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Time For Holder To Go Away


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Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
Attorney General Eric Holder’s disregard of the and subversion of our Constitution has reached epic proportions.

Holder must not remain Attorney General of the United States!

Please see my update below. – Mat

One year ago this month, the United States House of Representatives voted 255 to 67 to charge our nation’s attorney general with contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over subpoenaed documents pertaining to the investigation into the deadly “Fast and Furious” gun-running scheme.
Holder became the first sitting Attorney General to be charged with contempt of Congress.

President Obama ultimately gave Eric Holder “Executive Privilege,” protecting him and anyone else in his administration, who might be implicated by those documents.

Congress has since wrapped up the “Fast and Furious” investigation, which resulted in several DOJ employees resigning. A few were reassigned or disciplined, but Eric Holder remains the sitting Attorney General, our nation’s “top cop.” Meanwhile, “Fast and Furious” has become yet another DOJ scandal swept under the rug without the American people knowing the truth.

In most arenas of American “public service,” the scandals rocking Eric Holder and his Department of Justice would be enough to topple a regime.
But not under President Obama.
Holder’s presidential protection and the pass afforded him by the left-leaning media are unprecedented.

This is extremely frustrating to those of us who want our government to be limited in scope, to operate constitutionally and to function by the rule of law to protect the rights of its citizens. Instead, the President and his allies are continually undermining the very foundations on which our nation was built.
I truly believe that the tandem of Obama and Holder has created more constitutional crises in the past four years than any other president and attorney general in the history of our nation.

Eric Holder acted in contempt of Congress. He is still shrouded in controversy, while overseeing the most dishonest Department of Justice our nation has ever experienced. Yet, he continues to be protected by the President.

Today, Holder is being investigated for possible perjury, after lying to another congressional committee -- just one year removed from his contempt charge. Holder has shown repeatedly that he has no respect for the law or the legislative branch of our government.

It’s long overdue for Congress to step in and demand Eric Holder’s resignation. It’s past time for lawmakers from both the House and Senate to grow spines and take action against the Attorney General’s misguided and agenda-driven policies!

Please join the tens of thousands of liberty-loving citizens nationwide who believe that Eric Holder is a disgrace as our nation’s attorney general and unfit to continue as America’s top law enforcement officer.
Our Fax Barrage -- calling for immediate action against Holder -- is resonating on Capitol Hill because of the relentless efforts of grassroots Americans like you! Liberty Counsel Action is among the loudest voices encouraging Congress and others with influence to hold Attorney General Eric Holder accountable!

Click here now to join with Americans nationwide who are demanding that Congress end Holder’s tenure of blatant corruption and dereliction of duty with our powerful Fax Barrage.

Everything you need to fax is one click away:


At the heart of Holder’s disingenuous, manipulative abuse of the power granted to the office of the Attorney General is his willingness to misuse his authority for political and partisan purposes. Eric Holder could as easily be charged with “Contempt for the American People.”

Join us in calling for his resignation today! Go here now to help:


Thank you for helping us move Capitol Hill to act.

Mathew D. Staver,

P.S. As Eric Holder’s scandalous and misguided actions are further exposed, the cries to finally rid ourselves of this outrageously politicized “public servant” grow louder and stronger Please, help us keep the pressure on Congress to cite Attorney General Eric Holder for contempt and call for his immediate resignation or impeachment!


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