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Michael Hastings, Famous Journalist Gets....murdered?


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So, reading this story.....


how does a car take off, and start flying at extremely high speeds with no brakes, apparently? In town?


Reading this story now....


How can anyone NOT suspect foul play? Disable ignition turn off, send throttle to


full, disable door electronic unlock... and send a despised investigative journalist into a tree


at extremely high speed?


Why would that be so improbable? Something is really wrong here.




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Well, that is a good explanation. But, if he said that the FBI was after him....


was that a complete fabrication by a Mel Gibson character in that movie?


Or, is the question, who was after him? I'm suspecting that the information


that comes out..? later will probably be a rational explanation.


Too many weird things are going on. Yeah, Princess Diana just happened to


be dwi, too. Except she wasn't driving. ....

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Heckbunker translation:


"I'm so frustrated that I'm being made an idiot by everybody on this board I ever


try to smart off to. dammit, dammit, dammit "sniff" "

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Hey, I just finished planting maybe a thousand tomato plants.


I'm tired and needed to have some fun. Want me to turn this into another


liberal says stupid things thread? B)


I think you are just failing to take my posts in the proper "context" ....

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I had a Chief Navy Diver Friend get killed in Japan. We had a going away party for him on Yokosuka, then all drove up to Tokyo to hit some bars. He was driving back to Yoko on the expressway on a motorcycle no less and crashed into a wall and died. They think he actually passed out while driving. So I'd say thats probably what happened here.

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That's sad.


But, why would a guy who is writing exposes' that Obamao doesn't like....


and thinks he is being investigated by the... "Feds"....


go drinking, and drink too much?


Slip him a mickey, wire his carb to full speed. He starts his car, it takes the hell off,


he gets hit by the drug, and ...


hmm. Interesting......

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Cal. Really. Transmetropolitan was a fucking awesome comic book and I highly recommend it. You might even like it, but Michael Hastings was not Spider Jerusalem, he was not going to bring down the president with journalism, and they have no real reason to off him. People's memories are like five seconds long. And if they were going to off him why go to these highly improbable length. Shooting him and making it look like a carjacking or a random act of violence would be a lot easier.

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Sure. It's like Sandra Bullock in "The Net".


Any opposition must be "dealt with".


I do wonder about something - how can you be seriously dwi, and safely drive 100 mph down residential streets in


a straight line just fine, but crash when you hit a bump? I mean, dwi folks have serious trouble walking the line, or keeping


their eyes on the policeperson's moving finger. But we're supposed to believe he was dwi, and drove that fast just fine?


Heh. I just wonder aloud about it.

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Interesting. Hastings wrote in his last book that he was used to receiving death threats.


It didn't rattle him. He was working on a big story on the CIA/NSA.



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You don't want to watch this. It's Dr. Kathleen Fisher talking about how they can easily take over

the computer control of a car - even via CD in the car...and make it crash.


But, you should be very concerned. Maybe Hastings was murdered. Maybe...he was at a bar

that long with an informant...who was unable to convince him to back off. All sorts of maybes.

Maybe ... I don't know.


But they can do it. Why deny the possibility?



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You don't want to watch this. It's Dr. Kathleen Fisher talking about how they can easily take over

the computer control of a car - even via CD in the car...and make it crash.


But, you should be very concerned. Maybe Hastings was murdered. Maybe...he was at a bar

that long with an informant...who was unable to convince him to back off. All sorts of maybes.

Maybe ... I don't know.


But they can do it. Why deny the possibility?




I agree - CAN bus (controller area network) are used in cars to tie the specific system computers (engine, trans, comfort, etc) together.


and in the manufacture of any given car, there is no mention of security.


Then we worked on knowing some of the vulnerabilities that are, or might be existed, and some of the recommendation solutions to secure and protect the system. In one of the researches about CAN Bus that was performed by University of California, San Diego and the University of Washington, the research team was able to hack into a car that uses a CAN Bus system. The researchers were able to unlock the car, stop the engine and practice some other attacks that hackers could do if they have the ability to do in the future. Although the team was able to break into the system, their conclusion was that there is no potential chance that hackers will start paying attention to the CAN Bus system any soon. (this article is from 2011)



I couldnt find a recent program where on a test track, an auto ABS system was being hacked wirelessly causing unintended braking...


same can be done with wireless throttle systems....


all that to say this - I dont know if Hastings car was tampered with. But you got to wonder though.....


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