that found this.

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first of all it creates more legislative work??? Our people in Washington just love that shit. And we are not born as polygamists? I think you are out of your mind my friend. I don't know anyone in a 2 person marriage who has slept with only their partner ever in their lives.

if you want to talk nature that's exactly how we are built, our males desire to have sex with as many females as possible.

that's nature with just about every mammal.

but we already eliminated nature from the marriage contract. While I have nothing against gay people homosexual activity is not normal and it is not Nature's Way. Sorry but that's the way it is. Yes it is existing in nature and I know you probably can't cure it. But that's the same with pedophilia or beastieality even though it sounds mean to say it. but we have, most of us, decided that since there's no harm done we've decided that particular aberration is at least acceptable. and again if we are to eliminate nature and child bearing from the marriage equation then there is no reason that single people should be denied whatever financial benefits married people get.ironic that you are leaning on the "well I don't like it" argument when you talk about polygamy.

there are no historical problems with it that don't exist in two person marriage.


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By not born polygamists I mean not born needing to have 4 wives. Sure, we're a species that is built for multiple sexual partners, but you can do that without polygamy. You don't have a gene needing multiple spouses.


Do you get the difference or am I dong a bad job explaining it?


I'm also not really looking to argue for or against polygamy. I was here defending gay marriage.


Pedophilia and beastiality have victims, two adults in a homosexual marriage do not.


If two people are going to live together, possibly start a family together, maybe one will be dependent on another, it makes sense for that relationship to be treated as a marriage for legal purposes.


Just because something isn't the norm doesn't mean we as a society completely shun it. Its not normal to be born blind but braille exists.

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So you're saying that gays are born with a 'fag' gene? Please direct me to the scientific research that found this.

No, I'm not saying there's just one "gay gene". I'm saying there are genetic factors. You don't choose to be gay.


What do you think? That you can "pray" it away?

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still we all realize that blindness is a bad thing. I mention that only because you used it as an example. But I don't see who the victims are in pedophilia and beastieality. Only if the child is being hurt would I call that victimization. but again it pisses me off so I think it should be against the law.You may say that a child doesn't understand but neither do a lot of people over 16 and honestly if a kid, and I realize how grotesque this sounds, gets a toy for sucking a dick for a few minutes where's the harm except in the moral sense that you and I have made up? And in beastieality I'm guessing you aren't you a vegan. So I'd say that having sex with your cow is probably easier on the cow then the slaughter house and subsequent barbecue grill.I'm not arguing against gay marriage I'm just pointing out plenty of other moral inconsistencies that have no basis in reality.for instance why should someone be offended if somebody wants to jack off in a restaurant?

or, sorry Pee Wee, in a dirty movie theater???



plus I'd say we aren't actually born to want even one wife, its just tradition.


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a kid gets a toy for sucking a dick for a few minutes where's the harm except in the moral sense that you and I have made up


Steve, just wow. It's not like there's going to be any emotional scars or stunted development from being molested :rolleyes:. It's pretty clear you have no grasp of the psychological implications of rape.

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Stewy and Woodypeckerhead translation:


Stewy: "Now it's polygamy...what about that next step?"


Woody: "Nobody is talking about polygamy you idiot, that will never happen.....I can do

a browser search on the words "gay" and "polygamy" and you will see I get no results, you .... oh no. DAMMIT"


  1. Good Reason, Polygamists Thrilled With SCOTUS Gay Marriage ...
    Jun 26, 2013 - Polygamists are happy with today's Supreme Court rulings on same sex marriage, and have every right to be.
  2. Gay Marriage Ruling Seen by Polygamists as Opening Door to ...
    Jun 27, 2013 - Polygamists cheered the Supreme Court rulings on gay marriage Wednesday as one step closer to getting their multi-person relationships ...
  3. Can the 'polygamy!!!' panic slow the progress of gay marriage?
    4 days ago - Dennis Byrne rises from the fainting couch to insist that gay-marriage advocates must now advocate for legalized p
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You "translated" what I said into something I never said.


Congrats you hypocritical shit stain, you're at the level of a 3rd grader.




Is that finally your reason then? N gay marriage because it will undoubtedly lead to legalized polygamy, which will undoubtedly lead to the moral decay of society?

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That's how you drivel sounds to me. With one lining woodypeckerheads,


you have to read between the lines.


With your stupidass posts, that's like reading a horror


movie. Are you a child of the corn? It would explain a lot....

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What the fuck are you even talking about now? No victims in pedophilia or beastiality? I think I'll take a break from this site for a little bit

well that's certainly a little while. All I'm trying to do is point out your hypocrisy. Most of these guys who oppose homosexuality and gay marriage do so because it's unnatural but mostly just because it freaks them out. You couldn't list any reasons to oppose polygamy other than you don't like it. Same thing with beastieality it's unnatural yes but you think it should be illegal. I don't recall you saying that eating hamburgers should be illegal. Victim? Or how about horse racing or using animals to work for you? Slavery. Victim? Pedophilia is unnnatural and it pisses you off. Understood. We do have some rather archaic morals built around sex of any kind.

Sexuality is the means of reproduction in mammals and it begins at puberty. But we've made up some laws to stigmatize nature. Doesn't it ever seem ridiculous that you can be thrown in jail for offering a woman $5 to blow you? Or saying bad words?


Just saying that if you want to blast people for condemning acts that creep them out then just look in the mirror you might understand. Well maybe someday.



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