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Supreme Court Overturns Doma, Skips On Judgement Of Prop 8


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The country has turned evil? Freakish behavior?



Jesus christ. Shove your bible up your ass and move out of the way for society. The rest of the world is moving forward, get off the ride if you like the dark ages.

Kid, just because you like things shoved up your ass, don't mean everyone else does. Plenty of people think this type of behavior is unnatural and sick. Typical dumb ass punk statement. What the hell do you know about society? Nothing. You're a few years off of shitting yellow.

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Kid, just because you like things shoved up your ass, don't mean everyone else does. Plenty of people think this type of behavior is unnatural and sick. Typical dumb ass punk statement. What the hell do you know about society? Nothing. You're a few years off of shitting yellow.

And plenty of people used to think the world was flat or the earth was the center of the universe. You know what we do to those people now? We laugh at them. Why? Outdated and moronic ideas deserve to be phased out of society.

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You on the other hand


A: can't back up gay bashing in any form ...and...

B: can't spell 'kryptonite'

A.Go show me where I bashed them..... hurry, then you will see where I backed up my words.

B. Really blasting spelling errors, Desperate times call for desperate measures and when all else fails, you nail'em with the spelling errors bit.

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And plenty of people used to think the world was flat or the earth was the center of the universe. You know what we do to those people now? We laugh at them. Why? Outdated and moronic ideas deserve to be phased out of society.

Why is it such a great idea? Haven't heard one yet. Fairness? Since when is life fair?

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And plenty of people used to think the world was flat or the earth was the center of the universe. You know what we do to those people now? We laugh at them. Why? Outdated and moronic ideas deserve to be phased out of society.




Formulating bogus, nonsensical analogies that don't apply.


That was weak Woody.

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Formulating bogus, nonsensical analogies that don't apply.


That was weak Woody.

Don't apply?


We have outdated ideals shown on thus board. I posted examples of outdated ideals that were phased out.

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Don't apply?


We have outdated ideals shown on thus board. I posted examples of outdated ideals that were phased out.


Interesting, never heard those ancient concepts and theories referred to as "ideals".

Regardless, they were phased out because the truth had been discovered. What truth has been discovered regarding homosexual marriage there Woody?

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And still, Woody has nearly? never contributed anything of intelligent substance to this board.


Surely that is record.


Woody is now the dumbass butt of the board. Congrats, Woody, on your successful failure.


BTW, it's Woody who gets upset when people keep mentioning his spelling and grammar.


Oh, wait, he's a freakin gay lib - he lives to be a hypocrite.

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Cal. Eat shit. I couldn't care less what you think of me.



Tell me why gay marriage should be illegal. We've gone through countless threads and dozens of pages and we never get an actual answer.


You thinking its "wrong" or "evil" because of how you perceive your religion or how you were raised is a poor excuse.


So, what is your reasoning? What is your argument?




I think it should be legal because its fair. There is no actual reason to ban it, just ignorant people with outdated views. Give me an actual reason to deny two consenting adults the right to happiness and the ability to marry.


Luckily more people after with me than you. You may think the country will plunge into darkness, but sane individuals don't.

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We've told you, Woodypeckerhead. But you're too ignorant and young to have a clue.


Woodypeckerhead translation:


"I am a sassy, maladjusted beeach in the fourth grade, and prove to me stuff I refuse to believe no matter what"


woody, you are like a fungus to this board, assuming there is such a thing.

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The country has turned evil? Freakish behavior?



Jesus christ. Shove your bible up your ass and move out of the way for society. The rest of the world is moving forward, get off the ride if you like the dark ages.


Woody still has the image of that bumper sticker on his car in his head. Your car still got that bumper sticker there Woody?


This kind of "get with the times" retort is so common among you folks.

We're not going forward, we're going backward with this marriage ruling you dumb lib. Not certain about the Dark Ages, but ancient Rome and ancient Greece openly practiced homosexuality AND pedophilia..Boom! lol


Anti gay marriage does not have to pertain to religion or the Bible either Woody. I could care less what gays do, nor do I hate them. Live and let live. They can't help they have have an attraction for a person of the same sex, no more than a pedophile can help that they have a sexual attraction for children. Both are abnormal behaviors. Both involve perverted sex acts.

The only difference is that pedophilia has victims.


The issue I have is that you libs are imposing your false beliefs on us...that homosexuality is healthy and normal, and proclaiming that gays can be married does just that.

It is not normal no matter how hard you try to spin it.




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I don't have any bumper stickers on my car.


The Roman Empire lasted hundreds of years. The Greeks influenced the world in time of ways. What's your point?


Who are you to decide what is normal and abnormal? Your whole reasoning behind banning gay marriage is "its abnormal"? So is being born blind but we still have braille everywhere. There was a time when it was abnormal for a woman to mean anything or have any power. I guess we ruined that by letting them vote and have careers. Being redheaded is abnormal, I guess we should force them to dye their hair.


"I don't like it and its abnormal" that's your reasoning?


It doesn't have to be "normal" to be legal.



Like I said earlier, thank god you are in the minority here.

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I thought you said it actually was normal, woody.

(even though I agree that's not a useful criteria)


I guess it depends on how you want to define "normal". Is it something in the minority? Yeah. Is it something that rarely rarely ever happens and is exclusive to us in nature? No. Its just different from me or you, but not necessarily abnormal. There are things that are more "abnormal" that we allow just fine. In our culture it would be abnormal to eat bugs.


Either way, I'm rambling on about something inconsequential for this argument. I shouldn't have to convince Cal, Bunker or DieHard its "normal" for it to be legal. Let them think its abnormal. Let then think whatever they want. Its still not a reason to keep hay marriage illegal.

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I guess it depends on how you want to define "normal". Is it something in the minority? Yeah. Is it something that rarely rarely ever happens and is exclusive to us in nature? No. Its just different from me or you, but not necessarily abnormal. There are things that are more "abnormal" that we allow just fine. In our culture it would be abnormal to eat bugs.


Either way, I'm rambling on about something inconsequential for this argument. I shouldn't have to convince Cal, Bunker or DieHard its "normal" for it to be legal. Let them think its abnormal. Let then think whatever they want. Its still not a reason to keep hay marriage illegal.

I have nothing against hay marriage.

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I guess it depends on how you want to define "normal". Is it something in the minority? Yeah. Is it something that rarely rarely ever happens and is exclusive to us in nature? No. Its just different from me or you, but not necessarily abnormal. There are things that are more "abnormal" that we allow just fine. In our culture it would be abnormal to eat bugs.


Either way, I'm rambling on about something inconsequential for this argument. I shouldn't have to convince Cal, Bunker or DieHard its "normal" for it to be legal. Let them think its abnormal. Let then think whatever they want. Its still not a reason to keep hay marriage illegal.


Really Woody? So it's come down to this...having to explain the birds and the bees to you. Why am I not surprised.

Nature makes the opposite sexes of the human species attracted to each other for one reason, and one reason only....reproduction.


Pedophilia, beastiality, and homosexuality are abnormal behaviors.


You think we should "get with the times" and accept pedophilia too?

I bet you fuck your dog.

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Really Woody? So it's come down to this...having to explain the birds and the bees to you. Why am I not surprised.

Nature makes the opposite sexes of the human species attracted to each other for one reason, and one reason only....reproduction.


Pedophilia, beastiality, and homosexuality are abnormal behaviors.


You think we should "get with the times" and accept pedophilia too?

I bet you fuck your dog.

Fuck off shit stain.


You're honestly comparing this too beastiality and pedophilia? Are you too stupid to understand the difference?


So two gay guys or girls can't have a kid together, that means they can't get married? And for all the two sex couples that can't reproduce....?


It doesn't matter whether you think it is normal or not. Besides the fact that no one has ever given a shit about anything you've said your entire life, your opinion doesn't void the ability for gays to marry. You can think its strange, evil and weird all you want, it shouldn't have to affect them.

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I thought you said it actually was normal, woody.

(even though I agree that's not a useful criteria)



I believe it is useful criteria because it devalues marriage.


Two of the 45 goals presented in 1958 by Skousen...


Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."




Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

No fault divorce...that 50% of marriages end in divorce. Easy divorce devalues the institution. Gays being married only further devalues it.


It's kinda like the feeling you get when you are awarded something special because you qualify....then out of compassion give someone else the very same thing who is not qualified. That makes you feel what you received less valuable.


Reminds me of another stupid liberal idea based on feelings, compassion, and self esteem...to award trophies, or awards to kids who come in last place...pathetic.

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Well don't worry, I don't see you winning an award any time soon.


What makes you more qualified to get married? Because you and your partner can reproduce? Do infertile couples getting married "devalue" marriage?


How could letting gays marry possibly "devalue" marriage anywhere near what the high divorce rate is? Or the quicky chapels in Vegas and elsewhere?


Allowing gays that love each other and want to spend the rest of their life together get married will do more harm to marriage than people going through 4 or more spouses?


What allows you to decide what values and devalues marriage anyway? Make your own "Super Special (insert religion or group) Marriage" if you want, keep it as pure as you like.



But like I said, luckily I'm not the mminority opinion here

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1. Woody - you have a CAR? Who's old enough to drive you around?


2. I actually might think a MALE hay bale, and a FEMALE hay bale could get married,

long before perversion reigns. Then they could, if they wanted to, have a bunch of little

hay bales around. Little Potty Mouth Johnny Woodypeckerhead seems to be getting all

nasty with his language. Maybe Little Woodypeckerhead needs a timeout... in a gay bar or something.


3. Devalues the DEFINITION OF MARRIAGE, woodypeckerhead. Your infantile rationalizations rank below

your usual fourth grade level.


4. Typical lib - getting all hateful and outraged because other real human beings don't agree with him

about some subject. haha. Why is it that libs always emotionally claim they are in the majority and so they

"rule" blah blah stupid blah.... ? Like Mao saying "the people have spoken because that's what I want..."


5. Have a nice day.

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I'm honestly sick of some of the stuff on this board, so I'm going to tell you to fuck off.


Bunker is just a bad person, DieHard is just a crotchety old guy, but you're probably the worst. You are so damn hypocritical in everything you post, but you don't realize it because you're blinded by your one sided, black and white political beliefs.



No one has given a real reason for why it should be illegal. You thinking it "devalues" marriage, just because its different, is no argument at all. I'm sure decades ago you'd be in the group rallying against interracial marriage.


Devalues the definition? So the definition can't change? But all those other times it did, that was fine. Its just now that it can't change. Or should we go back to paying for a man's virgin daughter with livestock? Or forcing take victims to marry their attackers?



I've said it a bunch and I'll say it again, the fact your side isn't the majority at least shows some silver lining

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We've given you many reasons. You just ignore them and ask

for reasons you will accept. Which, none. YOU'RE getting sick?


Why don't you go away and live in heckbunker's closet, maybe he'll take you in

and support you all your miserable life.


Woody = zero legit content and whining and bitching and gay stuff = butt of the board.



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We've given you many reasons. You just ignore them and ask

for reasons you will accept. Which, none. YOU'RE getting sick?


Why don't you go away and live in heckbunker's closet, maybe he'll take you in

and support you all your miserable life.


Woody = zero legit content and whining and bitching and gay stuff = butt of the board.



"I think its bad and weird" isn't a reason...


I already described earlier though why you won't get that.

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