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Irs Explodes Into A Huge Scandal Now


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As usual, Heck remains silent a while, while his "only a couple of rogue IRS employees in Cincinnatti..." thing
makes him look like an obedient democratic tool. At least he isn't here arguing over words' and phrases'
"particular meanings" ...
With Holder having lied to Congress about it...and all the many, many times the head of the IRS met
with Obamao at the WH?
Face it. Holder AND Obamao should resign, and take Biden with them.
For a start. They and their cronies have stunk up our gov profoundly. And I do mean "PROFOUNDLY".
Don't give the rest of us who care about our country the usual "well, Bush wasn't perfect".
This isn't a matter of perfect or political disagreement. This is corruption at the worst in American history.
Obamao and co. act like they have a mandate to become authoritarians, and they will do anything to keep that
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, May 31, 2013, 1:48 PM
The Obama IRS Scandal widens:
** Nearly 500 conservative groups targeted
** At least 5 pro-Israel groups targeted
** Constitutional groups targeted
** Groups that criticized Obama administration were targeted
** At least two pro-life groups targeted
** A Texas voting-rights group was targeted
** Conservative activists and businesses were targeted


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It was close to now, except the media was burned on the AP thing, and now they


are doing their job in exposing Benghazi more, and the IRS thing.


Saw on Fox News - a married couple who started "True the Vote" and "King Street Patriots"..


two non-profit orgs... well, they applied for official non-profit status in 2010. And then the trouble started.

Audited two years in a row. And visited repeatedly by the FBI and ATF. And, the EPA.

The fifth one giving them all sorts of irrelevant questions....was Homeland Security.


They still don't have their non-profit status, and haven't been told why.

And, the other guest was the attorney for 25 groups who have gone through the same biz.

And all of them are conservative groups, and/or Jewish support orgs.


Sounds like Obamao's kbg to me. Big, serious trouble in our country is here. And, maybe,

will get a lot worse before it is over.


And the #2 in Obamao's mafia, Holder, should resign. Oh, and the Cincy IRS "rogues" ???


No, they are testifying today. There are too many safeguards in place for "rogue" to happen, says

experts who have been there.


It came from Washington. And to think that the IRS in charge....visited the WH 157 times.... and Obamao

didn't know?


Meanwhile, on Benghazi.... Obamao declared the war on terror over. So, when Benghazi happened?

They tried to hide it, lie about blaming a protest about the video...


and did nothing to save the folks there. Witnesses gone. It's the Chicago mafia way, the Obamao-Holder-Clinton way.

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The group that confuses me is the Jewish targeting. Considering the huge blocks of democrat voters why would you target them. seems like putting a round off in your foot. It seems that you should play nice with the jewish comunity as much as possible if you were a Dem.

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Good point - I wondered about that. It seems that Obamao's favoritism for the Muslim faith...

he even said if push came to shove, he'd side with the Muslims...


it's a hostility toward Israel. Something wrong with them to make them take sides ...that side.


Of course, Obamao didn't say it quite like that... he said it like this:


"They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific assurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."


So, he is speaking about Arabs/Muslims... and is worried that they will not be liked and despised, so he would

side with them. He'll stand with them.


The problem here, is that he didn't say it about military veterans. Or Israeli's. Or Tea Partiers. Or Germans. Or Norwegians.

Or Chinese or Asians or Europeans or Africans or anybody else... except for the Arabs/Muslims/Pakistanis.


Why single them out to "stand with them", and not any other group? Because...he slips up and refers to his "Muslim faith"?

Or maybe, because he said the Muslim prayer was the most beautiful song.... or maybe that Obamao is close to

the Muslim Brotherhood? Or that he dissed Israel by insisting that they will revert to the 1967 borders?


Apparently, if a lot of folks turned on the Jews, and also turned on the Muslims....he would stand with the Muslims...

do I have that kinda valid?

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Al Franken is jewish so it must be Messianic jews that are being targeted ...


but watch these two Senators - Franken and Schumer face some rather simple questions,


and run away lol


too close to the truth eh fellas? something to hide?


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Devastating testimony on the hill. Too bad "haha heckbunker" won't admit it wasn't


just a couple of "rogue agents in Cincy".


Oops, heckbunker. That dem/lib cover didn't last long, did it?

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We'll see what the investigations come up with. Right now it doesn't look like a major scandal, but that's why you do the investigations.


They should find out who, if anyone, gave the instructions to target conservative groups. But we also know that the groups targeted weren't all conservative groups, and many were liberal, which suggests this may not have been a coordinated effort, and more like a improper way to search for 501© groups. But we'll see.

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I thought I heard it was only one liberal group. And one attorney alone is representing well over two dozen groups.


Numbers are being bandied about. Even an individual from Ill. He ran against Durbin there for a senate seat, back in 96.


And Ms. Lerner was giving him serious crap about allegations that eventually were proven in court to be completely untrue.


In meantime, all the media was asking him about being investigated by the IRS. Ms. Lerner, per this guy, Sivoti something?


told him she'd drop the entire investigation at one point, one on one...if he would drop out of politics forever. He asked her to


put that in writing, she declined. After he lost the election, and won in court....Ms. Lerner was....promoted in the IRS. Go figure.


Listening to the testimony before Congress now.... it's devastating. Others who were singled out... There are more and more groups


to be heard from. It doesn't seem to be possible that it wasn't political targeting, and "if" that is really true...it's destructive to what remains


of the Obamao regime. Some of them have received intimidating letters, and many inappropriate demands for subjective information,


as well as demands for lists of donors and volunteers...some of the letters came from Ms. Lerner herself. I'd call it dangerous, corrupt


and Un-American government behavior. It threatens the freedoms of all of us.

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The IRS has even apologized for targeting Tea Party groups. And one leader of a Tea Party group said the entire time, from 2010 til after


the election, they were so busy answering a bunch of questions.....that they couldn't function because some donors


were not donating because of the donor lists made public. And threats to file charges of perjury to anyone who answered incorrectly.


Like, "Will any of your volunteers or members ever run for elective office?" etc.


IRS apologizes for targeting tea party groups
bigstory.ap.org › United States government‎
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Internal Revenue Service apologized Friday for what it acknowledged was "inappropriate" targeting of conservative political groups ...
Democrats Offer No Witnesses at IRS Scandal Hearing …(No ...
5 hours ago – Nearly 500 conservative groups were targeted by the IRS during their application process for tax exempt status. No liberal groups were ...
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The other big revelation of the hearing was that it's not even clear if the majority of the groups targeted for special scrutiny and caught in the IRS's net were conservative ones.


Asked by one of the committee's Democrats if, in theory, liberal groups could have been in the majority, George asserted, "That is correct."


Of the 296 groups selected for special scrutiny, 72 had "Tea Party" in their title, 13 had "Patriot", and 11 had some variant of "9/12," he said. Many of the 200 other groups rolled up in the controversy were "agnostic" or not clearly conservative.


New York Democratic Rep. Jose Serrano said that at least 48 of the targeted groups were not conservative ones.

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Republicans will overplay their hand on this. They always do. Mark my word.


This is likely a small ball scandal that will involve IRS employees trying (improperly) to handle their caseload. Like with Benghazi, Republicans are so desperate to believe that this was ordered out of the political wing of the White House and involves top Obama officials that they'll go nuts trying to prove it, and will end up losing even more credibility with the public because of it.

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Compared to the democrats, it is impossible to overplay their hand more than dems always do.


"overplay" is just wishful thinking by Obamaolots.

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Certainly that's what Obama's supporters will claim from the very beginning.

Partly because most of them don't have to worry about the IRS anyway.

Second even if it is illegal, well, it hurts conservatives.

And the enemy of my enemy is my friend.


But inquuries will be made, heads will roll and the president will be shocked, shocked I say, to see if there is gambling going on in Rick's Cafe American.



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Steve, your record on predicting how these scandals will play out is a miserable one. You're second to only Cal in imagining things that aren't there. And you'll be wrong again. Because you're insinuating, with zero evidence, that this came from the White House. Just like you did with the Benghazi talking points. And you were wrong about that too. You're always wrong.


Republicans will overplay their hand. Because they want to believe exactly what you believe, so they'll try and try until they get there. Even if there's no evidence.


You guys are incredibly predictable.

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No, dipshit, you suggested with your Casablanca example that Obama obviously knew this was going on and approved of it, but will pretend he didn't. Unless you're missing the point of that scene in Casablanca, which is possible.


And the "most Obama supporters don't have to worry about the IRS anyway" ...Jesus Christ.


With your feet firmly planted in the fever swamp.

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haha even Brokaw said that it would be a lot bigger deal if the parties were reversed. Hardly a limbbaugh acolyte.

but yes I'd be damn surprised if nobody any higher up than a handful of Cincinnati flunkeys had the slightest clue.

as for proof? Well probably it won't go to the top.


pleading the fifth was a nice touch though.



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No, it was senior level WH advisors.


who, never tell the president anything. Of course.


Why, the IRS visited with Obamao 157 times. But never, ever talked to him except to


ask about what Obamao had for breakfast. Of course.



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Yeah, that 157 times thing isn't true. It's bullshit. You just get your news from propaganda outlets.


And there's no evidence that it involved "senior level WH advisors." None. That's bullshit, too.


If you find some evidence that this was ordered out of the White House, I'll be right with you demanding that they be run out of town and brought up on charges. But there's no indication that's the case, and they'd have to be criminally stupid to do something like that. I find it highly unlikely.


But this is how the right wing will overplay their hand. Because they imagine the reality in their heads is evidence of actual reality.

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Hahaha. That was classic. It's not bullshit! I've got links to back me up!


And then Breitbart.


Old man, you're just proving my point. You get news from the ill-informed and the propagandists, so you don't know why there's nothing to the "157 visits! story. And even if I tell you the truth you won't accept it. You'll still believe the bullshit. Because you want to.


And this is what is wrong with your Party. It's filled with people like you who get bad information from bad "news" sources and believe it because they want to.


You have no tether to reality, so no one takes you seriously.


Do you want me to try? It'll be fun. We all know what's going to happen. And I'm doing it with Steve in the other thread. You guys can't accept the reality you don't want to accept. You love your opinions and prejudices too much, even when they're not true.

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haha. Where are your links to back up your "bullshit" ???


Meanwhile, "overreaching" ???


Just getting started. Jay Leno got a giant round of applause:



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Schulman didn't visit the White House 157 times. He was cleared to visit the White House 157 times. How many times can they prove he actually attended these meetings?


11. 11 times.


Almost all of those visits were also in executive offices buildings, not the White House. And almost all had to do with the working group on health care reform.


There is no story there. None.


Do you accept this reality? Will you? Of course not.

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