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Obama Hosts Illegal Aliens In Oval Office-After Refusing Meeting With Immigration Agents

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Obama’s White House door is always open to illegal aliens.
American schoolchildren and ICE agents? Not so much.


Barack Obama continues to show his utter contempt for the rule of law, law enforcement officials, and American citizens.

Obama and his V.P. Joe Biden on Tuesday met with three illegal aliens in the Oval Office who have been granted his controversial “deferred action legal status” – which is being challenged in court by ICE agents.

Remember that back in March, using the phony “sequestration” excuse, Obama canceled all White House tours for American schoolchildren and others, generating widespread outrage. Apparently the only young people welcome in the White House are those who came here illegally.

Meanwhile, Obama still refuses to meet with any border security enforcement officers about any aspect of so-called ”immigration reform”.

All three of these illegal aliens apparently received “deferred action” legal status. Obama, in July 2012, said people younger than 30 brought to the U.S. before they turned 16 could apply for “deferred action”. They will be granted work permits and Social Security numbers. As SWA detailed at the time, Obama’s amnesty order is ripe for abuse, as it has almost no safeguards against fraud.

“From Justino Mora, Angie Kim and Mehdi Mahraoui, to Diana Colin and Kevin Lee,” a White House blog entry reads, “all of the stories they shared were full of hope and optimism that one day their family members and their broader communities could realize the dream of becoming citizens of a country that has provided them with the opportunity to work hard and to succeed.”

Virtually every illegal alien who has applied for deferred action, 99 percent, has been granted legal status.

The union of law enforcement officers charged with protecting our nation’s borders, the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council, has been highly critical of the program because it makes their jobs almost impossible to perform. But Obama has refused to meet with them on that issue, or the immigration bill currently in the Senate.

This, despite his multiple meetings with the National Council of La Raza (“The Race”) and other radical groups, to shape the ‘Gang of 8′ bill.

On Thursday, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., co-signed a letter to Obama asking him to meet with the ICE officers.

ICE union president Chris Crane and his 7,200 immigration agents are suing Obama and Napolitano to end this DACA travesty, and they are having unexpected success towards that aim.

“To be effective any immigration reform bill must heed the warnings from our federal immigration agents,” the letter reads. “Unfortunately, far from being included in the process, ICE officers have been shut out and have even had their day-to-day operations handcuffed by DHS officials to the point of being unable to carry out their sworn duties. These brave whistleblowers have been left with no other option but to file a lawsuit in federal court to fight the abuse of power from DHS leadership.”

Crane’s lawsuit, Crane v. Napolitano, received a big boost two weeks ago when Federal Judge Judge Reed O’Connor told DHS that they had no power to refuse to deport illegal aliens, and that he was likely to strike down Obama’s virtual “DACA” amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. The judge is expected to give his final ruling in the next week or two, which the Obama Administration will no doubt appeal.

We stand with Crane and his agents and their lawsuit, and salute Sen. Sessions and Chairman Goodlatte for standing with law enforcement and against illegal immigration.


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Those illegals are an integral part of his leftist, marxist voting block.


They are more important than those agents who would deny Obamao the future

dependent voters.

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