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Liberal Slanders Woman Out Of Spite, Ruins Her Life


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but she gets her guns back, and I hope she gets millions in damages


in her defamation lawsuit. Liberal extremists do this "win by any means necessary" garbage.


it's out of control. And, perhaps, we haven't seen anything yet. Wait, yes we have, the IRS


politically leaned on conservative groups for election win for libs benefit.




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More gun related deaths and violence occur in inner cities than all school killings and accidents combined, yet libs

want to oppress the law abiding mom and pop gun owner while black on black murders using guns go virtually unnoticed.


Funny how a black life all of a sudden becomes important when taken by someone of another race....like George Z.


But this is the hypocrisy of Liberalism...it manifests it's ugly self in nearly every social, economic, and political debate and/or policy.

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My opinion - Zimmerman, all said and done, will be innocent. There is no evidence to convict him.


Interesting that the judge disallowed information about Martin - his gun, etc...


I'll bet jury selection is a big battle of wits.

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