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This Is Interesting - Soldier In Trouble For Lib Version Of "dadt"


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So, gay soldiers are now allowed to be openly gay, which is a sign of disrespect to a


...next conservative president. And a gay superior didn't like Chic-Fil-A sandwiches being served.


I will say, though, that the bumper stickers, seem pretty much what a soldier isn't allowed to do -


be politically active in uniform. but, on his own time and dime, isn't allowed to have served those sandwiches


because a gay superior officer wanted a boycott? The tyranny of the lib minority. And reading conservative


books is outlawed? Since freakin when? Libs demand you don't have opinions which differ from theirs.


It's liberal "offense" that is just really just political intimidation, arbitrary, arrogant, and a violation of


this soldier's civil rights. I would agree - the bumper stickers probly should come off, unless he never drives


his car while in uniform or on duty. This gay superior needs to be demoted and reassigned. Yeah, repealing


"dadt" was a bad idea, and was going to cause a lot of problems behind the scenes.

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Which is one way Obamao can "restructure" our military.


Weed out those who don't have the same views as the libs do.


IOW's, libs try to "restructure", as in, "control the content of"


any environment and people they are involved with. I think the charges will be dropped,


and he will take off the bumper stickers. Outside of that, the gay superior will be reprimanded, I think.


The UCMJ is pretty clear about all this crap. And harrassment by that superior will not be tolerated even


less than the bumper stickers..

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The hostility of the gay superior, and harrassment by the same, and unwarranted charges, have

little or nothing to do with the bumper stickers. Once ordered, he would

take the bumper stickers off his car. I said that already, we all have. As in, those of us

who were in the military, know what we are talking about.


Personally, I was a little bit "expert" on the UCMJ - worked with the docs all the time. Typed up

Article 15's and a couple of times, court martial charges. Even invented a new method for filing

all the documents - based on subject, not level of command. There were AF regs, SAC regs, base regs

and a smaller bunch of squadron regs. The UCMJ is no small bunch of stuff.


Full bird colonels, commanders, would come to me and ask for regs pertaining to some kind of subject, specifically,

and I could just go and retrieve the subject docs across the command level. Then I set up a lookup index for reference...


I actually was loaned to an OSI commander, where I set up the docs in my new way. He had an extra classified set of docs,....

and that's where I was attempted recruit talked about that. My commander was writing up a formal request

to make "my" system a standard AF system. Cool, eh?


Military law hammers where applicable. Regardless of rank, though decades of successful and excellent service is taken

into consideration at the penalty phase a lot of the time, the bumper sticker thing is hardly fodder for an Article 15, unless

he refused to take the bumper stickers off, thereby being guilty of disobeying a lawful order.


However, any order to stop reading conservative books on his own time, and being ordered to not go to Chic-Fil-a,

is illegal, and is harrassment.


Trust me, I know this stuff. Though, not that much anymore...lol


I personally dealt with it one time, back then. I/we were just in tech school. The perpetrator was

a master sergeant. We were all fine, and he was hammered, and transferred to a WAF squadron where one mistake

and he was going to get booted out of the AF. I've told that story at least once before.


Just my three and a half cents on the subject.

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He should never have put them on there to begin with. Its just showing belligerence and disrespect for the commander in chief. If you're in the military and you disrespect the commander in chief you disrespect every nco and officer up the chain of command to the cic. Bottom line...if you're in the military keep your goddamn political opinion to yourself. I served under Bush and I didn't care for him, but did I have "buck fush" stickers on my car? I did not. You're 100% wrong, cal.

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Which is one way Obamao can "restructure" our military.


Weed out those who don't have the same views as the libs do.


IOW's, libs try to "restructure", as in, "control the content of"


any environment and people they are involved with. I think the charges will be dropped,


and he will take off the bumper stickers. Outside of that, the gay superior will be reprimanded, I think.


The UCMJ is pretty clear about all this crap. And harrassment by that superior will not be tolerated even


less than the bumper stickers..

You don't know jack shit do you? Hardcore sexual harrassment is all but ignored in the military, but you want "liberal harrassment over chik-fil-a" prosecuted? Give me a break.

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I'm not wrong, either. You can have all the opinions you want. You just can't go public with them.


And, you confuse the issue of harassment, via false charges, with sexual harassment. I don't know of cases where

false charges have been "sexual harassment". Perhaps, but then, the object of the sexual harassment has a heck of a case, too.

Superiors cannot leverage their authority illegally. And in the military, you are in your own right to not follow an ILLEGAL order.

Differentiating between illegal and legal is generally covered in the UCMJ in principle. BTW, is isn't just chicfila, knucklehead. It's

other issues, like the conservative books, which I mentioned. It's a general pattern of "we don't like this guy for his beliefs, so

we'll get him and screw with his career".


BTW, Obamao's failure to return a salute by a member of our military... is an illegal action, since he is genuinely "commander in chief".

Any superior officer is required to return the salute, because you are saluting the uniform/service member. The lower level military

person initiates the salute, and the superior level military person is legally required to return the salute.

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I will clarify something - you cannot have opinions that infer, lead to, advise, other military members to break military law,


refuse to obey military orders.


As in, I could say "I think Obamao is crazy" privately. I think it's interesting about the bumper stickers part of the information

on this link. I could never say it publicly, and if told by a superior "I don't want to hear that coming out of you, or anyone else,

you dumbass calfox, we have to keep our unit all on one page"...then I best shut up and keep my opinion that Obamao is crazy to myself.


Opinions that influence disarray and undermines the effectiveness...yeah, that will get you nailed.


Anyways, it's been a real long time since i was in the service - I'm sure Diehard knows more than I do.


You, Cysko, not so much, because you are a knucklehead.



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