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Richard Blum

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The US has entered into a contract with a real estate firm to sell 56
buildings that currently house U.S. Post Offices. The government has decided
it no longer needs these buildings, many of which are located on prime land
in towns and cities across the country.


The sale of these properties will fetch billions of dollars and a handsome
6% commission to the company handling the sales. That company belongs to a
man named Richard Blum. Who is Richard Blum you ask?

Why the husband of Senator Dianne Feinstein, that's who.


Senator Feinstein and her husband, Richard Blum, stand to make a fortune.
His firm, C.R. I., is the sole real estate company offering these properties
for sale. Of course, C.R.I. will be making a 6% commission on the sale of
each and every one of these postal properties.


All of these properties that are being sold are all fully paid for. They
were purchased with U.S. taxpayers dollars, and they are allowed free and
clear by the U.S.P.S. The only cost to keep them is the cost to actually
keep the doors open and the heat and lights on. The United States Postal
Service doesn't even have to pay property taxes on these subject properties!!



there you go, more of the same.... libs -repubs dont matter, we dont have any government for the people -by the people


we have self serving lifers like the witch fienstien and hubby to rake in more free cash!

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And that cash will help Feinstein and Obamao get more $$$$$$$$$ to


falsely manipulate enough people to try to win yet another election.



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Totally why he won


Is that what he said? There are many more factors that explain why this fraud was elected.


So enlighten us, by what merits did he deserve another term as president? Surely he didn't win another term based on his record.

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Oh shit I used the word feel



More free shit vs less free shit is a lame excuse. Seriously, look at the two candidates and their VPs each time.


McCain and Palin? Really?


And Romney wasn't much better.


The Reps aren't going to win putting up candidates like that and then going hard with conservative social issues while public opinion is moving to the left

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Public opinion sways like a pendulum, woody.


Like the folks in England want their guns back. Like Obamao's job approval rating has plummetted.


Like more states have ccw laws now than ever before.


You libs always claim that the "people" are on your side, but it's only wishful thinking


in the long run. Sounds like the communist regimes of China, etc.


The "people" say we can be or do anything we want"....


Obamao is a wannabe Mao.

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things change, yes.


But they also change back to the better. Society adjusts

it's mores. I remember it used to be, per some, especially one on this board,


"the death of the Republican party once and for all."

That was before Reagan. Then , incredibly, the same statement was made after Bill Clinton

won a second term. Then, there was two terms of President Bush. Now, there is two terms of the worst,

most bigoted, authoritarian marxist liberal pouty face in American history.


For instance - the show "Duck Dynasty" is a HUGE, HUGE hit, and that show's families embrace Christianity

and guns and hunting and fishing and love and family values in every episode. And it is fiercely popular with kids. Teens, younger kids.

Millions of folks across the age spectrum love the show. Because, imho, society doesn't want to give up the good, healthy

things about life.


The show is honest and ornery and very funny. My Wife's longest and best friend just retired from teaching...

and she said Duck Dynasty t-shirts are worn a a LOT of kids at different grades.


Empires fall, Woody. People rise up and say "enough is enough" all the time, eventually. One of our friends' kids

sat out with me one night last summer, and talked around the campfire about stuff til 2 in the morning. Interesting.

Some of his friends are very, very, very patriotic, and were going to join the Navy this year, after the summer

was over.


Back in the day, gays were ridiculed as a group, a lot of places. Society learned that that is wrong, and hurtful, despite

the angst about gays lifestyles whatever. but it is foolish to think that society will decide to destroy the institution of marriage

because "things change". Society, like people (well, except liberal people...@@) learn and grow. But learning and growing

is good - but adherence to "change" is nonsense. Humans and societies adapt, and change for the better. That's all.


Society never changes itself for the worst intentionally. And when the "worst" happens.. it changes back to a good direction.


Like the folks in England. They want they guns back, want to reverse the gun control garbage. It doesn't work. They want to change it back


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Oh shit I used the word feel



More free shit vs less free shit is a lame excuse. Seriously, look at the two candidates and their VPs each time.


McCain and Palin? Really?


And Romney wasn't much better.


The Reps aren't going to win putting up candidates like that and then going hard with conservative social issues while public opinion is moving to the left

you think Mitt Romney and John McCain were Tea Party candidates? do you think George W Bush was?Do you actually know anything? Do you realize that the only issue you seem to care about is gay marriage and the empty suit in chief opposed it?


but back to the subject this is just ordinary garden variety graft.


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you think Mitt Romney and John McCain were Tea Party candidates? do you think George W Bush was?Do you actually know anything? Do you realize that the only issue you seem to care about is gay marriage and the empty suit in chief opposed it?


but back to the subject this is just ordinary garden variety graft.


No I don't think they were. But I think they were bending to the will of a more conservative group then average, middle of the road american are comfortable with

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things change, yes.


But they also change back to the better. Society adjusts

it's mores. I remember it used to be, per some, especially one on this board,


"the death of the Republican party once and for all."

That was before Reagan. Then , incredibly, the same statement was made after Bill Clinton

won a second term. Then, there was two terms of President Bush. Now, there is two terms of the worst,

most bigoted, authoritarian marxist liberal pouty face in American history.


For instance - the show "Duck Dynasty" is a HUGE, HUGE hit, and that show's families embrace Christianity

and guns and hunting and fishing and love and family values in every episode. And it is fiercely popular with kids. Teens, younger kids.

Millions of folks across the age spectrum love the show. Because, imho, society doesn't want to give up the good, healthy

things about life.


The show is honest and ornery and very funny. My Wife's longest and best friend just retired from teaching...

and she said Duck Dynasty t-shirts are worn a a LOT of kids at different grades.


Empires fall, Woody. People rise up and say "enough is enough" all the time, eventually. One of our friends' kids

sat out with me one night last summer, and talked around the campfire about stuff til 2 in the morning. Interesting.

Some of his friends are very, very, very patriotic, and were going to join the Navy this year, after the summer

was over.


Back in the day, gays were ridiculed as a group, a lot of places. Society learned that that is wrong, and hurtful, despite

the angst about gays lifestyles whatever. but it is foolish to think that society will decide to destroy the institution of marriage

because "things change". Society, like people (well, except liberal people...@@) learn and grow. But learning and growing

is good - but adherence to "change" is nonsense. Humans and societies adapt, and change for the better. That's all.


Society never changes itself for the worst intentionally. And when the "worst" happens.. it changes back to a good direction.


Like the folks in England. They want they guns back, want to reverse the gun control garbage. It doesn't work. They want to change it back


1) you think Duck Dynasty is popular because of its conservative values?


2) being patriotic and serving your country doesn't only happen if you're a conservative. I don't expect the will to serve your country to go away. Then again there are a lot of other reasons to join the military; financial, bad grades, unsure what you want to do, etc


3) Do you really think national gay marriage isn't going to happen? It is. That's another example of social issues swaying liberal over time. Before interracial marriage was a liberal stance, now gay marriage, in a couple decades maybe something else that would sound ridiculous today. I'm sure if you just looked at the social state in like the 30s, things we consider middle of the road or even conservative now would be very liberal back then


4) So liberals don't learn or grow but CONSERVatives do? Liberals are the ones that don't adjust or change?

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1. Do you think it is popular despite everything good about Duck Dynasty, then"?


2. Yes. But the kids I was referring to, were joining because they were patriotic. I said they

were very, very, very patriotic. That's three "verys" Woody. You will know when you are no longer

a liberal weinie when you FREAKIN STOP going the straw man route to try to make a point. Your #2 is based

on what doesn't exist.


3. I don't think so. Eventually, the tide will turn on that, were it to go national. Technically, it might if

4 or 5 Supreme Court justices somehow die (see Holder and Obamao maybe), and Obamao replaced

them before he left office.....


4. Some liberals grow and adjust. They become Americans first, and often become a lot, or at least somewhat conservative.

IOW's, there is no op to grow, if emotionally verbally acting out on cue is the rule. Which it is.

Liberals are locked into emotionally seeing issues. So, growing in understanding via knowledge and personal experiences

doesn't happen. That is why there are MANY really stupid prominent liberal quotes in that thread.

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I dont know if any one else is SICK and TIRED of these freakin social issues!!


for crying out loud... we (conservatives) have had ENOUGH of this BS, like gay marriage!


there are still people who are looking for jobs, dont have any money in the stock market,


looking at SS benefits being given freely to special interest, illegal immigrants , favor to the few.


And we have a corrupt legislative body operating in Washington DC for thier personal benefit?


And meanwhile... we have to pander to the poor gays? comeon......

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this is really about taking our eye off the ball.


Woody- its true, it doesnt affect me personally, and I wont pretend to think that any opposition to the gay agenda is helpful.


but by its design in the public discussion, it held alot of people "captive" unwittingly while these other really important issues still exist!


and it was all about the regimes campaign strategy...


point taken about prolife - although the unborn will never get as much attention and scope that the gays now enjoy....


and I am tempted to say, "well if Bush used prolife in his campaign..." it wouldnt matter anyway!


Im frustrated about "shipwrecked" lives of the recent recession - like yesterdays news....


forgotten by most but still affecting many.

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Seriously, Hooker nailed it. It's not that I hate gays.. I have a couple gay friends who I love like brothers. But can we get our freaking priorities straight? I am a student and aspire to become an engineer. The job market for computer engineers is pretty solid, yet my #1 concern is the economy. Note: it does not affect me as much yet I still give a damn. So there goes your horrible argument about "it doesn't affect me so we shouldn't worry about it."

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What has Obama done that has helped homosexuals? I can't think of a damn thing. Instead that phoney said "I believe this" and gays jumped up and most voted for him. Meanwhile he and most of congress is crippling our economy and shackling us with regulation; all the meanwhile turning this country into a police state. It won't matter who is married to who if no one can make a decent living for themselves or if God forbid we ever become an enslaved society (and don't you fucking tell me "that won't happen")


As I said, it's all about priorities. Ours are completely backwards

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I dont know if any one else is SICK and TIRED of these freakin social issues!!


for crying out loud... we (conservatives) have had ENOUGH of this BS, like gay marriage!



there are still people who are looking for jobs, dont have any money in the stock market,


looking at SS benefits being given freely to special interest, illegal immigrants , favor to the few.


And we have a corrupt legislative body operating in Washington DC for thier personal benefit?


And meanwhile... we have to pander to the poor gays? comeon......


Hell yeah, can I get an amen!

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Seriously, Hooker nailed it. It's not that I hate gays.. I have a couple gay friends who I love like brothers. But can we get our freaking priorities straight? I am a student and aspire to become an engineer. The job market for computer engineers is pretty solid, yet my #1 concern is the economy. Note: it does not affect me as much yet I still give a damn. So there goes your horrible argument about "it doesn't affect me so we shouldn't worry about it."

The state of our economy obviously affects you. You are a citizen of thus country.


Gays being allowed to get married, removing some mention of religion in schools, or allowing women to choose to have an abortion probably don't affect you nearly as directly.

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The state of our economy obviously affects you. You are a citizen of thus country.


Gays being allowed to get married, removing some mention of religion in schools, or allowing women to choose to have an abortion probably don't affect you nearly as directly.

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Woody if everything goes to plan for me I should be able to get a job that pays me well right out of college so the economy does not affect me as much, yet still I see a larger issue that requires in my opinion 100% of our attention. I just want to see most these social issues put on the back burner for a while so we can focus on maintaining a free and prosperous nation. Once that has been accomplished then I have no issue with congress debating social issues. Ya dig?

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