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Aclu Sues Obama Regime

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Oh, I don't think this is going to do anything. These are programs that Congress has been briefed on. They debated them five years ago. None of this stuff is really new. Unless they discover something beyond what's been released it's not going to end up in impeachment. People on both sides support these programs. They'd have to have been abused in some way.


And I don't think there's anything surprising about the ACLU suing. They have a very strict reading of the 4th Amendment. Even stricter than mine!

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WH talking point... "Congress was briefed on..."


Trouble is...



Susan Collins On NSA PRISM Briefings: No Access To 'Highly Compartmentalized Information'


(R-Maine) told reporters in the Capitol Monday that as the top-ranking Republican on last year's
, she expected she would have been briefed on the
surveillance program, but was not.
Even as a member of this session's intelligence committee, she said, she had not been briefed before the panoramic snooping program run by the NSA was revealed by The Guardian

Read more at www.huffingtonpost.com

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