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Richard Blum

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Woody if everything goes to plan for me I should be able to get a job that pays me well right out of college so the economy does not affect me as much, yet still I see a larger issue that requires in my opinion 100% of our attention. I just want to see most these social issues put on the back burner for a while so we can focus on maintaining a free and prosperous nation. Once that has been accomplished then I have no issue with congress debating social issues. Ya dig?

Bro, I'm gonna be getting an engineering degree from Michigan, I'm not worried about a job either. The economy as a whole affects you more directly than these social issues.


Solving the social issues is theoretically much easier as well.


Plus, again, why are we as a couple try only allowed to work on one thing at a time?

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The state of our economy obviously affects you. You are a citizen of thus country.

Gays being allowed to get married, removing some mention of religion in schools, or allowing women to choose to have an abortion probably don't affect you nearly as directly.

Actually woody, and I'm not just messing with you, there are a lot of laws that don't affect me personally.

The libertarian in me would like to see lots of them just disregarded and kicked to the curb.

We can take up different issues and different threads especially because this one has really lost its way but that's one of the best reasons to not oppose gay marriage.

Because it doesn't make any difference to me if they get married or not.

There are no ill effects on my life if they choose to do so.


Maybe some people Would say it should be banned because it offends them.

Of course I don't think that we have a right, or at least that we should have a right, to not be offended.


And the reason people keep bringing up Obama is because the empty suit opposed gay marriage when it was politically advantageous for him. That's all.


But again this was a thread about political cronyism.



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Bro, I'm gonna be getting an engineering degree from Michigan, I'm not worried about a job either. The economy as a whole affects you more directly than these social issues.


Solving the social issues is theoretically much easier as well.


Plus, again, why are we as a couple try only allowed to work on one thing at a time?

Of course it affects people like you and I more than social issues, but hopefully we won't be feeling the squeeze like so many people are. I see no progress being made on the economy and until I do I believe social issues don't need to be taking up congress' time.


Look at it this way:

You have two problems that need to be solved. One has to do with life or death of a large percentage of the population and the other has to do with giving a small percentage a title just so they can feel more official. Which requires your immediate and undivided attention? Life or death, economy, ensuring people have steady jobs so they can afford food and other things essential to life. It is not that you cannot work on both at once, you can, but I would personally rather see congress secure the nations future before they work on giving gays a title.


I would like to leave it at that because I feel this is just you and I butting heads on the issue. Let's agree to disagree?

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