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Obamao's War On Catholics


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First, he tried to make them into hypocrites by demanding that they cover abortions in med insurance.


Now, he is openly calling for them to end Catholic schools, because it causes strife.




How soon will the dirtbag in our WH decide to say the same thing about Muslim schools? And

all churches?


Give us all a break from your incompetence, stupidity, and radical garbage, Obamao. Shut up and

stop with your radical crap.




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“If towns remain divided—if Catholics have their schools and buildings and Protestants have theirs, if we can’t see ourselves in one another and fear or resentment are allowed to harden—that too encourages division and discourages cooperation.”


Yeah, that's outrageous.


Calm the fuck down, you obsessive bedwetter.

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Can't take the Obamao blowupsies, eh?


The PRINCIPLE is, he said Catholics should do away with the schools.


Which is fair to ask, why doesn't he mention Muslim madrassas?


Yes, it IS outrageous. And stupid for him to say it in the first place.

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Can't take the Obamao blowupsies, eh?


The PRINCIPLE is, he said Catholics should do away with the schools.


Which is fair to ask, why doesn't he mention Muslim madrassas?


Cuz he's in Ireland?


What do you disagree with in his statement?

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In principle, shooting his mouth off about Catholic schools in Ireland, is stupid.

What the hell does he know about it all? We have Catholics and protestants, here, too,


Catholic schools do not teach intolerance and violence and civil strife. What he is saying, then,

is to think differently than what he thinks, is wrong and must stop.




So, in principle, he could just as well say the stupid things here. Add to that, comprehensively,

his interference with Catholic churches here with insurance for things the church is against, and you

have the makings of an instigation of conflict over religious beliefs, of the Catholic church. Now, he

fails to do that to the Muslim churches, and they sure as heck have their own beliefs...


There is far more for him to fix, than to try to intimidate and alienate Catholics and patriotic Americans.


I honestly think there is something wrong with him - the arrogance and belligerence with a smile... reeks of a something rotten behind

the whole facade that is ObaMao.

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Can't take the Obamao blowupsies, eh?


The PRINCIPLE is, he said Catholics should do away with the schools.


Which is fair to ask, why doesn't he mention Muslim madrassas?


Yes, it IS outrageous. And stupid for him to say it in the first place.

Context man. Context.

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Explain. You mean "heck type of spin" ???


He is SAYING that Catholic buildings, and Protestant buildings are divisive, and are obstructions to peace..


So, in the same exact principle, he is saying the same thing for us, too.


However, he doesn't mention Muslim buildings. And madrassas. Why aren't THEY "obstructions to peace, and divisive"


"haha" or "context" doesn't refute my point at all.

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You guys DO know that there are plenty of Muslims in Ireland, right?


Now, considering that ObaMao favors Muslims, and he neglected to make


Muslim schools and buildings a part of the warped point......


Explain why my point is invalid. BTW, can anyone name a Muslim country, where Catholics and Protestants


can immigrate to, and build their own buildings and be accepted?



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So you're just jumping up and down in the corner pointing your finger going "No fair! No fair! What about the mean old Muslims?!"


As if they don't deal with enough shit from people like you as it is.


Did you expect him to name every religious group in Ireland, or, you know, just the two most prominent

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The primary point is why so unfairly single out anybody for having their own buildings.


I know, heckbunker and woody, you two don't understand principles.


And, seriously, Heck? LOL? You think I'm the only one who thinks it's just another


failure by Obamao?


Read them and weep, you two goofs:


And, for the record, note that you two are the only ones to go personal attack right off the bat.


I guess desperately trying to defend this fool in our WH is getting you all wrapped up in red plastic wrap, eh?


About 201,000,000 results (0.46 seconds)
Search Results
  1. Obama calls religious education divisive: Catholics freak out ...
    20 hours ago – In response, some Catholics are freaking out, claiming Obama has an “anti-faith, ... when he told the young people of Northern Ireland that Catholic education and ... However, not everyone is angry about Obama's remarks.
  2. Rubio Leads Charge as Catholic Anger Grows Over Obama Birth ...
    Feb 6, 2012 – Rubio Leads Charge as Catholic Anger Grows over Obama Birth-control Rule. ... The Obama administration's decision to require Catholic-affiliated institutions to cover contraceptives and .... Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
  3. Michelle Obama's Resentment of “White Irish Catholics” Similar to ...
    Jan 10, 2012 – A new book on the Obama's reveals that Michelle Obama was distressed about the “white Irish Catholics” in Illinois. Michelle Obama worked in ...
  4. Obama Criticize Catholics Education in Northern Ireland - AllVoices
    1 day ago – President Barack Obama visit Ireland this week and he is angry with theCatholic education schools and some catholic proponents. He says to ...
  5. More videos for catholics angry obama ireland »
  6. Obama sticks his nose into Catholic and Protestant Northern ...
    www.stormfront.org › StormfrontNewsPolitics & Continuing Crises
    1 day ago - 8 posts - 4 authors
    I'm pretty sure the one in North Ireland isn't! ... Angry Re: Obama sticks his nose intoCatholic and Protestant Northern Ireland communities.
  7. US President criticises faith schools during Northern Ireland visit
    www.secularism.org.uk › News
    1 day ago – Mr Obama's comments provoked anger from the Catholic Church. ...Sectarian schooling in Northern Ireland is living proof that religious ...
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Cal, see if you can get one other person to imagine that the above quote was part of some "war on Catholics." Just one. In here. On The Browns Board.


I wouldn't put it past the nuts on here, but I imagine even they are reading that and seeing a very typical political speech about the dangers of tribalism. Only the demented whose daily lives depend on the chubby they get from hating Obama from sunrise to sunset could possibly see that as strange.


Find something else to excite you. Go outside. Spend some time with the wife. You're going to be dead in a few years.

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In other words, Woody, you fail, once again to understand any subject on this board.


In PRINCIPLE, you would never single out Catholics and Protestants for divisiveness and obstructing peace,


when Muslims live quite peacefully in Ireland. They even have mosques ! So, it's a very, very stupid and invalid


intrusive mouth fart, again, by this stupidass marxist nutjob in our WH. There isn't any legit way to defend him on it,


and my point stands.


But thanks, Heckbunker and Woodpecker, for going berserk and makings fools of yourselves, with my jovial help, of course.


And, thanks for proving me correct about how you two libs on this board got nothin, but personal attacks and mindless spin. YAY !

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Heck: "Find one person who..."


Me:About 201,000,000 results (0.46 seconds)

Search Results
  1. Obama calls religious education divisive: Catholics freak out ...
    20 hours ago – In response, some Catholics are freaking out, claiming Obama has an “anti-faith, ... when he told the young people of Northern Ireland that Catholic education and ... However, not everyone is angry about Obama's remarks.
  2. Rubio Leads Charge as Catholic Anger Grows Over Obama Birth ...
  3. www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/rubio-catholics-protest-birth/.../428528‎
    Feb 6, 2012 – Rubio Leads Charge as Catholic Anger Grows over Obama Birth-control Rule. ... The Obama administration's decision to require Catholic-affiliated institutions to cover contraceptives and .... Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
  4. Michelle Obama's Resentment of “White Irish Catholics” Similar to ...


    Jan 10, 2012 – A new book on the Obama's reveals that Michelle Obama was distressed about the “white Irish Catholics” in Illinois. Michelle Obama worked in ...
  5. Obama Criticize Catholics Education in Northern Ireland - AllVoices
    1 day ago – President Barack Obama visit Ireland this week and he is angry with theCatholic education schools and some catholic proponents. He says to ...
  6. More videos for catholics angry obama ireland »
  7. Obama sticks his nose into Catholic and Protestant Northern ...
    www.stormfront.org › StormfrontNewsPolitics & Continuing Crises
    1 day ago - 8 posts - 4 authors
    I'm pretty sure the one in North Ireland isn't! ... Angry Re: Obama sticks his nose intoCatholic and Protestant Northern Ireland communities.
  8. US President criticises faith schools during Northern Ireland visit
    www.secularism.org.uk › News

    1 day ago – Mr Obama's comments provoked anger from the Catholic Church. ...Sectarian schooling in Northern Ireland is living proof that religious ...


    Heck translation: "dammit, I'm still butthurt over Steve kicking my ass, and now Cal just made me look like one.

    Or, is that Woody I'm sitting on..?"

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I am still trying to give Woody a chance to stop the personal attacks. It isn't working so far.


Never does with some libs. They can't stop it.

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It's okay. I'm out.


I'll leave you with the words of the demented Klansman in upstate New York who wanted to build a radiation ray to kill all the Muslims. See if you can tell his rant from the type Cal posts in here every day:


Here's his reaction to the Boston Marathon bombings:


“Well, tell it to your treasonous bedwetting maggot in chief. He started bringing the scumbags have (sic) wholesale as he got in charge. He directed the ins to start bringing muzzies here without background checks. Your background was scrutinized more to join the army than any muslim scum gets to come here. They don’t have to follow any laws, and this administration has done more to enable a government sponsored invasion than the press can cover up. Be pissed, but get the word out that obamas policies caused this. You watch, they will downplay the muslim angle if they dont cover it up. Be pissed. I am too. I been warning this was coming. Its here.”



...Sounds about the same to me.

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Admit it, lib dynamic fool-o's.


You don't have anything intelligent to add, so


you go off on personal attacks.


Same old spin game. Sad.

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Steve's got a point he wants to make!


Go ahead, Steve...

first of all I have no idea from where your source came or what difference his quote makes.

but apparently it's meaningful to you.

it does seem that we've been down playing the chechnya muslim aspect preferring to call them Russians.


doesn't it seem that way to you?


oh and no, it doesn't sound like cal.

Sounds like Ts pal fwiw.



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Damn Cal, you just hear what you want, don't you?





Plus, I think we'd be better off without religion anyway


So what do you hear in Obamas statement?


I'm not ready to call his statement "a war on Catholics".....however, many of you on this thread are so quick to shoot down Cal, yet not a single one of you dim wits are able to formulate any ideas to what Obama was implying here.. It's so easy for our so called president to babble about the divisiveness of Protestants and Catholics caused by "having their own buildings", but what is this goofball implying...that they tear down the buildings? Give up their religions? Hold hands and sing Kumbaya? Everyone convert to one religion? .........like Islam perhaps.


None of you have a clue to what your leader is implying. The role of you sheeple is just to shut up and listen....and defend him against criticism from guys like Cal.

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Good point. Well, rejection whiners...

what IS Obamao trying to say?


Apparently, he's trying to say that whatever Obamao and co. LIKE,

is good.


And anything they DON'T LIKE, is divisive and obstructive to peace.

But he LIKES Islam, so it isn't divisive or obstructive to peace.


Want to know how many mosques are in Ireland? I don't know. There are some, though.

That just reinforced my point handily.

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