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Deep Inside Dem Senate Immigration Bill Lies...


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A gigantic National ID card database. On all Americans.


New Social Security tamper proof card.


That can contain all your ID. As in "ALL". And this national db could be


used by the Obamao/dems to:


Know all purchases, especially guns and ammo. And conservative books.


And anything they don't like. Online contributions to conservative groups.


And how does this help the illegal immigration problem?


Every single problem that exists, they want to use it as a new kind


of power grab. Really bad business, when you have a corrupt IG, Justice Dept,


IRS, Homeland Security, WH....


It's impossible not to take note of the explosion of scandals rocking the Obama administration in recent months.

The Benghazi cover-up. IRS targeting of conservatives.

The recent revelation that government agencies are reading emails, listening to phone calls, monitoring bank transfers and tracking virtually everything you do.

Couple those scandals with Obama's push for expanded federal background checks, so-called "gun trafficking" legislation, and new "mental health" mandates -- the writing is on the wall . . .

YOU are his target. Freedom-loving American. Patriot. Gun owner.

Obama's goal is one massive database, cataloging information on ALL Americans so Washington, D.C. bureaucrats can pick and choose to deny rights to certain individuals -- especially Second Amendment rights.

And that's exactly what he's seeking with his National ID database buried inside the so-called "immigration reform" bill.

Call it a backdoor National Gun Registry . . .

The very thing the gun-grabbers and their political pals have been salivating over for decades. The first step to outright gun CONFISCATION.

If President Obama and his statist, bipartisan “Gang of Eight” get their way with their so-called “Immigration Reform” scheme, I’m afraid that’s EXACTLY what we’re going to end up with unless you act TODAY.

That’s why it’s critical you sign your NO DANGEROUS ID/NO DATABASE petition below.

As you’ll see, this petition urges your Congressman and Senators to vote “NO!” on any so-called “Immigration Reform” scheme containing a National ID database system of American citizens (better-named DANGEROUS ID).

You see, I know you’ve heard the old saying, “The devil is in the details.”

Well, in any 800-plus page bill like this “Immigration Reform” Bill, there are always plenty of devilish details for Americans to get up in arms about.

But by far the WORST is the creation of a new “tamper proof” Social Security card issued by the Federal Government that would be linked to a massive DANGEROUS ID database.

The DANGEROUS ID database would contain the names, addresses, and biometric information -- like facial and retinal scans and fingerprints -- of EVERY AMERICAN.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see how such a system could be abused.

Firearm purchases -- including serial numbers -- could easily be linked to the national DANGEROUS ID database creating an instant National Gun Registry.

Ammo purchases could be linked. Health records, book purchases, online activity, religious views -- contribution history to political candidates -- could all be at a federal bureaucrat’s fingertips.

And it could all happen with a series of simple Executive Orders -- without so much as a vote in Congress!

I know Senate “Gang of Eight” members -- like Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Dick Durbin (D-IL), John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) -- just link arms with President Obama, smile and say “trust us.”

I can’t imagine any American citizen who values their freedom falling for that after the outrages we’ve seen out of the Obama administration, including:

*** President Obama’s Department of Homeland Security issuing warnings about patriotic Americans, “rightwing extremists,” veterans and those with the “wrong” Presidential candidate’s bumper sticker on their cars;

*** The Obama IRS scandal, using the vast power of the federal government to harass and intimidate Tea Party groups, Christian and conservative organizations and political enemies;

*** Attorney General Eric Holder targeting reportersand even their family members with wiretapping for daring to criticize the Obama administration;

*** The Fast and Furious scandal where the Obama administration just looked the other way while bloodthirsty Mexican drug gangs funneled arms across the border resulting in the death of Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry.

Over the past few months, you and I have seen more full frontal assaults on our gun rights than at any time in a generation.

NAGR members have stood up and defeated each and every one so far.

In fact, as Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) recently said, “Without NAGR’s bare-knuckled, no-compromise tactics, I believe President Obama would have already succeeded in ramming gun control into law.”

Of course, these battles rage on. But now, the gun-grabbers are trying a backdoor scheme, hoping to catch Second Amendment supporters napping.

That’s why I’m counting on you to sign your NO DANGEROUS ID/NO DATABASE petition IMMEDIATELY!


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