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So, Steve said that the American Indians' plight was due to liberalism.


Heck whined bullshit and haha and ran away.


I posted this:


"Actually, Steve is CORRECT.

Want to know why ? No, you don't. But I'll happily tell you anyways. The reason liberals are responsible

for the plight of the American Indians is:

Because liberalism attempts, and succeeds with some groups, to create dependency on the government.

That is the only way a liberal/marxist/communist government can thrive and remain in power. Create dependency

on the government. That way you can control them, make them subservient to your wishes, and that's a fact, jack.

The indians ended up being forced by trick or physical force, to a gov reservation. They were totally dependent on the gov

for existence. Their way of life ended. "


Question for Heck:

Do you think it is wrong - the American Indians' plight has nothing to do with liberalism? Yes...or No ?

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It's okay that you disagree. But did you mean "no, after thinkin on it, the American Indians' plight IS because of liberalism?


Or, you said "No", because you still say it isn't true? I should have asked the question better, LOL.


Anyways, you are wrong to claim bullshit, that their plight wasn't due to liberalism.


But, after I said what I said, in support of what Steve said.....


I went and did a quick search: There is a ton of stuff out there. It's true, what Steve said, and what I said.


And gov dependency is liberalism in a nutshell.


So, I think you are saying that "No", you still don't agree with Steve and I. Or,


you changed your mind, and now you don't think we are wrong after all, and you retract your "bullshit"


Hey, I was tired, we bailed about 140 bales of hay, and I have a stiff neck still.


Search Results
  1. American Indians Today/Current problems - Wikibooks, open books ...
    A further aspect, which affects many poor Native Americans, is the dependency on federal welfare and the US government's generosity concerning health care ...
  2. Response to Huffington Post's Ryan Grim on Poverty and Dependency
    Apr 4, 2013 – Tags: American Spirit, conservatives, dependency, food stamps, .... to do something about their plight instead of "Depending on someone else TAKE CARE OF THEM" ... Government exploits thedependency and the people to erase those ... all their problems, should take a close look at the American Indian" ...
  3. Cultural assimilation of Native Americans - Wikipedia, the free ...
    Portrait of Native Americans from the Cherokee, Cheyenne, Choctaw, .... The Indian Removal Act of 1830 characterized the US government policy of Indian .... Some decisions focused more on the dependency of the tribes, while others ...
  4. American Indians of the Pacific Northwest
  5. content.lib.washington.edu/aipnw/marr.html‎
    Assimilation Through Education: Indian Boarding Schools in the Pacific Northwest ...families and in many cases enrollment in a government run boarding school. ... when idealistic reformers turned their attention to the plight of Indian people. ..... expensive and that they encouraged dependency more than self-sufficiency.
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There are plenty of sources, believe me.


Read the content of the links, and then realize that Steve


was very correct in what he said.


And Heck's denial "bullshit" was....Bullshit. That's all.


The content of the links doesn't change just because I didn't format the links, Woody.

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No. We are where we are; there isn't any time machine to be able to go back


and start over. The democratic party could kick out all the progressives, marxist radicals, and libs


out of it though, and deny them the right to vote, and force them to go live on some


"liberal/progressive/marxist/radical reservation" though, to see how THEY like it......

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So then the conservative is complicit in the destruction of the American Indians. End of sentance.


Oh wait, you mean you want to even take their reservations away from them so they get absolutely nothing out of our systemic genocide of their people. Awesome. Then they'll pull themselves up by their bootstraps, by golly, and get back on the horse. So to speak.

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By the way, nobody MAKES the Indians live in reservations. That's simply their consolation prize for our stealing of their land and destruction of their way of life. The reservations are theoretically places where they are free to continue their lifestyles. They are welcome to live wherever they want so long as they assimilate into their conquerors' society.

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Well, it all started with President Andrew Jackson. He was a democrat.


"...During the time of President Andrew Jackson and for a period of time afterward, the U.S. government decided that it was necessary to take land away from the Indians, to give it to white settlers who were moving west. The Indians were removed to distant reservations, often on land that was nowhere nearly as good as where they had been living. Needless to say, Jackson's ambitious goals were seen by the Indians as an injustice. But most Americans agreed with Jackson that America needed to expand and they saw westward exploration, and the creation of new states, as a benefit...."
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So, Steve said that the American Indians' plight was due to liberalism.


Heck whined bullshit and haha and ran away.


I posted this:


"Actually, Steve is CORRECT.

Want to know why ? No, you don't. But I'll happily tell you anyways. The reason liberals are responsible

for the plight of the American Indians is:

Because liberalism attempts, and succeeds with some groups, to create dependency on the government.

That is the only way a liberal/marxist/communist government can thrive and remain in power. Create dependency

on the government. That way you can control them, make them subservient to your wishes, and that's a fact, jack.

The indians ended up being forced by trick or physical force, to a gov reservation. They were totally dependent on the gov

for existence. Their way of life ended. "


Question for Heck:

Do you think it is wrong - the American Indians' plight has nothing to do with liberalism? Yes...or No ?


But I don't think during that time forcing Indians to live on reservations was a liberal ploy to keep them dependent on government..but rather a concerted effort to keep them out of sight and out of mind.


Indians are not forced to live on reservations...they are free to acclimate themselves in our diverse society, and most have.

Today there are 1.2 million that live in urban areas, and only 800,000 on reservations.


The underlying reason for liberals wanting people dependent on government is but one...votes, so I doubt they give a fuck about 2 million Indians. One million Indians do not vote, and registered Indians have the lowest voting turnout of any ethnic group.


Maybe the libs should ship a load of Obamaphones to the reservations.

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But I don't think during that time forcing Indians to live on reservations was a liberal ploy to keep them dependent on government..but rather a concerted effort to keep them out of sight and out of mind.


Indians are not forced to live on reservations...they are free to acclimate themselves in our diverse society, and most have.

Today there are 1.2 million that live in urban areas, and only 800,000 on reservations.


The underlying reason for liberals wanting people dependent on government is but one...votes, so I doubt they give a fuck about 2 million Indians. One million Indians do not vote, and registered Indians have the lowest voting turnout of any ethnic group.


Maybe the libs should ship a load of Obamaphones to the reservations.

Holy shit I partially agree with bunker. What's the world coming to?

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Not since we showed up.


Cysco must suffer from American guilt.

To make you feel better, the Etruscan tribes which dominated the area which is known today as Italy, were better off before the Romans vanquished them, and the Gauls were better off before the Germanic Tribes invaded that territory which eventually became France, and the Indians in Central America were better off before the Spainards destroyed them, and the Indians in Canada were better off before the French came....so you see Cysco, there may not even be a country in the world which it's original inhabitans were taken over by some fuckinbody, it was simply the way of the world back then... so just try and deal with it.

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Nah, I don't feel guilty at all. Swing and a miss. I wasn't there. I don't feel guilty about them, and I don't feel guilty about slavery, but thems the facts. We fucked up their lifestyle. End of story.


I feel a little guilty that I thought you were a little less of a douchebag earlier in this thread but as it turns out there was no need. So now I feel better knowing that you're still the same ol' scummy bunker.

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