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Supreme Court Overturns Doma, Skips On Judgement Of Prop 8


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Gay Cousin of Chief Justice John Roberts to Get Married

The gay cousin of chief justice John Roberts is getting married now that Roberts sent Prop8 back to California, effectively re-legalizing same-sex marriage in the state.

Reports Talking Points Memo:

When the Supreme Court heard the oral arguments for and against the constitutionality of DOMA this March, Chief Justice John Roberts probably noticed a familiar face in the crowd — his openly gay cousin, Jean Podrasky.

At the time, Podrasky found the arguments difficult to hear, and a little nerve-racking, no doubt in part because Podrasky was engaged to be married to her partner, and stuck in limbo until the Court issued its decision on California’s Proposition 8.

Now that the ruling is in, Podrasky says that the magnitude of the ruling overwhelms whatever personal disagreements she has with her cousin, who signed on with the minority view that DOMA should be upheld.

“I am so excited. I am absolutely overwhelmed,” Podrasky told me in a phone interview Wednesday.

Podrasky said she had a difficult time listening to the Prop8 proceedings due to the "disconcerting" questions that Roberts asked.

She's unsure as to whether she's going to invite him to the wedding, because she hasn't made a guest list yet.

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I have no plans to get married right now. I have no problem with gay people.

I also don't use every single one of my posts to bash gays or call someone else gay



What happened to you to become so anti gay? What distorted your mind like this? Or is it just a show?

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Because it's an old, worn out subject. Except for those who refuse to admit


that Obamao is a corrupt, marxist fraud and failure.

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What happened to you to become so anti gay? What distorted your mind like this? Or is it just a show?

I'll ask the same question wody

What happened to you to become so pro gay? What distorted your mind like this? Or is it just a show?

Why is cysko so racist? Why do you feel so adamant about gay marriage?

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I'll ask the same question wody

What happened to you to become so pro gay? What distorted your mind like this? Or is it just a show?

Why is cysko so racist? Why do you feel so adamant about gay marriage?

I'm not racist at all. I'm simply pointing out true facts. I would never use a persons race of sexual orientation to attempt to insult them. I'm proud of this country for this. You on the other hand use anti gay crap to insult people nearly every time you open your foolish mouth. The real liberal guys on this board can disagree with everything I say but no one can even have a conversation with you.
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I'm not racist at all. I'm simply pointing out true facts. I would never use a persons race of sexual orientation to attempt to insult them. I'm proud of this country for this. You on the other hand use anti gay crap to insult people nearly every time you open your foolish mouth. The real liberal guys on this board can disagree with everything I say but no one can even have a conversation with you.

Sorry that common sense and statistics are your cryptonite. I back up what I say you not so much..

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Sorry that common sense and statistics are your cryptonite. I back up what I say you not so much..

Right...I only posted about 15 articles and countless statistics. I'm sorry you can't read or that your attention span is so poor. Maybe you should take some adderall.

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I'll ask the same question wody

What happened to you to become so pro gay? What distorted your mind like this? Or is it just a show?

Why is cysko so racist? Why do you feel so adamant about gay marriage?

Wow, talk about deflection. Nothing distorted my mind. No closed minded people around me. No religion. Nothing. Thanks to that I can think for myself, and what I come up with is let gays marry. Why stop them? How does it negatively affect myself or anyone else? It doesn't. There won't be any degrading of moral fiber. Society won't collapse. Will be fine, its just being fair to more of our population.

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Wow, talk about deflection. Nothing distorted my mind. No closed minded people around me. No religion. Nothing. Thanks to that I can think for myself, and what I come up with is let gays marry. Why stop them? How does it negatively affect myself or anyone else? It doesn't. There won't be any degrading of moral fiber. Society won't collapse. Will be fine, its just being fair to more of our population.

And yet you avoid the question because you of all the people on here never ever answer a question asked to you. Cal and I posted stuff on the gay thread and You come back in your normal woody way, you know, your stupid.. or 12years old... blah blah blah.
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And yet you avoid the question because you of all the people on here never ever answer a question asked to you. Cal and I posted stuff on the gay thread and You come back in your normal woody way, you know, your stupid.. or 12years old... blah blah blah.

Wtf are you talking about?


So you are accusing me of not answering questions... even though i just did... and even though you just deflected mine



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Heck, you suck anything that comes near you on this board that is liberal or in the pro liberal news.


You can't win arguments, and once again, you make personal attacks. Libs, especially you,


live in a hateful dream world, where everything is an argument to waft from definition to definition,


subject to subject, and then you claim you won and go away after we kick your arrogant dumb ass


with real information from all sorts of sources. One source, you'll bash it. Several sources, you make personal


insults. What a freakin sad idol for Woody, the butt of the board.

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I see nothing good about this. It's just a sign of the times that this country has turned evil and accepts this type of freakish behavior.


The country has turned evil? Freakish behavior?



Jesus christ. Shove your bible up your ass and move out of the way for society. The rest of the world is moving forward, get off the ride if you like the dark ages.

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Woody, that is really uncalled for. You ARE an ass. You are the butt of this board.


And, outside of gay perversion, you don't know anything about life, or society.


Most of us knew our country was going to swing like a pendulum toward troubled times.


I say, big, serious trouble.

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