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Sars Threatens Entire World

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The first death in France from a new SARS-like coronavirus brings the worldwide total for the disease to 27 deaths and 49 infections, CNN reports.

The 65-year-old Frenchman was diagnosed after returning from a stay in Dubai.

According to CNN, the World Health Organization has said the disease was first seen in Saudi Arabia last year. The virus is "a threat to the entire world," Dr. Margaret Chan, WHO's general director, told the network.

The Centers for Disease Control explains that coronaviruses can affect people or animals and, in worst-case scenarios, cause SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome). And it notes there's currently no vaccine to protect against human coronavirus infection.

The disease acts like a cold and causes upper respiratory system problems. Symptoms include fever and cough and can lead to kidney failure and pneumonia.

The WHO has not learned how the new virus spreads, making it difficult to prevent infections. The organization has named it, though: Middle East respiratory symptom coronavirus, or MERS-CoV, according to CNN.

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I believe that these things are created in secret chinese labs and wouldn't be surprised if they are


released designed to do limited damage.


Dangerous game. The Soviets ran secret labs on bioweapons the whole time after


signing a treaty with the U.S. to mutually NOT design bioweapons.

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There is a difference between research to COMBAT bioterror...


and research to CREATE bioterror.


Read the formerly #1 NY Times bestseller non fiction....


"Biological Weapons and America's Secret War GERMS",


by Judith Miller, Stephen Engelberg, and William Broad. It's very excellent.

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You can't have an intelligent conversation with somebody who thinks dumbhead is a withering insult. I don't need to read your handpicked book to tell you the US government and private labs all over the country have not given up on creating weaponized germs. If you think they have you are very naive. I've got a bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested in.

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Cal, books are lame Woody


Egad. You can NOT be in college. We have four bookcases on the back wall behind this computer.

My one book hobby is collecting old Hardy Boys series, and buying really excellent to me cookbooks at garage sales.

And poltical books. Buying interesting books for a quarter that cost 25 or more at a bookstore seems like fun.


And, Woody, I am going to put you in the next post on the stupid things liberal say thread, even though

you are not even prominent on this board. Congrats !!!!!!!!!

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